Dez, or anyone:
In the video review on Gamespot, there's a clip of Sam fighting an Argus, and he's spinning around on one knee, firing in a 360 around the entire robot. It looked bad***. I know this is a QTE, but how do you trigger it? Must be a sequence of destroying the bodyparts.
Anyone know?
If I remember correctly, that's actually the cut scene right before you fight two at the same time. I forget which area but, during that fight I did destroy the body parts of both of those "f#!*^$ robots!"
Anyway. I finished the game over the weekend and all I have to say is wow what a rush! It took about 13 hours actual time and 8 hours game time since it doesn't record the time for multiple tries. I died about 51 times. :| My first play thru was definitely one huge tutorial or recon mission that I continued to fail over and over again. Nothing was clicking as I approached every area with caution. Now I'm playing on hard and everything is just flowing.... I'm moving with the grace of Vanessa from P.N.03, as I slide while shooting, transition into cover, popping and shooting, throwing a grenade in one direction, jumping over the barricade in A.R. mode while I shoot five robots in the head, hitting the ground and back into a slide, while I melee an enemy with a scissor kick, evade and shoot an enemy in the distance with my sniper rifle. Some where along my path of destruction I managed to find the time to smoke a cigarette. :wink:
I would have liked a tutorial of the scoring system, as of now all I know is that chaining consecutive kills adds a 100 point bonus and it doesn't matter where you shoot the enemies and since scores are no where in the million point range I don't feel the need to bother with it at this point. Once I'm done with hard mode, I will do a no death run without resetting or going back to the title screen so that your deaths don't count. I also would have liked suit upgrades for your over drive meter. Kind of like the one you get in the final battle and I hope they come out with some DLC where I can play as Elena or Vanessa Z. Schneider. That would be awesome :)
Glad you liked it. Yeah, the combat is complex as hell, and I really wish there was a more in-depth explanation of alot of things. Me and Dez (if you read this thread) have had to figure alot out on our own. :lol: But it's been worth it. I'd say my first playthrough took around 10-12 hours, Game Informer is absolutely stupid to print the 4-hour claim. Are they playing on Casual Auto?
I am on my Hard Run, and it's even funner than my first because A) Now I know/understand the combat, and B) so many cool things happen, I had forgotten about most of them (like most of the kick-***Robot Kung Fu).
I think you are right about the scoring of multiple kills. Also, headshots DO give you a score-bonus, as well as things like taking out parts of the Argus that aren't essential to killing it -- the head, for example, which disables that nasty laser.
We shouldnt'cross our fingers for DLC unfortunately, Platinum games has never released content post-release.
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