I have several questions, so I will address each one individually. Thank you for your time in advance.
1) Is Beyond Good & Evil better on the GameCube or the PS2?
I'm not sure, I'd say buy it for the console that you prefer the controls for.
2) Is the Prince of Persia trilogy better on the GameCube or the PS2?
Again, just buy whatever you prefer the controls for, I've played 1 and 3 on the PS2 and they were good. I played 2 on the gamecube, I didn't notice any glitches.
3) Are Prince of Persia 2 & 3 must plays like Sands of Time seems to be?
Not really, only play 2 & 3, if you LOVE the first. (They seemed too combat focused, in my opinion.)
4) Which is better, Final Fantasy X or XII?
FF10 is my favorite by far.
5) Which is the best Ratchet game? (including Tools of Destruction)
I haven't played them recently, so I can't make a good reccomendation, sorry.
6) Which is the best Jak & Daxter game?
Sorry, I need to try the series.
7) Are any of the Sly Cooper games must plays for platformer fans?
I haven't played them, sorry.
8) Frequency or Amplitude?
9) Should I buy the Viewtiful Joe games on PS2 or GameCube?
Just get what you like the controls for. (I played most of the first one on the PS2, it didn't have any glithches that I noticed.)
10) Would you recommend the following games yes/no please as I am interested in them already.
This is the first time that I've heard about it.
I own it. It's very out there, as far as the music and story go. The gameplay is fun, but it doesn't have a lot of replay value, in my opinion. It would be worth a rent. My main issue is that it's only about 2-3 hours long.
Yakuza 2?
Haven't played it yet, sorry.
Zone of the Enders?
Haven't played it yet, sorry.
Psychonauts? (PS2)
Haven't played it yet, sorry.
Odin Sphere?
Haven't played it yet, sorry.
Katamari Damacy?
It's Gitaroo-man, but with a good bit of replay value, it took me about 6 hours on my first playthrough. It has a lot of replay value.
Twisted Metal: Black?
Haven't played it yet, sorry.
I'm sorry I had so many questions, but, once again, thank you if you answered even one.
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