@jadavix: Hello,
I tried following the game and followed @PredatorRules' directions on unfollowing and it worked fine for me. However, when I tried following on all of the consoles then tried to unfollow, it started seemingly randomly giving me the same error you got (the red banner at the top saying "You're already following this game"). I refreshed the page and use the unfollow procedure again only slowly and let the "follow" tool refresh itself, or refreshed the page in between unfollows and it appears to have worked.
You should be able to verify if it has worked by going to your profile, clicking on the number under the "Following" information at the top right of your profile page, then filtering it to display "objects" and see if Destiny is there or not. I tested this out, too, and it appears to work. You may have followed it in different consoles and then hastily tried unfollowing and it glitched.
If you try this and give it a little time to update between "unfollow" functions, and it still doesn't work, my suggestion is to report this as a bug in the Bug Reporting & Feedback forum.
Let us know if this works!
GameSpot Moderation Team
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