That would be fantastic because I hate consoles.
I reserve my spite for the Playstation 3 due to its TRYING to be an open platform but I could see it die and laugh as it lights ablaze.
I want the 360 to die a horrible, horrible death because it's a Microsoft product and I want to see Microsoft fade into Oblivion, taking its overpriced components, operating systems (with severe compatibility/stability/security/performance issues), and closed online system that requires you to play an exhorbitant fee for something that literally requires zero infrastructure and maintenence cost.
I don't care about the Wii.
But I want the PC to dominate to the extent that Linux becomes a viable gaming platform so that I can see it take over the world and cause clusters of stability, high performance, low maintenence to sprout, slowly expanding and taking over the industry. The world would be so much better its scarcely funny.
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