It may be a half-baked, flawed product, but it's one you just can't stop playing.
The less than engaging storyline and the heavy focus on defensive missions holds the game back and keeps it from being as good as the classics that made the genre ...
Because of the lackluster space combat, Interceptor is the first X-COM game where the micromanagement and research portion is the more satisfying of the two halves.
It's a fast-paced, colorful, action-packed space combat game with a branching campaign and an enjoyable story, as well as a solid multiplayer mode.
Spaceforce: Rogue Universe is an open-ended space exploration game, allowing you to adventure or trade around the galaxy.
It starts very slowly and has a steep learning curve, but if you're patient enough to stick with it, you'll probably find that X2 is a diamond in the rough.
Even with the graphical faults and the general lack of innovation over its predecessor, Battle for Naboo is still a fun mission-based shooter, as well as one of the best ...
Far from being a cheap Wing Commander knockoff, Forced Alliance is a solid, ifnot terribly revolutionary, gaming experience.
DarkSpace is a persistent "offworld" epic that shifts many conventions of online role-playing games into science-fiction territory.
X3: Reunion is the third installment of the action and trading simulation, X. X3: Reunion adds an expanded universe, more than 200 new models, an upgraded graphics engine, and an ...
Star Trek: Legacy is a next gen game that spans the eras of all Star Trek television shows.
What should have been a revision of last year's superb simulation instead comes across as a half-baked rehash.
A plucky little space shooter with more heart than technical prowess like Space Interceptor can prove to be a breath of fresh air.
Build your own combat spaceship in real-world with a new line of collectibles that come to life in-game within Starlink: Battle for Atlas.
Got a few minutes? Strap yourself in, marvel at the flight-simulator feel, fly up into the clouds or down into the earth, and most of all, engage in some high-adrenaline ...
If you can accept its multiple shortcomings, you will find that Privateer 2 is actually a fairly solid game.
It's an extremely ambitious simulation that provides plenty of original gameplay but fails to adequately refine its presentation.
You'll spend the majority of your time shooting throngs of enemy ships until you get so used to it you just want to stop playing.
Starshatter provides a welcome dose of innovation to a genre that's been practically rendered extinct, but its originality ultimately fails to translate into a satisfying gameplay experience.
The single-thruster craft, while perfect for games about landing on the moon, is wholly unsuited to the precision indoor combat maneuvers simulated in Lander.
This wildly ambitious simulation is torpedoed by an almost incomprehensible interface, the absence of a tutorial, numerous bugs, and many fit and finish issues, including dated production values.
In light of recent space sim successes like Descent: Freespace and Independence War, it's difficult to take Ares Rising too seriously.
Starfleet Academy looks and plays no better than space combat games from two years ago.
Overall, Star Rangers lacks the detail and depth that make an engaging spacecombat simulator.
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