Considering I still enjoy playing 8-bit games even today in 2012. The original Playstation 32-bit games I still enjoy. The gaphics are dated, but since I remember when they were state of the art. My current Playstation 1 games I am playing are MDK, Independence day, Diablo and Final Fantasy VIII. I'm not hung up of graphics in videogames so much.
I just remember that these are 32-bit videogames, so the look does not effect the enjoyment I get from old Playstation games. Anygame can hold up today if you enjoy it.
I still enjoy the original "Twisted Metal" on the original Playstation, even though it doesn't come close to"Twisted Metal" on the Playstation 3.
I think the 8-bit comparison is a little off base since most of those games are really unique in style and made to be cartoonish...Where as if you play Medal of Honor on the ps1 it was (at the time) a pretty gritty realistic type fps game, but looking at it today it looks worse than doom on the Snes.
In some ways I could see some comparisons to the Atari Gen, for being part of the gen that really started the 3-d polygon movement (where the Atari Gen really started the video game movement in general)
2-d already had 20 years to help perfect itself while 3-d polygons were pretty dang new. Which is why some of the games on the ps1 In my opinion look crap today. I realize though if you thought it was fun back then you probably could still get some enjoyment out of it today. But there are a couple of games that I had fun with back when I was younger and I can't play them anymore today just because my eyes hurt from trying to make out pixelated blobs.
EDIT: Yes I know polygons were used on the SNES system so you really could use the argument that the SNES and the Jaguar was the atari2600 type console for 3-d polygons, I'm just stating as the Saturn, PS1, N64 generation as a whole made it their main push. Where as on the SNES it was more of a gimmick at the time and the Jaguar just bombed.
PS1 had great graphics - for 1995. You have to put things into perspective. Back then 3D graphics were something new and exciting but today - not really. Yes, the polygon counts on the 5th gen consoles are pathetic for modern standards (only the Jaguar and 32X were worse) and the games look extremely pixelated (N64 was a little better in this regard) but that were the hardware limitations back then. If you wanted the best graphics you either needed a good PC or had to go to the arcades. Still, the 5th gen has given us some all-time classics that really pushed their genres to the next level. The outdated graphics don't really tarnish that imo. But if you absolutely need better graphics then I recomend playing PS1 games on the PS2 or emulator which makes them look better (same with N64 games which look a lot better on VC or emulator).
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