Hey guys,
My name is Stefan, I'm a long time GameSpot member and a big FF fan, so I guess this is the place to be.
I mostly like Final Fantasy X, but almost every single one of the FF-games is great from VII till XIII-2.
About me: I'm 23 years old, born and live in Amsterdam an besides that gaming is a hobby I also work at a Dutch gaming site as an editor. Not my full job, but something on the side.
Im not too thrilled about XIII-3 to be honest. This was not SE's time. They should of waited and released Versus XIII (or XV) before this. i still want to play the game because I like XIII but I think SE is doing this too early. Hopefully they will release some other titles. Before hand.
BTW Hi Stefan!
I'm not sure if its the right move business wise but I'm happy to be getting more Lightning. PLus it should be the last in the XIII trilogy so they can finally release what has already been promised us.Â
Yeah! That'll be great! The more the merrier! We would be looking forward to seeing you here often. :D
I'm enjoying this Agarest game. It reminds me of Fire Emblem but not quite the same. I still prefer Fire Emblem but I'm enjoying this game too. FG you've played some of them right?Â
Thanks for the welcomes:) will be around here for sure
hi there...i don't think we ahbe officially met...i'm school boy! nice to meet you!
I have zero, I figured I should get that one since it would be the first chronologically but you can import a Agarest war 1 save file to zero. Also I don't know why you said Agarest War is a PSN game, I saw a hard copy of it for 360 when I got my Agarest War 0.Lightning__EvilObviously, I only have a PS3 that's why I said 1 is only in PSN. :P There is a hard copy in Europe, but it was renamed to Agarest: Generations of War. Really? I can upload RoAW1 save file in RoAW0?
According to my RoAW0 when I tried to start a new game it gave me the option to carry over a save file from RoAW1.Lightning__EvilThat's a good info. Interestingly, when I tried RoAW2, it asked if I want to load RoAW0 save file. ;)
1. Short Introduction: WASSUP!?
2. GS Name: JHardy457
3. Real Name: Zeke
4. Position In FFE: Recruit
5. Gender: Male
6. Date of Birth: April 20, 1993
7. Place of Birth: Williamsburg, Virginia
8. Height: 6'0
9. Weight (jk): 187
10. Ethnicity: Caucasion
11. Current Location of Residence: Williamsburg, Virginia
12. Religion: Christian
13. Job: Gamer
14. Personality: Shy at first but later more outgoing
15, Habits/Mannerisms; Tend to fidget a lot
16. Girl/Boy Friends: 3 Ex-girlfriends
17. Pets: 2 dogs, 1 cat
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Kindness
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Controlling types
20. Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS3
21. How Long Have You Played Games: Since I was 2
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: 1-7, 10, 12-XIII-2, Crisis Core
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Zack Fair
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: Only a few days
25. Favorite muscial instrument: Bass Guitar
1. Game(s) in General: Zelda, Silent Hill and Fire Emblem games
2. FF Game:VII
3. Console(s): Wii, PS3
4. Movie(s): Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
5. TV Show(s): The Big Bang Theory
6. Food: Mac & Cheese
7. Colour: Purple
8. Music: Alternative
9. Place of Travel: Any northern area
1. Other interests and hobbies: Playing Bass, Acoustic, and Keyboard
2. Contact Information: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zeke.wolfe.1
3. Random Facts: I am multi-instrument talented
Hi there Zeke! Welcome to FFE.
Hello there squalls_revival! I'm glad you're still sticking around here. I appreciate it.Â
Im good, its been a veeeery long time since I was here last. Whats really scary is noticing how much I leveled up while offline :P
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