The council did not believe Shep in ME1, they made him a Specter again but still didn't believe him in ME2, but what of ME3 will it take the destruction of a few worlds for them to see. Also even if Shepard takes out a Reaper at the end of ME3 there were thousands on their way at the end of ME2 are they linked by a command vessel or will he have to find a new weapon mentioned in his beacon visions.
The Normandy2 was built by Cerberus and while the crew may follow him there is a chance that the Illusive Man has a self destruct on-board. Also ME3 will be focused on the Reapers and the Illusive Man being hunted by Shepard sounds like a good follow up to the trilogy.
Will the man ever get his refund from the Turian?
Some thing I wanted in ME2 was being treated differently if your a Biotic. In ME1 I was in the biotic cult and they treated my character like an ordinary soldier. People in the universe should recognise Sheps talents as well as his charisma.
(Sorry if I havn'y been posting much I've been a bit ill)
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