Oh hey.. am I late to the party?
Hiatus for 2 years and I comeback just to introduce myself... genius.
Is that introduction still worth doing? Eh, screw it.
1. Short Introduction: Good evening.
2. GS Name: ReignEmblem
3. Real Name: Reginald
4. Position in FFE: Recruit
5. Gender: Male
6. Date of Birth: July 17, 1993
7. Place of Birth: Quezon City, Philippines
8. 5'4"
9. Weight: 130 lbs / 59 kgs
10. Ethnicity: Spanish and Chinese Mix (I suppose like "Fried Paella"?)
11. Current Location of Residence: Kansas City, Missouri
12. Religion: Formerly Agnostic - Catholic
13. Job: Pharmaceutical Technician
14: Personality: Depends on the moment, and maybe a bit of an un-intentional narcissist, but still friendly.
15. Habits/Mannerisms: Writing, Cinephile, small "harmless" Douchebagery, Singing, and an Analyst (about everything).
16. Girl/Boy Friends: I am single, because one night stands are overrated.
17. Pets: None
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Intelligent, Mature, Blunt but Understanding, and Cares for the Little Things in Life.
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Aha, why look away, it's good to take anything in. Learn from your mistakes.
20. Consoles Owned: SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast, GameCube, Xbox 360, PSP, PC, and Wii U
21. How Long Have You Played Games: 15 years, I suppose.
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:Â I have played all except for XI, XIV (Why?), XIII-2 (An even BIGGER why?), and III.
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Balthier, because you always need a Leading Man.
1. Game(s) in General:Â Engaging JRPGs, Back in the day FPS, and Racing.
2. FF Game(s): IV, IX, and XII.
3. Console(s): A close tie between PS2 and GameCube. Why? Wind Waker, Phantasy Star Online, and Skies of Arcadia.
4. Movie(s): Finding Nemo, Pulp Fiction, Millennium Actress, Miyazaki's Works, wait, I'm a cinephile, this will take forever *pass.
5. TV Show(s): I'm more of a movie person.
6. Food: Anything with Shrimp.
7. Color: Orange and Blue.
8. Music: Jazz, Alternative, Indie, and good old Classic Rock.
9. Place of Travel: Survival Purposes, Australia.Â
1. Other interests and hobbies: I do infact play the Alto Sax, Piano, and Guitar. Singing is just an addition to some of it.
2. Contact Information: Ask and you might recieve?
3. Random Facts: Since I am an Analyst, I've grown a hatred of people in general. Despite all that, I'm still a people person, outgoing if need be, calm and collected when there is an idiot nearby.
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