[QUOTE="Skylock00"][QUOTE="CarnageHeart"] I try not to work offassumed sales (European sales figures are kind of hard to come by). As for the fact RE4 is a remake, given that Nintendo has claimed many, many times that many Wii owners are new to gaming, that shouldn't have been a big drag on sales. Given the success it had with Lost Planet and Dead Rising, Capcom would have done better releasing the RE4 remake on the X360 (heck, Lost Planet sold 600K copies in the US the month it hit).
Eh, I wouldn't try pulling those comparisons between the sales of Dead Rising/Lost Planet against RE4 Wii, because in addition to being a port of a several year old game, RE4 Wii also had nearly zero promotional work done for it when compared to Dead Rising and Lost PLanet, which both had a rather extensive TV adverisign stint, with RE4 for the Wii recieving (as far as I could tell) zero airtime on US TV, with its only advertising being done in magazine ads and websites for the most part.For it to sell the numbers it did without promotional work is still strong.
As I've said for years, when a game fails to sell well, advertising is rarely the culprit (more often than not people aren't interested and/or are more interested in the competition). For example, Tomb Raider has (up until recently) always been the beneficiary of a strong advertising campaign (let's not forgetthe exposure provided by the movies) yet sales of the series peaked at 2. Not that advertising is immaterial, but it only creates awareness, not interest. So one has to make a leap of faith that merely putting ads of RE4 on tv would have caused unaware Wii owners to run out and buy it. That assumption might be proven true by the sales of some future game (I don't think placing such an expectation on MP3 would be fair since the Prime series has never put up Mario type numbers), but it isn't a conclusion supported by the availiable evidence.
Thinking about it, demos (which are a form of advertising albeit not the form you referenced) probably impact sales (Lost Planet's demos were downloaded 1,000,000+ times). It might not be a coincidence that both Lost Planet and Dead Rising boasted great demos well in advance of their release. Of course, demos are possible on the X360 and PS3, but not on the Wii...
The GC, PS2, and PC all had RE4. Almost everyone who wanted to get it in the last two years probably already got it for the PC (bad version) or a last gen console. And if only around 10% of Wii owners are new gamers or nongamers (which was mentioned somewhere on this site), that would also contribute to Wii Edition's low number. Most people who previously owned the game probably don't want to go out and buy a new version of it when they can still play it on older consoles or use backwards compatibility with newer consoles. There are simply multiple reasons why Wii Edition's "low" numbers can be considered impressive, when all I've mentioned is the case.
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