I'm sure your heart sank once you figured out that they had put the games on the shelf. Horrible situation to walk into. Regardless, those are great NES purchases KG. Your game total for that system is quite something. Keep it up, I want to see how many you can end up with!
I must admit that my heart sank when I saw The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy. At that point, I knew that they hadn't held any of the games for me. The uneasiness chnaged to elation when I saw Tagin' Dragon though. I thought that I would never find that game on the shelves.....and especially not for that low price. :D
Hopefully I will be able to get them all, but I find it unlikely that I will find a 1990 Nintendo Championship cart or Chetahmen II. If I ever located one of those two in the wild for an affordable price, I would probably be speechless. :shock:
sorry they suck at customer support. but great finds either way.
Thanks. :)
- Bulletstorm Epic Edition (X360)
- No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise (PS3)
- No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)
- Yakuza 3 (PS3)
Nice titles there. 8)
- Disney Epic Mickey (Wii) New $20
- Tony Hawk Shred (bundle) (X360) New $25 ---- I now have both Ride and Shred bundles. I have heard that they are not particulary good games, but they seem like collector's items.
It seemed as though I was seeing quite a bit of hype surrounding Epic Mickey. Have you had a chance to play it yet? I was just wondering if it was living up to the hype.
@KG- Man, great job on your NES collection! I have right around half the US NES collection at around 370, and games are becoming harder and harder for me to find out in the wild. They also just recently closed my two favorite stores within 2 hours of my house... both the Game Xchange stores in Springfield and Bloomington IL.... :(WitIsWisdom
Thanks Wisdom, I appreciate that. Your collection is impressive as well.....with unlicensed games that I don't have like Bee 52, Double Strike, King Neptunes Adventure, Master Chu & the Drunkard Hu, Toobin', Trolls on Treasure Island, and Venice Beach Volleyball. 8)
Sorry to hear that the two Game Xchange stores closed. I hope another chain will start up in your area. Man, it must be hard to be a collector in your area. :( Thankfully there is still eBay or, better yet, you may even hit upon some deals at yard sales. Â
I picked up a few interesting things since my last update:
- Disk Manager 2, TI-99.4A, fine, loose, $1.95, R5, FX Videgame Exchange
- Munchmobile, TI-99/4A, fine, loose, $1.95, R3, FX VGE
- Super Demon Attack, TI-99/4A, fine, loose, $1.95, R2, FX VGE
- Gears of War Triple Pack, X360, new/sealed, $29.99, R0, GameStop
- Halo Reach, X360, n. mint, CIB, $18, R0, Pawn Shop
- Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare, X360, n. mint, CIB, $18, R0, PS
- Samurai Shodown Sen, X360, n. mint, CIB, $11.69, GS
- Supreme Commander 2, X360, n. mint, CIB, $11.69, GS
- Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, Wii, n. mint, CIB, R0, $18, PS
- Fallout New Vegas, PS3, n. mint, CIB, R0, $10, PS
- Katamari Forever, PS3, n. mint, CIB, R0, $15, PS
- Jikandia: The Timeless Land, PSP, new/resealed, CIB, R0, $19.99, GSÂ
Nice. I especially like your TI-99 finds. :)
LEGO: Harry Potter Years 1-4 Collectors Edition (DS) $29.95. Comes with Harry Potter minifigure stylus and 48pg color gamer guide. Really neat. :)
I always like getting extras. That's cool. 8)
Lest I forget......On Thursday, I went to Game Haven (East Town) and picked up.....
- Stunt Kids (NES)# - $17.99
....and when stopping by McKay's Used Books and Cds yesterday, I happened across......
- F-15 Strike Eagle II (Gen)* - $1.95
- Hard Drivin' (Gen)* - $0.95!!! (upgrade)
- Mario Lemieux Hockey (Gen)* - $0.95!!! (upgrade)
- Toys (Gen)# - $0.25!!!
* complete
# cart only
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