......yet plunging into the future of games and general entertaiment. I have no choice to say the PS3 is built for HD TV. Xbox 360 will not come out with the 'upraded 720' in three years. The hardware has been set for both systems. In fact, I encourage you people to buy the Xbox 360. This will keep the PS3 come down in price due to tight competion. Go ahead and and buy whatever you want. If it wasn't for the Xbox 360 fans, the hardware of the PS3 would be $1000. I want to thank everyone who is balancing this thing out. In my 'selfish' way of thinking....I want many people to buy the 360. Make it a good fight. And I THANK YOU. :) It will benifite us as consumers. Love the Xbox 360! Place pressure for Sony to lower the price. I have not supported the Xbox, but for the people who are willing to buy the unit.....GO FOR IT! It is YOU that I want to thank for keeping the PS3 at the low price of $600. This system would be so much more expensive without your support.
Well, what can I say without repeating myself? First I want to thank for some of the posts who have given thought. I am almost hooked on on this forum due to your opinions! :) getsetgo, reeco411 and slicksteve22. I have been following all of your debates and want to thank you for making this a very interesting debate. Making it worthwhile to come back to this forum. Either I agree or disagree, must say this is the reason why I keep tabs and check this forum out often. Letting go of your oppionions and focusing on mine, this 'war' between the 360 vs PS3 is the tightest in console history. Heck, I recall my first console being the Atari 2600 and upgrading from there..... Probably the first mistake of forcasting was the N64 vs Playstation. I went for the N64 for the graphics and some of the few great launch games. What limited the N64 at the time was storage. This is when the first Playstation became noticed. Even though it had 32 bit graphics. The next generation console choice was the PS2, Xbox or Nintendo again. I picked the PS2 early not for the graphics, but for the games. Using history, sometimes it doesn't take great graphics to sell a console. Comes down to great games and support from 3rd party devolepers! Needless to say I have checked out the specs for this current generation. Will I invest $600 for just hardware alone? NO! Buying the software has a new standard. I check out and hope the games I buy will have high supported HD video output. Oblivion is a great game. Running at 480p, 720p for maxium visual and sound. This is a deep game with awesome visuals for a standered DVD. What happens if a developer decides to push it to 1080 in full HD along with the depth??? Of course it will require some serious power and massive storage for this sort of epic adventure in the near future. Taking a game to the limit of what technology has to offer. Fact is this....Can Microsoft do this with the current hardware they are selling at this time??? What are the limits of the standered DVD vs Blu-ray? Almost a 'stupid' question. The big question is the raw power to perform 1080 HD graphics into a epic adventure. The 360 has the upgrade to change disc format....but can you upgrade the power? No, not from what I know. It's like a PC, get a great computer now or wait for a year to get a 'better' one. Don't get me wrong, the 720p games have stunning visuals at this time. Comparing it to what we know of now....not in the future.
In the past, a console was to only play games. I had my PS3 for one week now and LOVE it! Transfered my music from my iPod so I can listen to it with my living room speakers. The curve design makes it very stylish to look at as a center piece next to my HD TV. However, I will admit surfing the web sucks using the PS3. Using the hard drive is pretty neat if you own a digital camera viewing it on a TV for a 'virtual' photo album for everyone to see in the room instead of passing something around. Yeah, I know what you are may be thinking...pretty expensive for how the unit looks, playing music and sharing pictures with a group of people. Yet, I find it as a great bonus. Something I may use that others may not. Now comes the gaming. The controller of the Playstation is something I feel very comfortable with. Personally I like how it is designed and know where all the buttons are without thinking. Of course that is due to the PS2. Will I diss the 360 now? No. It's a great unit and I have a close friend who is very happy with it. We are focus on different aspects. He has his computer which is very proud of. If he wants to listen to music or store anything, it's on his computer. Xbox 360 is for gaming. Me??? I am proud of my new HD TV with Bose surround sound. Computer is okay, but I love that theater look and sound in my living room. I want that 1080 HDMI support. That is my focus, this is what I want. In fact, my computer is kinda cheap and limited. My home theature unit is vast. Is he wrong for his taste? NO. Am I wrong for my taste? NO. We have different interest. He wrote a post about the 360 using my screen name in this forum. It was actually kinda cool...but confusing if you have read some of my last posts. He did mention it was a different side and it was my screen name....but I kinda felt uncomfortable with it. So I deleted it last night off the forum. These two great units comes down to taste. Sure I can ramble on about my hardware around the PS3, keep in mind that may be important. Like with audio, High resolution or sound quality will eat up alot of storage. What happens when that first game comes out in 1080 with full depth and sound? This is something a developer can't do with the standered DVD ROM. My music on my iPod is downloaded in SHN formate converted to WAV. My bootleg concerts must have the highest end of quality. Needless to say 30 gigs can't hold many full concerts. Sure in MP3 or something......but you lose quality. Now going back to the gaming world. This has never happened YET. A game with great detail, AI and depth using the standered DVD would be impossible. I think some of the high end 360 games are running at 720 at the moment. Sport games are running at the full 1080 HD...but not the long epic games. Audio takes up a lot of storage if not compress alone! What happens if the graphics and physics go beyond the 720 mark? How much storage is needed??? Do I care owning a PS3 with the Blu-ray with this burning question? NO. Blu-ray has five times the storage than the standered DVD used today. Of course making a game of this high level will take time. In no way it will be a quick fix. Most likely, the devolopers are keeping it a tight secret. Some of the 'best' projects comes out of nowhere. In a few years of the 360 and PS3...some game or games will come out with an epic adventure in full HD. Leaving the consumer to either spend a extra $200 for an hardware upgrade....or just go for what the PS3 has. In history, technology has NEVER gone down. It only builds and grows. It's how they get money out of your pocket. Like with computers, once you buy one that is the top of the line.....It is out dated in six months or so. Good luck for a year or two. The PS3 in my strong opionion is focused on the near future. When the next generation titles have taken place to the current......the PS3 will have the storage to meet the demand. From the stats I look at, the 360 sold almost 11 million consoles in two years. The PS3 sold almost 3 million in five months. HD TV's are going down in cost. Majority of gamers have not purchased the next generation console yet. Typically taking about three years for the 'next gen' to hit main stream. Developers will switch platforms for marketing reasons, yet tend to focus on whatever console is hot.
This is for getsetgo: You seem to be open for an debate. This is what I like and was hoping for with anyone posting comments. Don't take anything personally, this is only our opinions and gamespot gave us this forum to discuss respectfully. It's all cool! :) Again, I find your posts interesting the past few weeks. In a good way, not to flame you or the Xbox 360. A good clean debate. Here are my opinions: Graphic wise, it is way too early to judge graphics and depth of a game for both consoles. Going back to the PS2 , I really don't have much to say for the launch titles or anything I still play today with that console. Guess it was exciting due to the new technology. FFX was pretty big after a year or two after launch. GTA III was a major hit after one or two years after launch. Personally, my first game was Madden when the PS2 came out. Everything was 'working' titles. When did the PS3 come out in the US? Sometime in November of '06. We can almost celebrate the fourth month anniversary now entering April. Maybe I am aiming too high and was October. Maybe this is the FIVE month period. Sometimes it is good to take a sigh and wait for at least half a year after launch. Just to gather in this is indeed a very new system. As a consumer, I would love taking everything to the limit right now....but developers are not on the same page as us. Lets face it, we are very demanding and they must live up to our standards. But for a moment, lets step away from this 'fantasy' of ours. For us, we may have to wait for that high quality game. Yeah, that mind blowing game that we have never witness before. To produce a game of this level, it is wise to pay close attention to detail and physics among with depth. Many of these games will take a few years to complete. Yes, I understand the fact 'it sucks to wait', I am one of them. I want the future NOW! We know the past, the present is not so exciting.....so we are eager for the future NOW. I do respect the marketing stradegy of the 360. Almost bought one myself. I was drawn in on the eye candy of this time. It sucked playing a PS2 game knowing there is another system out there more powerful! I will admit, it cross my mind many times. Screen shots of this next generation game of last year was very mind blowing from the 360. It almost made me go out and buy the 360. ....Almost. But I went further than eye candy and launch titles. When I invest in the next generation console, I want to make sure my money is well worth it. I am like anyone else, can't stand second guessing myself! Never for one moment when I had my PS2 second guess myself. In fact, the only time I second guess myself was when I bought the N64 being a very loyal Nintendo fan. The origanal playstation had no chance when it came down to graphics. But Sony had the depth with the 32 bit system. Has it only been four months for the PS3? Well, guess that explains the ports!! Almost seems as if the system been out longer. Don't forget that the 360 has an 'optional' hardware expansion pack. The two will soon be side by side for price tags. Love it or hate it, technoloy will only keep growing. In my strong opionion, the current Xbox 360 with the price tag of this time will NOT hold up in three years. The time when games mature for a platfrom. It's like if your own a Xbox 360...your system will exprire. That kinda sucks....
Wow, in many ways this forum is very interesting. Been following and went away for a couple of weeks. Some people like getsetgo and slicksteve22 had some interesting posts. Personally I like what Slicksteve22 had to say. Very much agree with him. Now with my opinion: Look at the hardware specs before buying. It's a very powerful system! It's like a car. If you don't like a Lexus because of the price tag...then don't buy it!! I will admit, I like the battle that the PS3 and 360 has. It keeps the price tag for us consumers low. Both systems are great. Without this battle, the PS3 may have a price tag of about $1000. Without saying too much about myself, I am a department supervisor who manufactures printed circuit boards. The cost of these boards are going down, the raw material price is going up. Our customer is not Sony or anything about consoles. The marketing stradegy of both companies are very different. PS3 gives you a up front price tag. Xbox 360 has a upgrade option. This is like a battle of marketing strategy. Both companies in my opinion are very sharp. Yet, it comes down to games. Which company has the exclusive titles. Which makes it very interesting that us as consumers will be the judge. Some may want a quick fix of launch titles. Others just want developers to take their time to create a high quality game. Keep in mind that this may take years to get the physics and details down. Games have so much more depth now.........
I am very dry with my comments with the PS3. I have wrote some lengthy posts and I even bore myself reading them again. I find myself reading half way through and just say F*** with it. Have you ever done that? Wrote something finding yourself the next day rolling your eyes on your post?? Seem cool at the time...but after a night sleep, it sucks! There is no logic why I believe the PS3 is the system I will focus on. It's all oppions. In my last post, I threw back some of my oppionions on recent posts. It's almost stupid.
Okay getsego, you have my attention. "zype 2 u r so very and utterly wrong again. The future of TV is 3D. Phillips already has a prototype out and Toshiba is working on 1 as well. According to the experts ( which im not) they r predicted to hit the shops in the next 5 to 10 years. As far as Blu Ray is concerned only Sony seems to show any interest in it (aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh). So it seems to me that both 360 and PS3 have a quite limited future in the present format. In the meantime i still maintain the 360 is the best console to play games and the PS3 offers the best mutimedia operation system. But for mutimedia i use my great PC and my other stuff." Interesting point with this new technology you stated. Released in five to ten years. If this 'new' technology becomes the standard in homes, maybe 15 to 20 years. Yeah, the PS3 and Xbox 360 will be out of date in that generation. Can we focus on games for the next few years??? It's one thing to focus on launch titles....it's another to focus on a decade or so. I really don't have much else to say about your oppionion. Yeah, I may be wrong 'again'. Lets hope the PS5 will keep up with the times. Now to daveb1978: "Will only reply to someone with a 'good' comment. I will ignore mindless insults or opionions. Yeah, the PS3 rules and is ahead of the Xbox 360..." Ha.. Theres a contradiction! " Not really dude. Mindless insults or opionions is my way of saying throwing an insult or oppionion without much thought. Trash talking. Nothing to back yourself up sort of way. Yeah, I like the PS3...but I have stated my opionion why. Isn't this what this forum is about, oppionions???
Now is the time for a great debate for any 360 fanboys or anyone who wants to support Microsoft. Remember you have entered a PS3 forum. And I am very confident with the PS3. Lets keep it clean and within the rules of a debate and opionions. Will only reply to someone with a 'good' comment. I will ignore mindless insults or opionions. Yeah, the PS3 rules and is ahead of the Xbox 360. I am very busy during the weekdays so it may be a Friday or Saturday for me to reply.
zype2's comments