I take Bethesda's side. I love Mass Effect, don't get me wrong, but every Bethesda game I have played has been awesome. Whereas with Bioware, I've played Dragon Age and the Mass Effect's. Mass Effect 1 and 2 are great games and some of my favorites, but I hated Dragon Age. Mostly the linearity and the Combat is what bugged me. The combat wasn't satisfying at all and it had too much of a boardgame feel to it. Then again I only got like 2 hours into the game but I just couldn't get myself to play it any longer.
Fallout 3 and Oblivion are some of my favorite games, for me atleast, I feel really attached to the world, not the characters, but just the world itself. The fact that you can go into an old womans house, blow her head off with a plasma rifle, loot her fridge, and leave her body lying in a fireplace is just awesome.
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