Okay everyone! We're going to make our own little neighborhood! Everyone makes a character with a personality and some description and then we'll interact like neighbors!
My name: Horace B. Vandenburg
Description: A senile old man with a hatred for midgets. He was in World War II and likes to tell stories about it and how kids these days ya da ya da ya da. He has a lot of wrinkles and although he is 60 something he still is all alone. He likes to borrow stuff...a lot of stuff...at the same time....like truckloads! He has killed a man before and been captured and tortured by a man of shorter stature, thus causing his hate toward midgets. He likes to scare people, whether it be by popping out from somewhere or doing a creepy face he likes it! And he pretends like he wasn't even trying to do it, increasing the creepy factor. He likes to water his lawn.
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