I hate the back swing. It's too fast. All you end up doing is learning to flick the stick forward fast enough. I would have liked it to be adjustable. I hit putts too hard all of the time. Not sure if I'm the only one, but I am not having any fun playing it. It all boils down to a quicker flick of the stick, that's it. No matter what shot or club you are hitting.
I'm not saying it was this. But if it was something sexually motivated with anyone and Twitch doesn't warn us all. They have to take some responsibility in it. They could be allowing it to happen again and again. This is stupid that they aren't saying anything. It makes a small part of me wonder if it's Trump or Covid related. They can't alienate everyone. They have to be careful. They're too afraid to take a stand, either way.
@clockworkengine: That's what I was thinking. The secrecy doesn't go with what's going on now. You can have everything out in the public regarding someone accusing someone. Now all of the sudden everyone's quiet on all fronts.
I figured with how awesome the Game Pass has been, they could get away with $600. You wouldn't have to buy a game at launch. And with the lower end model and maybe even a digital only system. They'd make their money on those systems, while offering a higher priced one for the people who can't afford or don't want to spend that kind of money on a powerful PC.
If they launch it earlier, they could get away with a higher price. $499-$599. If they launch it at the same time. $399 would make damn near impossible to resist.
zyxahn's comments