This action-adventure title for the PS2, known as Ryu ga Gotoku in Japan, features a storyline by award-winning novelist Hase Seishu about brutal Japanese criminals.
This new game from Naughty Dog features jungle adventures in a Pitfall-esque setting.
Yakuza 2 plunges you into the violent Japanese underworld in this free-roaming adventure game.
Yakuza 4 returns for another round of open world adventure, this time with four main characters.
Square Enix is resurrecting the game formerly known as True Crime: Hong Kong from United Front Games.
Tomb Raider: Legend follows the action-packed adventures of Lara Croft.
Hitman Absolution is the 5th installment in the Hitman series where players follow Agent 47 who takes on his most dangerous contract to date.
Blast your way through zombie-infested streets, buy powerful new weapons, and survive alongside a friend in local or online cooperative play.
When an evil alien overlord traps the human race in a simulated world to enslave them, only the Third Street Saints, having been elevated to the office of the President ...
Whether the prerelease infamy and the embarrassment of disclaimers are a result of the current political climate or conscious hyperbole by the Interplay marketing machine, they tend to overshadow what ...
A parody of the open-world action genre, Retro City Rampage takes modern game mechanics and mashes them into an authentic 8-bit experience.
Loadout is a new "Free-2-Play" take on fast-paced, multiplayer shooters.
Among the Sleep is a first-person adventure game that invites you into the mind and body of a 2-year-old child. After the child is put to bed one evening, mysterious ...
Mirror's Edge is a first-person action-adventure game from DICE where players will discover the origin story of Faith and delve deeper into the inner workings of the city and the ...
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls is an action adventure title where players will take on the role of two heroines, Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa, as they are thrust ...
In Far Cry 4, players find themselves in Kyrat, a breathtaking, perilous and wild region of the Himalayas struggling under the regime of a despotic self-appointed king.
In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil ...
A brand new series in the Battlefield franchise focused on the war on crime and the battle between cops and criminals.
If you were a big fan of Syphon Filter, you may get a kick out of the sequel, but the lackluster mission design and super-convoluted story really cancel out the ...
Syphon Filter 3 looks, plays, and feels more like an expansion pack for the previous games than a true sequel.
Warface is a free-to-play online game for the PC.
Octodad is a third-person adventure game about destruction, deception, and fatherhood.
Hitman GO is a turn-based strategy game with beautifully rendered diorama-style set pieces.
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