Even though you CAN use any Bluetooth headset with the PS3 (I've gone through three until I found the one I like), I think it's just a different crowd on PSN than in XBox. I think this problem with the Modern Warfare 2 Community is primarily on the 360. As someone above mentioned, it's the fact that a lot of these kids playing are teenagers who found a place where they can act like **cks to everyone and no one is going to do anything about it.
I think, also, is that the PSN community is a little, (and I mean a little), more mature. My reasoning is just that because the PS3 was more expensive than the 360 for so long, most of the gamers that make up the PSN community are a little older, have a little more money, and are a little more established. For two years, when people outside of gaming thought of the hobby, they pictured an Xbox 360 controller in their hands.
Parents bought it for their kids instead of the PS3 because it was cheaper. However, I think as the time goes on, more people will pick up headsets, and don't you worry. We'll get our own group of repressed teenagers that will start shouting racial epithets at everyone whenever we dare to do anything against them. My, that does sound exciting.
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