its my favorite FF7 summoning so its the only picture i have ever used and nice cloud picture. snoogans77
You're the only one who thinks my avatar is nice... I always call it my infamous "overly pixelated Cloud avatar". :lol:Â
its my favorite FF7 summoning so its the only picture i have ever used and nice cloud picture. snoogans77
You're the only one who thinks my avatar is nice... I always call it my infamous "overly pixelated Cloud avatar". :lol:Â
Well, hello there.
A friend of mine kept howling on about how this one, particular, union on GameSpot was one of the best unions attached to the Final Fantasy series to date. It got to a point of such annoyance, I not only enlisted into the union after the constant rants, I joined GameSpot solely due to the fact. Kind of funny when I think about it.
So, here I am, TheMorphingWiz. Please excuse the name, it was rather impulsive. If you guys want to, you can call me Zack. I think we'd all prefer that. :P
That concludes the introduction, I guess.
I'll see ya'll around the boards. :)
Hi there Zack! I hope you'll not get disappointed with our community (You're part of it now! :D). Make a lot of friends if possible. ;)
Btw, may I know who is this friend you're talking about who vigorously advertised this place to you?Â
Wow, thank you for the warm welcome, Fantasy_Gamer.
Don't worry, upon first arriving here, I knew this union was awesome! :D
Also, perhaps you may know him. His GameSpot alias is "Balmane". He claims to have been a member here maybe last year or so, before resigning. He's never said why exactly. :|
Anyway, again, thank you for the welcome! :)
This union was recommended to me by my friend snoogans77, so i thought i would check it out. Hi I'm BrandonFurioso or you can just call me Brandon. :)
This union was recommended to me by my friend snoogans77, so i thought i would check it out. Hi I'm BrandonFurioso or you can just call me Brandon. :)
Snoogans sounds familiar to me. Anyway, thanks to him and welcome to FFE Brandon!Â
hello! I reintroduce myself again :lol: (haven't been here in a while, sorry! :P )
hmm so yeah, I'm from Puerto Rico, you can call me polter... been a fan since forever and my fav FF is 6.
see you guys around and I'm glad this union is still VERY active :D
Sheesh...we seem to be in a lot of the same unions. :lol: Welcome back! :)Seiryuu-
great minds think alike :D
I miss you all so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NeoGen85
Hey there! It's been a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!!! Where have you been? Even at PSN, I haven't seen you for months! You've been missed!
Hey all. My name is Jason I'm 19 and basically I love Final Fantasy. I always have so I joined this union.. and looking for people to talk about games with.. Most of my friends don't game :( so lol I am alone in the gaming world..
Hey all. My name is Jason I'm 19 and basically I love Final Fantasy. I always have so I joined this union.. and looking for people to talk about games with.. Most of my friends don't game :( so lol I am alone in the gaming world..
Hi there Jason! Welcome to FFE! Seiryuu is right. You'll never be alone here.. Make a lot of friends.. See you around. ;)Â
1. Short Introduction: Hello fellow gamers
2. GS Name:JacobJabber
3. Real Name:
4. Position In FFE:
5. Gender:Male
6. Date of Birth:a time
7. Place of Birth:a place
8. Height:a height
9. Weight (jk):a weight
10. Ethnicity:Caucasian
11. Current Location of Residence:Idaho
12. Religion:casual christian
13. Job:none
14. Personality:friendly to anyone friendly
15, Habits/Mannerisms;getting overly addicted to games
16. Girl/Boy Friends:Just broke up
17. Pets:2 cats
18. What Do You Look for in a Person:friendlyness, ability to look past first impressions
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person:them being judgemental
20. Consoles Owned:NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS1, PS2, PSP, GBA, GBASP, DS, DSlite, and am getting an xbox and a game gear within the next year
21. How Long Have You Played Games:Since I was 7
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:3,4,5,7,9,10,crystalchronicles,renevant wings,tactics advance, and dissidia
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be:my Crystal Chronicles character shayfa, a male selkie blacksmith
24. How long have you been on Gamespot:about a week
25. Favorite muscial instrument:electric guitar
1. Game(s) in General: Probably FF Crisis core, okami, Ocarina of time, or shadow of the colossus
2. FF Game:Crisis Core
3. Console(s): PS2
4. Movie(s):Toy Story2
5. TV Show(s):X play, ned's school survival guide, Drake and Josh
6. Food:
7. Colour:black, light blue, neon orange
8. Music:Screamo, Bands: A skylit Drive, Escape the fate
9. Place of Travel:anywhere on the east coast
1. Other interests and hobbies:playing and collecting retro games, playing soccer, listening to music and hangin out with friends
2. Contact Information: send me a message on my gamespot account
3. Random Facts: I love duct tpe, skinny jeans and hanging out with my friends
1. Short Introduction: Hey all, What's up?
2. GS Name: ffxii_guru
3. Real Name:ffxii_guru
4. Position In FFE:Newbie
5. Gender:Male
6. Date of Birth: September 16th
7. Place of Birth: United States
8. Height: 5'5
9. Weight (jk):8000000000000 pounds (jk)
10. Ethnicity: Caucasian
11. Current Location of Residence: United States
12. Religion: Catholic, not very religious though
13. Job: School
14. Personality: kind, honest, sincere
15, Habits/Mannerisms; Scratches chin occasionally
16. Girl/Boy Friends:Single
17. Pets:None
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Honesty
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Liars
20. Consoles Owned:Ps2, Wii, PC
21. How Long Have You Played Games: 13 years
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: XII
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Vaan
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: Two days
25. Favorite muscial instrument: Electric Guitar
1. Game(s) in General:Final Fantasy, Midnight Club
2. FF Game:XII
3. Console(s):Ps2
4. Movie(s): Bruce Almighty
5. TV Show(s):Family Guy, South Park
6. Food: Burritos
7. Colour: Blue
8. Music: Rock, Metal
9. Place of Travel: Athens, Greece
1. Other interests and hobbies: Reading, Writing, Music
2. Contact Information: ffxiiguru
3. Random Facts: Once shaved his eyebrows off with scissors
Hey, Jumbo! It's been a while Mr. Dawson. ;) How are you? It's nice to see you here again.Fantasy_GamerIt's been up and down, how are things on your end?
Yep, it's an awesome game so far. 8)Oh... Did I hear FFVII? Cool... 8)Â
[QUOTE="SuperfastSonic"]Howdy-ho! I'm SuperfasTsonic and my first FF game I played was Legends fro the Gameboy (until it died) and I've been playing through most of the series since. Right now I'm playing Dissidia and FFVII. 8)Konamic
Welcome. ;)
Quit stalking me! :PHello there Lightning! It's good to have you here. Feel free to relax while finals is cracking your head. Welcome to FFE! :D
Oh, did I hear FFVII again? Cool! 8)Â
1. Short Introduction: Herro!!!
2. GS Name: Neyginn
3. Real Name: Cypher Rage
4. Position In FFE: A Being5. Gender: Male
6. Date of Birth: October 23, 1994
7. Place of Birth: Hong Kong
8. Height: 5'8
9. Weight (jk): I'm too lazy to check
10. Ethnicity: Asian American
11. Current Location of Residence: This is getting a little TOO specific
12. Religion: Undecided
13. Job: Freelance Writer (lol, I wish...)
14. Personality: Sarcastic
15, Habits/Mannerisms: Supportive!
16. Girl/Boy Friends: I had one that broke my heart...
17. Pets: Dead fish
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: They are knowlegable on the geeky stuffz.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: -huh? Is this a dating thread or something?
20. Consoles Owned: Not that many... (I'm getting a NES for Christmas, W00T!!!)
21. How Long Have You Played Games: A while, but I only became hardcore gamer a year ago...
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Playing X at the moment!)
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: RenoFavourites
1. Game(s) in General: Too many to name
2. FF Game: Final Fantasy VII
3. Console(s): SNES
4. Movie(s): "Fight Club" or John Carpenter's "The Thing"
5. TV Show(s): Neon Genesis Evangelion
6. Food: Anything digestible
7. Colour: Green
8. Music: The Smiths
9. Place of Travel: VietnamOther
1. Other interests and hobbies: Kung Fu, Harmonica, Origami, Geeky Stuff
2. Contact Information: That is disclosed information!!!3. Random Fact: I've lived all over Asia my whole life.
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