You think billybob? He has been a jerk lately...stupid LOTR RPGs. :x Why can't he just be sensible and play Final Fantasy like the rest of us?twilightlullaby
Maybe it's those stupid orc jerks. :x
You think billybob? He has been a jerk lately...stupid LOTR RPGs. :x Why can't he just be sensible and play Final Fantasy like the rest of us?twilightlullaby
Maybe it's those stupid orc jerks. :x
[QUOTE="twilightlullaby"]You think billybob? He has been a jerk lately...stupid LOTR RPGs. :x Why can't he just be sensible and play Final Fantasy like the rest of us?DreamersLegacy
Playing Final Fantasy requires having intelegence above the average ;)
Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day! *Skips merrily through a field of tulips*billybobbarvis
:o! Don't step on the flowers...! (And you are smarter than average, trust me. I should know...)
Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day! *Skips merrily through a field of tulips*billybobbarvis
[QUOTE="billybobbarvis"]Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day! *Skips merrily through a field of tulips*twilightlullaby
:o! Don't step on the flowers...!
[QUOTE="billybobbarvis"]Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day! *Skips merrily through a field of tulips*twilightlullaby
(And you are smarter than average, trust me. I should know...)
Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day again! *Goes to skip through a field of tulips, remembers that it's winter beforehand, sits down to play FF X-2 instead*billybobbarvis
No! Don't do that! :o Go play in the snow instead...
I wish there was a new DS final fantasy remake which isn't four, I want V or VII. Oh well I have The Last Remnant to play, it is a good game no matter what /\ some people /\ say :lol:Flipyap28
Some people ? More like everyone except you. >_>
Oh well... more power to you if you genuinely enjoy it.
[QUOTE="Flipyap28"]I wish there was a new DS final fantasy remake which isn't four, I want V or VII. Oh well I have The Last Remnant to play, it is a good game no matter what /\ some people /\ say :lol:Gamer4Iife
Some people ? More like everyone except you. >_>
Oh well... more power to you if you genuinely enjoy it.
Thank you! That's gonna help me through the day again! *Goes to skip through a field of tulips, remembers that it's winter beforehand, sits down to play FF X-2 instead*Gamer4Iife
No! Don't do that! :o Go play in the snow instead...
I wish there was a new DS final fantasy remake which isn't four, I want V or VII. Oh well I have The Last Remnant to play, it is a good game no matter what / some people / say :lol:Flipyap28
V, then VI 3D remakes for DS would be lovely. VII is never going to happen on DS.billybobbarvis
VI deserves a PS3 remake, that game was EPIC.
And I think VII should be left alone for "awhile"...
[QUOTE="billybobbarvis"] V, then VI 3D remakes for DS would be lovely. VII is never going to happen on DS.DreamersLegacy
VI deserves a PS3 remake, that game was EPIC.
And I think VII should be left alone for "awhile"...
VI deserves a PS3 remake, that game was EPIC.
And I think VII should be left alone for "awhile"...
**** YES! :o That's what I've been saying forever. I really hope Square-Enix can give us a high budget FFVI remake...
Well they seem to be working in chronological order so VI might be coming soon.SchumiF1
Hey! Bring out V first! :P I love it more than VI! :DÂ
Playing FFX. I think this might be my 3rd time restarting the game, since I've never been able to play it the whole way through without some other game distarcting me from it :PItachieyes12
Do a NSG Challenge game. You'll see the beauty of the CTB battle system... Pure strategy = wins against all odds! :DÂ
 I'm currently playing FFXII and I have a big frustrating problem. And this board is active so I thought I could post my problem here and hope that someone could help. So...
Thing is. I killed the Earth tyrant before killing Ring Wyrm. That wouldn't seem so big of a problem, cause you can get the sandstorms by zoning between Giza(Rains) and Westersand. But I have done that for over 27 full rain seasons now and there has been no sign of a sandstorm yet. Getting hot under the collar, I am. So what the hell is wrong with my game or am I just doing something wrong. Have to get those halcyons and the mark. Please help!
Btw can't call myself lucky when it comes to Final Fantasies. I have never played FFVIII through. Two times my memory card files have been corrupted for unknown reason, those happened with different cards, different games and playstations. And in the final disc, of course. And the most recent thing with my VIII playthrough was my PS2 who stopped co-working with PS1 games. Yeah. Who has put some voodoo spell on me..?
This is weird. Now after a week's rest from zoning I tried it once and got the storm right away. The luck is unbeliavable... Hope this means that I have better luck with Tournesol loot hunt.
Wow, what bad luck... but at least you have it now. :P Tournesol isn't really based on luck, but Excalibur is. That weapon is extremely frustrating and tedious to get.Gamer4Iife
Excalibur is a breeze when compared to Zodiac Spear... the chance of geting it in the Henne Mines chest is 1/1000... the other way is that 4 chest thingy u gota do since the begining of the game, either way, its lame
Ah yes, the Zodiac Spear. I got it out of dumb luck, so I never considered it a hard thing to obtain. :PExcalibur is a breeze when compared to Zodiac Spear... the chance of geting it in the Henne Mines chest is 1/1000... the other way is that 4 chest thingy u gota do since the begining of the game, either way, its lame
Well I took a month break from XII since I've somehow managed to stick myself in the middle of an RPG playing delimma...(xii, fallout 3 and eternal sonata). But then I bought Echoes of Time XDCamiKittenI saw you playing Eternal Sonata on PSN, is that what you finally chose out of the 3? And how's Echoes of Time? I saw a video of it once, had no idea what was going on. :lol:
[QUOTE="CamiKitten"]Well I took a month break from XII since I've somehow managed to stick myself in the middle of an RPG playing delimma...(xii, fallout 3 and eternal sonata). But then I bought Echoes of Time XDGamer4IifeI saw you playing Eternal Sonata on PSN, is that what you finally chose out of the 3? And how's Echoes of Time? I saw a video of it once, had no idea what was going on. :lol:
I don't exactly choose and stick with one at a time, I just rotate them in now and again :lol: And tbh I have no idea how EoT is just yet. I got to turn it on briefly when I got it and haven't been able to have enough time to sit down and enjoy it. I keep hearing it's a sequel to RoF. But I'll get back to you on this, once I see what's going on myself :lol:.
I don't exactly choose and stick with one at a time, I just rotate them in now and again :lol: And tbh I have no idea how EoT is just yet. I got to turn it on briefly when I got it and haven't been able to have enough time to sit down and enjoy it. I keep hearing it's a sequel to RoF. But I'll get back to you on this, once I see what's going on myself :lol:.
Wow... Have the CC subseries changed that much ? I've played the original Gamecube game, but this looks totally different. :P Hope you have fun with it.
Now Playing: Final Fantasy IV DSMysteriousKoriSame here, just finished VII again so im back with this beauty!!:D
Now playing Final Fantasy III DS... Stuck on Final Boss. (1 hit KO:evil: )
Also playing Final Fantasy VI. bbkkristian
[QUOTE="MysteriousKori"]Now Playing: Final Fantasy IV DSBigcol1611Same here, just finished VII again so im back with this beauty!!:D
Lucky, i wish I could play Final Fantasy VII. I always hear so many great things about it lol. But so far, IV DS is amazing, i was very impressed by it. I've never been this impressed by a handheld console game before.
dont spoil the damn game!! :xDreamersLegacy
I reactivated my XI account >_>CamiKitten
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