I can't get my self to play FFVII. Idk why everyone says it's all great, I don't see it. I just can't motivate myself to play it.sk84uhlivin
:O! How can you have Cloud as your avvie and say that? Go play it...now. :x Trust me, it takes a while but...I guess I can't make you like it. Just give it a try and see if you get hooked or not. ;)
[QUOTE="sk84uhlivin"]I can't get my self to play FFVII. Idk why everyone says it's all great, I don't see it. I just can't motivate myself to play it.twilightlullaby
:O! How can you have Cloud as your avvie and say that? Go play it...now. :x Trust me, it takes a while but...I guess I can't make you like it. Just give it a try and see if you get hooked or not. ;)
Haha give it a try! I've played like 25 hrs of it. And I just got Vincent last time i played which was like a month agoÂ
[QUOTE="CamiKitten"]I reactivated my XI account >_>billybobbarvis
lol, phoenix server. tho i highly doubt anyone with half a brain is still on that server. i logged on for the first time in almost a year this week and found out half my friends hopped to different servers everywhere to get away from some linkshell named mercenaryx >_>
lol, phoenix server. tho i highly doubt anyone with half a brain is still on that server. i logged on for the first time in almost a year this week and found out half my friends hopped to different servers everywhere to get away from some linkshell named mercenaryx >_>
Im playing twelve still got some rare weapons and espers to get all normal and elite marks down though shadow seer is a challenge knocked him out this morning what a drag I died 5 times on him Blitzcrisis274
I'm glad your are enjoying the side-quests as much as I did.Â
how do you change your Icon abowe what you wrote someone tell me please
idk what u are talking about
Dont worry figuired it out on my own any way what level are you on 12 im 96 cant be bothered levelling up anymore takes to longBlitzcrisis274
I finished it on Christmas day and i think I was on like level 55 ish.
once i got the most powerful weapon in the game it was a breezeÂ
[QUOTE="CamiKitten"]lol, phoenix server. tho i highly doubt anyone with half a brain is still on that server. i logged on for the first time in almost a year this week and found out half my friends hopped to different servers everywhere to get away from some linkshell named mercenaryx >_>
Yeah it's like $25 to change servers. Mebbie that's what I'll end up doing...
Shame on you! :xGamer4Iife
I can't help it! :x I'm trying to beat SotC right now...I only started V because I lost my PS2 memory card! :P
Shame on you! :xtwilightlullaby
I can't help it! :x I'm trying to beat SotC right now...I only started V because I lost my PS2 memory card! :P
Just continue playing SotC! It isn't long, and I never got a game over. :o
I started playing V the other day. I think my rib cage is going to break from laughing so much. :P The characters are hilarious! I can't believe I didn't start it earlier.twilightlullaby
Glad that your enjoying it like me, any ways after I'm done with V I'll start VI.
I'm just trying to finish XII at the moment. Also trying to finish IV on the DS.
Unfortunetly I'm not playing a Final Fantasy game... I'm still waiting for Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII.
I finished Final Fantasy VI. Kefka was a piece of cake. I beat the final boss(es) on my first time. Great game. I rate it 9.5
NOW time to beat FFIII DS.
I just bought a new DS Lite with FFIV, So far I like it and plan on getting more games for it. Feel free to recommend me some DS games.D3dr0_0
It's a good game and I also recommend The World Ends With You, that's another great game.
I heard some good things about TWEWY, how dose it play.D3dr0_0
I'll direct you to the TWEWY page here on Gamespot. That should tell you everything you need to know about it. I really liked the game it was strange to start with but you do get used to it.
I just bought a new DS Lite with FFIV, So far I like it and plan on getting more games for it. Feel free to recommend me some DS games.D3dr0_0Ace Attorney, all 4 of them. :o They're must-have games for any DS owner.
[QUOTE="D3dr0_0"]I just bought a new DS Lite with FFIV, So far I like it and plan on getting more games for it. Feel free to recommend me some DS games.Gamer4IifeAce Attorney, all 4 of them. :o They're must-have games for any DS owner.
All 3 Castlevania games too >_>, especially Order of Ecclesia.
On FF related stuff, a friend and I from work finally beat FF:CC Echoes of Time after dilligently playing on our lunch hours every day lol. Guess I should post a review and stuff.
Ace Attorney, all 4 of them. :o They're must-have games for any DS owner.[QUOTE="Gamer4Iife"][QUOTE="D3dr0_0"]I just bought a new DS Lite with FFIV, So far I like it and plan on getting more games for it. Feel free to recommend me some DS games.CamiKitten
All 3 Castlevania games too >_>, especially Order of Ecclesia.
On FF related stuff, a friend and I from work finally beat FF:CC Echoes of Time after dilligently playing on our lunch hours every day lol. Guess I should post a review and stuff.
I just finished beating the inverted castle on SotN and I liked it I'll check them out.
[QUOTE="D3dr0_0"]I just bought a new DS Lite with FFIV, So far I like it and plan on getting more games for it. Feel free to recommend me some DS games.Gamer4IifeAce Attorney, all 4 of them. :o They're must-have games for any DS owner.
Still playing FFIV DS just got enterprise shut down from the sky and keep on dying from Golbez becuse of his dragon.D3dr0_0
That took me about 3 or 4 play through's before I got that.
Still playing FFIV DS just got enterprise shut down from the sky and keep on dying from Golbez becuse of his dragon.D3dr0_0
Ugh, that Golbez fight was so annoying for me. Basically, you want to have Rosa use pray nonstop(to heal your HP and MP), have Cecil cast Libra on Golbez and on Cura duty whenever you don't have to use libra. After a while, I noticed he had to start using Osmose to recover MP. If you want to have a good start, get Kain up in the air with jump before he can use his dragon. He'll wait for Kain to come back down, giving you time to attack him with Cecil and Yang, possibly even twice. He has 10,000 HP for an FYI.
Now playing Dissidia Final Fantasy.The last boss got me stuck for a while D:z827
Lucky you. I have to wait until September before I can get my hands on it :(
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