Great game, fun for parties or single player.

User Rating: 10 | Taiko Drum Master (w/Taiko Controller) PS2
Though I am reviewing the US version of Taiko no Tatsujin, it still has some merits... the gameplay remains untouched and managed to get some good music. Unfortunately some songs like Toxic by Britney Spears and Tubthumping made it it into the game but at least America got a taste of what Japan has an entire series of. On the plus side, the gameplay is just as responsive, and remains equally as playable as Taiko no Tatsujin(JP). The Japanese series has much more to offer, there are 7 full PS2 releases, as well as 2 Anime Special editions. The difficulty in THESE games goes sky-high in comparison to the US counterpart, though it still has a few high difficulty Oni level songs. Ridge Racer Theme and Brave Sword, Braver Soul rank in at the higher end of the difficulty in Taiko Drum Master(US). Overall a fun game with the official controller, definitely enjoyed at parties, and can be quite rewarding as a single player game.