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my 50 cents

did anyone see the quote from scholarly rap star, 50 cent, that promoted his game as ok for kids? in case you missed it, i'll quote it from the feb 2006 issue of play magazine. "50 cent who told Reuters that his game is OK for kids, and could be used to teach them life lessons. 'just because it is rated mature doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it for your kids,' .... 'play the game and explain to them what they are playing.' ...Er, so that would be a gun and that would be the dead guy you shot with it. any questions?" well, mr 50 cent let's take a look at some shots from your game and see what we could tell kids they are playing:

50 cent and his buddies are just asking for some lunch money.

50 cent decided to cure that guys painful headache. what a pal.

50 cent joined the local gun club so he wouldn't get caught up in a gang.

if you want the entire Reuters article, go here -->

super weekend of work

man, while some people are at home enjoying their weekend. i am at work. i'm pretty happy to have the hotspot podcast to listen to while i'm working. for anyone who might wonder, "why is that poor sucka at work," here is my reply, "the man has demanded that i create a promotion for jade jewery." sounds exciting? no? i agree. what is so freakin' great about jade jewelry? so, my job is to make it interesting. here is my style frame for the first sequence i will animate in after effects.

indestructible ipod

well, it may not be indestructible, but it is very scratch resistant now. i bought a nano about 3 weeks ago, and feared getting scratches on it. one reason i didn't buy the black nano was because it really shows off the scratches. but now, thanks to some company out there selling this great protective film, my nano is about 97% covered and protected. if you want to know the company's name, send me a message. i don't want this to become a huge promo for that comapny. it just might break some of the gamespot rules. my point here is to share with the gamespot community that if you want protection for your ipod, it is out there. and it works. i can take my key and scratch it across the ipod surface, and the ipod is left untouched. i have some pics to share. props go out to da man [aka ian] for taking these awesome close-up pics with a mega million dollar camera.

here is the first pic. just a simple straight on view of the nano with the protective film on it. notice that you can't see it, except for the outline of its edge along the top of the click wheel [note: you can also get one that covers the entire face, but i really like being able to feel the wheel]

next, is the pic that shows that there is a bumpy texture on the film that shows up at certain angles, but believe me, it is no distraction, especially when the screen is lit up.

last is the pic to show that the film wraps around the sides and leaves just a little bit of the corners exposed.

so, for anyone who would like to keep their ipod looking good and give it some protection, i'd suggest picking up something like this. also note that the film doesn't hinder the ipod use and functionality with other accessories. peace out.

what am i doing right now?

other than sitting at my computer, i'm trying to complete a DOA3 banner for gamespot. it's still in the early stages, but once i paint it out in photoshop, i'll take it into after effects. and if i can't get it done in time because of work and life in general, i'll still do finish it. maybe someone will see it and want to use it because it will be so great. here's a sample (remember... early work)

a brave new world

i need to get this started. i have so much info, pics and other things of interest to share with the community. i'm pretty new to getting all of this stuff up. it will probably be a rough start, but i'll get there.
a little about me- i'm a designer/animator currently working right outside of nashville, tn. i graduated from mtsu and some might consider me to be an old man. how old am i? old enough to have played pong when it came out. old enough to have used a commodore 64 when it came out. so, i'm a seasoned gamer. i've seen it all.
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