Perfect Assassin?Could use some help with a game I've been wondering about from time to time. Not sure where to start. I remember random moments.
I THINK the main character was in a special suit of some kind and had shades on. I might remember more things, like colors, but I'm afraid I could mix things up with something else.
There was a moment early on in the game, I think, where you walked around a facility of some kind and then some woman held you at gunpoint on your left side and demanded something from you. Maybe a chip or something. It was on your arm, I think. You could choose to either try to walk(but then you got shot and game over) or throw her what she wanted. Later on, you had to shoot mines that were moving towards you in water with like...a mounted gun perhaps. If you failed, a video would play, showing a structure blowing up with this one huge explosion sound used in old movies.
Later in the game, there was a man you had to fight by shooting him around a corner. You could shoot around the corner but you didn't see where you were shooting. There was this weird viewpoint, where you saw the main character from behind. He was sticking his arm out around the corner. You had to hit the man before he reached you and shot you in the face.
Any clue?
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