Right, my idea involves a meter being placed on every gamespace of a game that has not come out yet. The user then selects a number in increments of .5 between 1 and 10 depending on how well they think this gmae will score when the Gamespot review is published. The meter should be easily implemented as it would use the same tech and maybe even the same aesthetics as the current meter used today for user ratings of a game. Not only would this clear out much of the Hype Topics on system wars as once a user has placed his 'predicted score' on the gamespace, an average predicted score of all users would appear on the gamespace, to see what others think this game will be like.
Not only would this be a great addition to gamespot, but also a great tool to show your friends. For example, you can predict a games score all the way up to 5days prior to its release. Then the meter will not accept any more ratings as to not ruin some results and stop cheating. So then you can show your friends all of the scores you have successfully predicted which would stop the whole argument of 'well i never thought that game would be good anyways' or the 'see i told you so' kind of comments as the proof would be right in front of you.
And lastly these scores could also branch out into new emblems/prizes/competitions. Say you predict 50 games scores exactly then you could recieve an emblem. Or you predict 20 games in a row correctly you know something along those lines.
Anyway i hope i've managed to convey whats in my head well to you guys. Questions feedback and hey if anyone wants to create a visual representation of what it could look like, they would all be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone, Chris.
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