Indeed there are alot of casual games on the Wii, yes, but that isn;t really a problem, since you can just IGNORE the casual games if you don't want them and focus on getting the games you want. That's what I have been doing, and I have a very good collecton of Wii games, most of which would be considered "hardcore".
And also, the system that is selling the most and has the highest sales always has a bunch of casual games in it's library. just look at the PS2, it was riddled with a load of casual games. It shouldn;t be that big of a surprise the Wii is geting so many casual games as well, and again, this doesn't bother me, because I managed to find plenty of games on the Wii I like.
The difference is that the PS2 maintained a steady stream of quality games along with the torrent of crap. The Wii is following the same disjointed pattern of the Cube and the N64: long lapses between anything worthwhile and a plethora of junk as filler. If you feel the urge to compare the Wii to the PS2, please understand it is only going to make the Wii look that much worse. The PS2 had strong entries in every genre; the Wii has only a few. Even if you go back to where the PS2 was at this point in it's very long life cycle, it was producing a much more steady flow of quality titles.
I've done my best to support quality offerings on the Wii but there really isn't all that much on the console, especially when compared to the offerings on the PS3 and XB360.
Also, it's hard to ignore the crap when 85-90 percent of the library is excrement.
Well, whatever, it's not like I'll be getting 85-90% of any console's game library anyway. When it comes to any console, I always keep my focus on any games that grab my interest, and disregard any other games that don't look enticing, for the most part. I've been doing this with the Wii, and I've done it with any other console I own or have owned. I may not get hundreds of games for a console, but I'll get 10-30 games per console, And they all for the most part are games I really enjoy. Most systems I get end up worth the money I spent, and the Wii is no different. I have 12 very good games on the Wii, and that's not even counting all the Wii virtual console games or WiiWare games I've downloaded. There are more games coming out for the Wii I'lll want, as well.
So I have no problems ignoring the "crap" on the Wii, and am therefore able to really appreciate the Wii. If you can't ignore all the "crap", then whatever, I don't really care. :P
The issue is that you compared the PS2 to the Wii, which is ridiculous given the PS2's output of quality games. Casual crap will always be with us but the difference between the Wii and the PS2 is that the crap never overwhelmed the library; there was always something top notch coming or some quirky title being released.
And while you may not care about the proliferation of crap and the piss poor support, I do. Especially when people make silly little apologies and excuses for a console that is largely a failure just because it has Nintendo stamped across it.
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