5)-Wizardry 8-PC- Not to far back I know but awsome game. Old school big box too 4)-Record of Lodoss War-DC- Good diabloesque game, old anime cut scenes, customize weapons. I just feel really cool with it. 3)-SVC Chaos-NeoGeo-Yeah I could have got it on the x-box and not spent so much but how cool would that have been...not very. 2)-Panzer Dragoon Saga-DC- I remember walking into EB and seeing this game on the shelf, 2 of 'em I think. Still nothing like it ever since. Great game. You know I feel cool having it. 1)-Y's Book 1&2-TurboCD-I am all that is man with this one because as anyone can tell you that got it when it came out, you STILL think about it that first time you started the game. Even now one of the best ever opening cinematics in gaming. Kind of weird running into the enemies to fight them but that didn't stop the awsomeness of this title. Man that was tough to do.
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