First off, you didn't shatter anything, your proof lacks and because theONE source which you are taking all your evidence from, which is highly doubtful and they present little evidence themselves. You can not prove what a Ninja wore, in dark places especially corners they could have worn black. Would a ninja wear dark green while hiding in a bush? YES! It is camouflage my friend, the military practices this, blending in with your environment. It is your type of "know it all attitude" that really makes you stand out as a complete and utter moron and you sir could never be a historian. Yes, good job on your ONE source, and your whole Ninjas didn't wear camouflage, why, if they were hiding in the bushes they would wear samurai armor! "Brilliant!" The fact is no one has ever uncovered a full ninja suit so no one can prove any thing, maybe not me, but, certainly not you, The pure fact is Hitman was nothing like a ninja, it was in the future, was not set in Japan, he used guns, he practiced unnecessary killing, and he was a man that completely stood out with his nice suit of many colors. The number of the back of his head would never give him away! I think you can see now that you have been beaten. Stay out of my topic. You have failed.
I would prefer that you posted this in my blog, because I did not want to derail this thread! But oh well, because you insist.
Fist of all I have one source more than you. Plus my know it all attitude? I asked you politely if you had any proof! Even in my blog about the history of the ninja, I say that many things are unknown and that you should not take my word as a gospel of thruth. Never did I claim that I was a historian.
Now to shatter you. Making me look like a moron :D. Haha. You said that a ninja will not wear an armor when hiding in a bush? You sir are correct. They would wear camouflage. Let me quote from my blog.
Ninjas did not actually use a black suit. Contrary to popular believe, black is a bad camouflage. The main problem being, that during the day you stick out as a sore thumb and during the night there are better colours you can use for camouflage. Brown and green were especially effective when used in a forest environment.
These ninja suits were used when ambushing enemies and for reconnaissance in enemy territory.
Were did I say that the wear samurai armor when hiding in bushes? Nowhere! See I said that there are ninja suits, but they were not black. You obviously didn't read or lack basic reading comprehension. And yet you say that I look like a moron?
But what about the Samurai armor stuff? Well I am glad that you asked!
So what did ninjas use to sneak into a castle?
Simple they used the same clothes as the guards. Bobovic
See they wore samurai or guard armor, when sneaking into a castle or maybe other places were many Samurai are present! So what were you saying again? Oh yes it made me look like a complete moron! You sir should be a comedian!
About the Hitman thing. It was only a suggestion, so if you don't agree than don't! Never asked you to agree with me. One guy did agree, and some other guys did not. Big deal!
Oh almost forgot. I appreciate you guys tried to read my blog. If you have questions and suggestions please don't be shy. But it would be wiser to post them into my comments. Goodbye
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