[QUOTE="CarnageHeart"] Below is the link to August 2007 NPD sales as posted by Sonycowboy of the GAF, who is normally the guy who releases NPD numbers. Below that is a GS article based on an NPD press release which contains the same info.
I guess Kotaku was wrong. My mistake.:oops:
As for who has released a kickbutt original game on the Wii and properly advertised it, I don't think anyone has, but as I've said in the past, going out on limbs is the type of thing first parties should do. This gen, MS has funded Viva Pinata in an attempt to create/prove the existence of a market for family friendly games on the Xbox and Sony funded Resistance for the same reasons (well, take out family friendly and insert fps).CarnageHeart
Well Microsoft really didn't push Viva Pinate and concentrated more so on Gears (LINK). And while Sony's software sales aren't high Resistence sold an extremely high amount. However looking at these games there still wasn't that much of a result, I can't really think of a family friendly game amongst that aspect on the 360 by third parties (outside of movie games). And releasing Resistance didn't really turn heads for the FPS crowd as Rainbow Six and the Darkness PS3 still weren't too impressive, not to mention with Unreal Tournament III is now also going to be on the 360. Though I think HAZE going PS3 exclusive can support your statement to some extent.
Overall I think that Nintendo feels no need to launch a new IP of that requiem since it rarely is beneficial. I also don't see how that effects non-casual IP's on the console since most of the games listed are game traditional gamers catter to. If Mario sells good developers will see that there is a market for platformers, the same goes for other games in Nintendo's franchises. I understand you were referring to the die hard Nintendo fan who only buys Nintendo's games but I'm talking about the average gamer who is just buying a Wii. If someone buys a Wii and buys Zelda and likes it then that's potential of a fan for Action-Adventure Games. Simlar to Halo, yes it isn't really the system seller it use to be (as this NPD shows) but if somebody buys a 360 they would definately enjoy the game and look to other things. Obviously they aren't going to be as benefitial as a new IP, but Nintendo has the franchises long built it's just that the developers have to take action to at least get new fans of genres (don't know if I said that right).
Despite me doubting the importance of this, it seems that Nintendo has indeed taken action to this topic. Recently they purchased Monolith who is currently working on Disaster Day of Crisis (possibly for that cinematic action department Nintendo lacks) and also for their history of the lack of RPG's on the systems.
So far the only games I see that are coming out exclusively to the Wii that have potential to sell to the traditional gamer in North America is "Nitrobike" and that's if it's marketed well. On the Japanese front I would say Tales of Symphonia 2, but it's predecessor was on the Gamecube (and performed miraculously) so I'll count that out. I'd probably have to go with Monster Hunter 3 and see how that goes compared to the PSP and PS2 releases. And again if I'm missing something here feel free to correct me. Then again looking at Dragon Quest Swords selling so well on the Wii (it outsold nearly every if not then every Dragon Quest spin-off on the PS2) I don't have too many doubts.
P.S. - In regards to Combat are we talking about the same game? The game I am thinking of is a 2600 game in which one controlled different units (tanks, planes and suchlike) and shot it out with a buddy. According to Wikipedia there were 27 different games, but I'll admit I don't recall the exact number (I remember the bomber vs trio of biplanes stage very well though since that was a personal favorite).CarnageHeart
Well it only focus's around the Tank Battling in Combat (I personally haven't played it too often to 100% Confirm this). It's similar by shooting missiles and having them bounce of walls to hit your enemy and such. I think some videos would be a better indication of what I'm talking about.
Atari Combat
Wii Play
I think original games are risky, but the payoff can be huge. Motor Toon GP was a moderately successful franchise, but Yamauchi abandoned it and made GT which went on to become the bestselling racing game of all time. Resistance didn't cause fps makers to abandon the X360, but it showed them their is money to be made on the PS3 (though if Ratchet's sales this month don't spike and Uncharted puts up low numbers I can't blame anyone for reaching the opposite conclusion). Granted, some of the PS3 third party games have been subpar, but it seems that is due more to the fact that the initial PS3 development kits were hard to use than anything else (I know Sony has tried to solve that problem over time, and recent games like CoD4 and Assasin's Creed are more or less on par with their X360 counterparts).
You're right about Disaster Day of Crisis. That is an interesting looking original Nintendo game I had forgotten about.
That Wii Play game does look a heck of a lot like Combat.
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