Out of respect for the Wii owners on this board, I feel it is Gamespot's obligation to address this post, and I would like to hear back from a Gamespot staff member at your convenience so that we may further discuss this.
At the advice of my peers, I have edited out the emotionally driven aspects of my post and am choosing to focus soley on the facts.
My beef with Gamespot is two fold:
1. Since the Wii's release, Gamespot review scores for Wii titles have been consistently lower than the collective average of Wii game review scores at Gamerankings. The same has not held true for the other platforms on this site.
2. Wii reviews in particular are often coming significantly later than the reviews on other consoles, and many reviews are even missed altogether.
As Wii owners, we should not have to accept the fact that our console is of a lesser priority than the others - and through your actions, that is exactly the point you seem to be making. I understand that you're severely understaffed and working hard to give us the content that we want, but I can only do my part as the reader and make a complaint. Your employers should be treating you better, and their publication with more dignity than pass off the bulk of the workload on four full time workers.
There are good games not being reviewed in some cases, not just shoveware crap. I find it's a great injustice to the hard work devs have put into these games.
the undersigned
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