I remember him on gamespot years back. Read the story half a dozen times and looked at his picture for many minutes and still find it hard to believe. RIP Ryan.
In my oppionion, Criterion makes the best arcade racing games. So it was a nice suprise they are making another Most Wanted. Though it will be interesting on how they will develop this game. I recall playing the the game back in 2005 and it had a classic feel from the get go! Enjoyed the gameplay and the overall look of the game.
I agree! In the end with all the map packs, it's like buying the game for the second time!! The crazy thing is what you pointed out, so many people have done it! If anything, COD should go down in history on how they can sell a game twice.
There are many games I buy new if I feel it's a game I will love and know I will spend a lot of time. The only time I buy used are the games I am taking a gamble in if I will like it. For the most part my used games dont get played very much. If it's a game I have been waiting months or even years, I love opening it up and smelling that 'new' scent with the booklet and everything looking mint. It's also nice to know that I chipped in for the development costs for future games! The used games are the games I pretty much dont care but yet feel like exploring, it's like in my younger years when I use to rent games on the NES and SNES. I never liked the idea on digital downloads!! in my oppionion, if I don't see it on my shelf in a jewl case with cover art...feels as if I don't own it. I have many games on the PS3, 360 and even WII that are downloaded. For whatever reason....the games feel distant to me. Almost as if it has a expiration date or something.
The moment I fire up my PS3 or 360, the 'real' world shuts off. I don't take my driving habits from racing games to the 'real' world. I don't discuss my sports wins/losses in games to my co-workers like the the 'real' season. Above all, I never felt when I hit the trigger button in a FPS felt like a 'real' fire arm. To me, video games is a escape of reality for a moment. I actually become more depress or sad when I watch the news on TV when they give a recape of all the bad and real moments that are happening. After reading this article, I agree with the auther that real war is a horrible thing. But it's only horrific, when it actually happens. Now it's some time to kill some zombies!
Now the pressure is up to Sony to make their own quality software to get people focus on the PS3. Which they can do about 20% of the time. 3rd party developers don't seem to want to lose mony and I can't blame them. Yeah, I heard it cost a lot to make Blu-ray. Also Sony needs a price drop for the Holiday season. Majority of the consumers still have the current generation and waiting. Any hard core gamer probably will buy both systems just to get the best of both worlds. That's something I will do next tax return. I will get the Xbox 360. Since both systems are great in different ways.
....Now for the people who may be reading this forum. I personally love the PS3. Have converted many of my songs and using my PS3 for music as I type. Don't expect much out of the web browser cuz it kinda sucks... But the music and picture storage is great! Of course this comes down to taste.....but I transfered my digital pictures via USB port to the PS3 and was great! Imagine people in a living room checking out things without passing stuff around??? Music is okay but I wish the hard drive was more than 60gb. It's all compressed, but I have about 200 songs stored into it. Very sweet to have my sound system tuned into this. The PS3 is my first experiance to have a 'computer' feel for my living room. Looks sweet and plays sweet! I have three games to focus on this time. My best investment since my Bose speakers which cost me big time. In fact, every componet for my living room is 'high class', very proud of it. My PC is low class...but I make up for that in my taste. The car I drive is a piece of ****. Enough of my rambling, the PS3 made a 'great' home for what I take pride in! :)
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