I was thining of holding it on until Diamond comes out. When I beat the game then I would like to trade in the Ds and all my games. I already have the wii but i'm always on the road so I kinda need a hand held system. I have Yoshi Island and the good games for Ds and I really don't enjoy them that much. The upcoming games for Ds that i want is Diamond and Phantom hour glass and for the PSP as you said Metal Gear, Great sport games, and good shooting games. I'm still not sure though. And thanks for helping me with my desicionÂ
I have a DS Lite and about 8 games. I enjoyed them before but now there all boring. The Ds doesn't have that much to offer. My Question is should I trade my DS and games for a PSP. I know I spent all this money on DS items but I don't like it. Help me!
this is a hard one. Drew didn't do much in his career and finished it really bad but before he was really good. but i think he shouldn't just not good enough
I'd probably say Super Smash Bros Brawl. I can't wait until this game come out. I also would like to see the Pokemon game( images and videos) so i can kinda see what its about
on my must have game list Batalion wars 2 is #2 and it is going to be a great game. I have the first one and loved it and with the wii controls it will be amazing. But i think Brawl is going to be better
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