Saturn could outdo super scaler, considering Afterburner 2 and Outrun got perfect ports on the Saturn .
If the SS couldn't had done arcade perfect ports of 80s games the system would've been doomed from the start. Though now that we're talking about this, the SS port of Power Drift only runs at 30fps, while the arcade original runs at 60fps. I owned the game for years and never even thought about this until I got the Yu Suzuki Works on the Dreamcast.However, I'm convinced the SS could've easily handled Power Drift at 60fps, they just didn't tried hard enough.
Also, from what I understand, tech-wise the Super 32X was better off than the X-Board that ran After Burner 2. Why the game wasn't arcade perfect then is beyond me.
And speaking of SNK, they were always lazy at porting their own games to other systems, including their own.
If the SS was able to handle a high-end CPS2 game like Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter flawlessly, then it's pretty obvious that it could've handled all of the Neo*Geo games of the time a whole lot better than the ports SNK delivered.
Yeah, I was reading a quote from Yu Suzuki that was he was saying that very few programmers could get both cpus in the Saturn to run simutaneously, therefore some just only bothering to use 1, or just use one and port from the PS1. I think if more programmers would have took the time to really push the architecture, then the Saturn would have shown it's true colors. Almost like the 360 and the PS3, where programmers were having difficulty with the PS3's SPU's, and cell structure, and just porting 360 games over, instead of taking true advantage of it. Not saying the PS3 is more powerful than the 360, just built different.Ive said it once , and I will say it again , Yu Suzuki was right, but he was only refering the CPUs, when thats only one part of the Saturn which wasnt utilized correctly
for instance, the Saturn has an SCU DSP chip which Sega meant to be used for geometry calculations.
however, they provided poor documentation regarding its use and so many developers used the 2nd CPU in the Saturn to do some geometry.
considering the VDP1 chip was already a bit laggy in comparison to the PS1 GPU (even in just sheer polygon output, nevermind special effects) , having the 2nd CPU (which should have been doing some of the grunt work), doing geometry can limit what you can do, leading to bad ports from the PS1 (which used a more conventional method of rendering)
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