Resident Evil 3 *spoilers if you have never played the game*

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#1 Ashley_wwe
Member since 2003 • 13412 Posts

I know I have a Resident Evil thread going at the minute on Legacy Platforms, but that is about the lesser-liked games and this is specifically about RE3, because I would like to know what you think of it and talk about it a little. :)

I haven't played this game for a while, and I never finished it the other times. The last time I had trouble with it and got stuck quite far in the game. Actually, I did start it again around March time but I wasn't in the mood, so I didn't save the game and I decided to come back to it later. That later was today. After starting the game again (with an intent on finishing it this time around) I am having a blast! I always look forward to getting to the Raccoon City Police Department (RCPD) building from Resident Evil 2, so I had a great fun while I was in there.

I do remember the game and the locations, but not enough for some reason, as I have forgotten many parts of the story and what happens in locations, but that's a great thing! When I had got the lockpick from upstairs in the station, I was stood at the top of thebig stairs up there and I hear a CRASHHH. I knew Nemesis wasaround somewhere, as he was trying to get in the main doors back in the hall some 20 minutes or so earlier (I take my time and click everything and pickstuffup, etc.) andI felt like facepalming (in a NOO! way) andI actually thought to myself "oh, no!" but allwas fine. As soon as Igot down the stairs though, he crashed through the window.Ihad forgotten that heactually used the Rocket Launcher early in the game (I thoughtit was a later thing), and soI was on my way to the saferoom under the stairs near the room with the file cabinets), and as soon as I clicked the doorto go on,a rocket appeared on my screen... but I had a lucky escape. I was like :ofor a while though! and he was waiting for me when I got out of the room! but luckily I had dodged him.

Do you know what's funny as well?the only enemy thathassuccessfully attacked me yetare the zombie dogs...and time and time again, it frustrates me! :P I hate those things. I also forgotten about the fast runningzombies in this one!*shiver*.

TheS.T.A.R.S guy that was in the bar, who got bitten not too far from the start of the game, was shooting at thezombie and hejust wouldn't die...and I wanted to save my ammo.But he was RIGHT in front of him so I had no choice but to startshooting the zombie and he dies in one shot... does the S.T.A.R.S. guy actually die if you don't shoot the zombie in that scene?

One thing thatI always loved aboutRE3 was Nemesis (of course). Every time he appears is a thrill. I don't want him to appear because he freaks me out, but at the same time I look forward to it!

If possible, try not to mention any story specific things about the game after this point, as Ihave forgottenquite a fair bit of it, it seems :). But what do you think of RE3? from the last time I played itproperly Ijust remmeber that the backtracking used toannoy me and it made the area feel really small...I used to get stuck quite a bit as well and had to look at walkthroughs... butI haven't hadthat problem yet tonight.

I think of the original PS1 games,my favourite is RE2 (but then again I never completed RE1 asI always found ittoo hard, butgoing to get the Director'sCut sometime soon to make it easier),and I never completed RE3 butgot far,but yeah I think RE2 is my favourite of the 3 (or 4 if you include Survivor). But this thread is really about what you think of RE3, as I always hear mixed things about it. So Legacy Platformsboard, whatdo you think of RE3? :)

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#2 Darkman2007
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RE3 was very good, probably my favourite RE game overall , I liked the balance between combat and puzzle solving, it wasn't leaning in any particular direction so it was a good balance.

though Nemesis is very tough at times, I died more times from getting attacked by him than anything else (or any other boss in any RE game for that matter)

I have both the PS1 version and the Dreamcast version , technically the DC version is better (if only a little ) but the PS original has its charms.

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#3 lazyathew
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I think it's good. My favorite game in the seriesby far is the GCN remake of the original, (Never played the true original) because I like the fewer, but more powerful Zombies. Each time I see a zombie, it feels likea real threat, since you can't truly kill it without burning it, and it's tough to get it out the way.

In 2 and 3, it feels far less scary because zombies are all over the place, and they fall permenently with just a few bullets most of the time. Nemisis, however, is creepy. You never know when he will pop out and he is very dangerous. This is the main reason I prefer 3 over 2.

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#4 Ashley_wwe
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Darman2007 - The balance between both is great indeed. Too much puzzle or too much action in one section can be a bit too much. I think one of the Gears of War games did this (I can't remember what bit, to be honest), but obviously not with puzzles. It was more like a LONG section with no cutscenes, it just kept going on and on and it felt a bit too much. Still fantastic games though! :D Nemesis is tough indeed, but luckily I have outran all of his attacks every time this time around. lazyathew - That's interesting, never knew that. But I will say though that I am happy with the amount of zombies, because numbers can prove to be tough too. But earlier on, some zombies were eating away, completely blocking a path, but there was another area I didn't go at that point, so I went there first. When I went back, there were no zombies there anymore (besides 2 just roaming around), which was disappointing. I still think that the camera appearing to be bad actually makes the game! for example when I was in the evidence room in the RCPD, I knew that the area had a LOT of zombies in there on RE2, so I was a bit nervous to go around towards the files at the back (the area where you have to put the key combination in to get a key). Also, even in RE3 I am still nervous to run by those windows, even if I have just ran by them. They just creep me out... you know where I mean? it's the area outside of the room with loads of chairs (I forget the name of the room, it's like a planning room), and in the back is a door with a fireplace and a painting, which you don't need to use in RE3. The crash through those boarded up windows is just... ahhh! :P
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#5 KBFloYd
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its the scariest resident evil for me... i dont think i would ever try and beat this game again... nemesis is unbeatable and all you can do is run...i was always running and it had me on my tip toes all game...ill have a heart attack next time...
i did beat it on hard mode but i used the internet a lot..

i just started RE4 on wii a week ago and thats a cool game too. im aboput 1 or 2 hours in that one..

i think im burnt out on resident evil.. lol too much suspense in these games :P

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#6 anbu-black-ops
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It's a good game, but it was forgettable to me. It was a step down to the previous RE games, where you can choose 2 characters. It was more like a RE 2.5 imo. Like something is missing.
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#7 lazyathew
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lazyathew - That's interesting, never knew that. But I will say though that I am happy with the amount of zombies, because numbers can prove to be tough too. But earlier on, some zombies were eating away, completely blocking a path, but there was another area I didn't go at that point, so I went there first. When I went back, there were no zombies there anymore (besides 2 just roaming around), which was disappointing. I still think that the camera appearing to be bad actually makes the game! for example when I was in the evidence room in the RCPD, I knew that the area had a LOT of zombies in there on RE2, so I was a bit nervous to go around towards the files at the back (the area where you have to put the key combination in to get a key). Also, even in RE3 I am still nervous to run by those windows, even if I have just ran by them. They just creep me out... you know where I mean? it's the area outside of the room with loads of chairs (I forget the name of the room, it's like a planning room), and in the back is a door with a fireplace and a painting, which you don't need to use in RE3. The crash through those boarded up windows is just... ahhh! :PAshley_wwe

That's true, the numbers can still be tough, and the games had plenty of jump scares to keep you in suspense. But I'm not a big fan of lots of jump scares, and a large number of zombies that go down in a few bullets each just isn't as creepy as one or two that just don't die. But that's my opinion. The PS1 games are still very fun though.

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#8 Emerald_Warrior
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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was a great game. Loved it when it came it out. It was more intense than the previous two games with the constant threat of the Nemesis. My only complaint about it is that is seemed far too short. Resident Evil 2 in comparison seemed like a much longer game to me.

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#9 lbjkurono23
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I love all the classic RE tittles, but I agree with RE2 being the best :D
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#10 CDuG
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Of the first 3 RE games, this one was my favorite. The FMV's (as they were know before cutscenes became a staple) were nicer, on par with FF8 (which to this day I argue has some of the nicest FMV's around). The difficulty options are good for people like me who don't want to be destroyed on my first play. I thought the voice acting, dialogue and sound were all done better in this game than the previous two. Beyond what I felt was superior production it was also cool to visit a lot of the places from RE2 but either too soon or too late to interact with them, if that makes sense. It was like Jill doesn't know what happened, but if you played RE2 you did and you felt more scared for her. Then again, dealing with Nemesis I kind of felt like maybe everyone else was the lucky ones for having been able to avoid him...he certainly amped my heart rate everytime he appeared.

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#11 norm41x
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The introduction cutscene for RE:3 was enough to make me buy it as a kid. Little did I know it was the scariest out of the first. I couldn't gather the courage to leave the warehouse for 3 days LOL! Don't even get me started when Nemesis decided to introduce himself... After half of a year I got back to it for the dreamcast and thought it was a pretty awesome game. This game also freaked me out to the point where I would slowly open the front door of my apartment to look in the starcase before the light sensors activate and light up the hall. Even though RE2 took place in the city, it never really showed how much destruction occured inside it like RE:3 did since you were stuck in the police dept./sewers for most of the game.

Also in the bar you don't have to help the cop in the yellow vest haha, he kills the zombie by himself :P

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#12 Ashley_wwe
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KBFloYd - Haha yeah, I always feel kinda freaked when playing this game... what makes this game even more freaky is the small corridors, in regards to RE2's at times bigger ones (or easier to maneuver). This is like the perfect horror game as it actually freaks you out all the time!! anbu-black-ops - I do know what you mean, to be honest. While I do think that it is a fun game and I am having fun with it right now, I have forgotten quite a lot of the events and stuff that happen during the game. lazyathew - I can understand that :). By the way, tell me that you don't get those fast moving zombies in that version... LOL! they already freak me out on the PS1 version, never mind that one where it's really hard to kill them! :o Emerald_Warrior - Interesting, as I always thought RE3 was a really long game, and that's why I never completed it because eventually I ran out of all of my resources :P. Maybe I always tried Hard mode? this time I am trying Easy mode, which still feels like a decent enough challenge, and doesn't bother me that I'm playing on an easier mode, unlike titles today, where it just can't be done (unless I want some achievements easy) lbjkurono23 - Indeed! :D although I need to play RE1 properly to get a real opinion on it... that will definately be done in the next few months. I might even ask for it for Christmas (Director's Cut) so I can finally complete it! CDuG - The lack of difficulty options is why RE1 is so hard! and lack of items to pick up, including ink ribbons (I still hate them in RE2 :P). I do know what you mean about the voice acting as well. Jill seems more human than Claire or Leon, who seem a bit robotic at times in RE2. Visiting the RCPD was a thrill, I feel that more games should do it (revisit old places in the games). Such as OOH yeah! *spoilers for Metal Gear Solid 4... if you want to avoid them, read the next paragraph* - where you re-visit Shadow Moses. That was amazing!! I would love the same to happen to the next Tomb Raider game! even if it's just like a flashback or something. It would have to be from TR2 though, as I feel that would be the ultimate AWESOME! but indeed, Nemesis is scary!! norm41x - To be honest, I don't think much of the opening cutscene from RE3, I think it's a bit "meh" in comparison to RE2's as alls that happens is some police get killed from zombies. There is no story or anything on that bit :P. I actually forgotten the opening cutscene as well until I played it for a while a few months ago... must mean something (at least personally) :P. LOL that sounds freaky, but for some reason when I play the older RE titles, everytime, for example, I go to the bathroom, it reminds me of the game as a closed door is coming up in my face... kind of like an habit! haha :lol: Really? interesting! he was like RIGHT up in his face when I didn't shoot the zombie :P
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#13 lazyathew
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lazyathew - I can understand that :). By the way, tell me that you don't get those fast moving zombies in that version... LOL! they already freak me out on the PS1 version, never mind that one where it's really hard to kill them! :o Ashley_wwe
If you knock a zombie down and make it bleed, but don't burn it; it will be a red, fast moving zombie the next time you enter the room, and every time after. Giving a you a good reason to not attack the zombies too much unless you are ready to burn them.

There are others as well that you will see no matter what, but not many.

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#14 Blueresident87
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I didn't prefer the 3rd one, but I have a very high opinion of the second game.

It's the greatest RE game ever made, even today, and it deserves a re-make far more than the first one did even back on the Gamecube.

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#15 lbjkurono23
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I didn't prefer the 3rd one, but I have a very high opinion of the second game.

It's the greatest RE game ever made, even today, and it deserves a re-make far more than the first one did even back on the Gamecube.


Gameplay wise the first one needed to be improved, but RE2 needs it just because of how great it was/is. @Ashley_wwe First one was pretty good(gotta love that bad voice acting :P ), but the controls aren't as good(if I remember correctly, you can't do the 180 turn or dodge ) as the ones in RE3 so you will need to get used to it.

ps: I would recommend REmake after you're done with Director's cut. =D

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#16 Emerald_Warrior
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I didn't prefer the 3rd one, but I have a very high opinion of the second game.

It's the greatest RE game ever made, even today, and it deserves a re-make far more than the first one did even back on the Gamecube.


RE 2 is my favorite RE game, as well. Awesome story and gameplay. But RE3 was great, too, IMO.

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#17 Ashley_wwe
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lazyathew - that's awesome. I would love to play that version as it seems more tougher :) Blueresident87 - Indeedy so! the second one is fantastic and is a legendary game, you have to love it :D. I just love the whole atmosphere and location in that one. The bosses were awesome too as were the puzzles. Not too hard puzzles mind, but that's what made them good in my opinion, as when they are too hard it can put you off a little. The characters were also perfect for the game too, although Leon kind of annoys me at times LOL, even on RE4. He's still a good character though. But Claire is awesome and that character has never changed since. I also want a remake! :D lbjkurono23 - Yeah, you can't do the 180 turn or dodge in RE2 either, can you? and I really do want REmake, as well as RE0, but I haven't got a GameCube :cry: I have a question for you guys since you may know, but don't tell me any more than this as it might be risking spoilers :P but basically, there are three instances I can think of in RE3 that I want to know what happened if you chose the other option. First option was either run in to RCPD building or fight Nemesis Second option that I can think of was either up the voltage and electrocute the zombies or go down the emergency exit (which was blocked off) And finally, either jump out of the cable car or use the emergency break. I ran away, upped the voltage and used the emergency break respectively. What happens during those moments if I did the other ones? Oh, and I forgot - when you are inside the restaurant, you can either fight or go down in to the bit below with the water and freezer, I went down. But there is nothing down there and you even had to unlock it... what's the point of that whole place as well? thanks :)
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#18 AirGuitarist87
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I loved RE3. I still remember the "wut" face I pulled to my friend when the Nemesis turned up with a bloody rocket launcher.
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#19 tab134
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i spent most of 2011 replaying through re1-3 mutiple times(even managed to get the infinite rocket launchers for 1 and 2), and its still my least favorite of the original trilogy. RE3 beefed up the combat system and the action, but most of the areas aren't as memorable as the others. Its also a tad more linear, not saying 1/2 arent linear but re3 has little to no backtracking. the voice acting is a major step up for the series but i honestly prefer the laughably bad re voice overs. the one campagin thing always got on my nerves, as a kid i saw it as half a resident evil, but re3's about the length of a 2char re1/2 playthrough so it's no biggie, also jills my favorite character but i miss the old school rpd uniform(edit:just want to say that capcom completely botched jill in re5). it's a tad harder, you often fight swarms of zombies instead of the 1-3 a room standard. One thing that sets it apart from the second is the variety of enemies, it seems like theres new monsters every unexplored zone, and it does keep things a little more interesting. But, theyre still easy to kill, and 90% of the time their attack is slapping you which is underwhelming to say the least. Nemesis is a butthole, you assume your doing good and play for like 15 minutes without saving, then nemesis pops out and completely owns you, youre pretty much forced to save before the nemesis battles in order to complete the game which is annoying because you fight him like twenty times. Quick turn and dodging are epic improvements, so i'll leave it at that. Theres nothing negative i can really think of, its just that out of the three, i played nemesis the least growing up. I have pretty much a photographic memory of every room in the first two games, but i can only think up a handful of re3's.

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#20 norm41x
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First option was either run in to RCPD building or fight Nemesis Second option that I can think of was either up the voltage and electrocute the zombies or go down the emergency exit (which was blocked off) And finally, either jump out of the cable car or use the emergency break. I ran away, upped the voltage and used the emergency break respectively. What happens during those moments if I did the other ones? Oh, and I forgot - when you are inside the restaurant, you can either fight or go down in to the bit below with the water and freezer, I went down. But there is nothing down there and you even had to unlock it... what's the point of that whole place as well? thanks :) Ashley_wwe

When you fight Nemesis, you fight Nemesis for the first option :P. After you defeat him you will get a S.T.A.R.S. member card right away instead of having to look for it in the police station. You also get gun parts for your handgun. I don't remember this one to clearly though, if you don't electrocute the zombies I think they just break in. The freezer in the restaurant however is just Capcoms way of telling you that you made a bad decision LOL! Nemesis just waits for you to go up the ladder again to fight him. I never unlocked the freezer so I don't know if going in there was part of their idea. In the train I usually leave Carlos for dead and jump out the window haha. If you jump you just land somewhere else in the same clock tower. Not much of a difference.

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#21 Ashley_wwe
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AirGuitarist87 - :lol: that sounds awesome. Every time the guy appears I'm like "not again!" in a strengthless way :P tab134 - RE3 did indeed make the combat and whatnot a lot better and I also agree with the locations not being as memorable. There's just a weird feeling about it... but I am still really enjoying myself. I am a bit confused about not much backtracking though, as I feel that RE3 has the most backtracking (but then again I never completed RE1 as I said). The thing I hate is how it is sometimes hard to understand what the characters are saying, but that was in all of the old RE titles. I am glad they gave Jill a new outfit though, because then it might have been weird to have moved on in the future. I do agree that Jill is a bit weird in RE5, but I do like how she now has long hair. I like the swarms of zombies in a room as well because it adds to the whole "noooo!" feeling :P. I have actually never really had that much trouble with Nemesis, I ALWAYS manage to JUST click on a door before he strikes me, as he's SO close. But of course he gave me a bit of trouble during the boss battle during the clock tower/helicopter scene, as it was like a proper boss and at first I just tried to run around in circles, thinking that Carlos would wake up, but then I used the Grenade Launcher, Magnum and Shotgun on him (the first two I used for the first time during this playthrough, as I like to save up and be careful with my items). I am glad I saved just before that fight though! or else I would have been right back in the hospital, and I didn't even sort my items out ready for the battle first hand (I honestly thought I was going to get on the chopper, but encounter some trouble along the way. I kind of pictured Nemesis appearing on top of the helicopter then making us crash therefore knocking us all out/killing some characters. As epic as that sounds for the story, that didn't happen obviously :P. Also, when I was younger I played 2 a LOT more and never even got the first one until a few years later, and I always got stuck early on in Nemesis years ago, but obviously I don't now. Maybe it's the fact that the RCPD is an amazing location and you then are put on to the streets? not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's maybe a bit of too high hopes. But I do know what you mean though about some parts being forgettable. Lastly, I'm surprised how straight forward the game seems now, as I am able to remember stuff a lot easier now, I haven't even used a walkthrough yet. There was no clues in the game, and I randomly went "well, I haven't got that fire hose yet right back there... and I wonder if this wrench will work on the bolts? and yayyy it worked! :P I admit though, one of the puzzles was just... weird. I still don't understand how I did it. It was the one where you make the cure in the hospital with those... walking licker things in the tanks. I still don't understand how I did that... and I hate it when that happens. I also was unsure what to do on the three pictures (although I had ZERO trouble with it as I managed to do it on the first go). By this I mean the pictures where it says past, present and future Goddess and there are gems that you have to put in a tray below the picture... I just randomly put them in order as I first saw them to knock out possibilities (at least I think I did) and it worked... that was REALLY easy?? I had a lot of fun with the music box puzzle in the clock tower as well. I was actually listening at first and trying to work it out by ear (which was a lot of fun as I love music), but then all of a sudden I remembered the music box in the main hall downstairs! u d u u d u. I thought to myself "OOH! up down up up down up!!!!" :lol: I love it when you have solved a puzzle... that satisfying animation of something opening :P norm41x - Wow, seems like every decision I made is the worst so far!! haha! :P. But then again, looking for the card did add time to the game, but also I am missing out on the gun part :P. As for the second one, it says you can make your way to the emergency exit, and there is a door outside of the building that is locked that leads me to believe I was missing out on items or something, as Jill might knock the door down? maybe not :P. I am glad I electrocuted them though because I got the Grenade Launcher in the other room after doing the rest of the puzzle. Ooh! lol. the freezer never did say it could be opened though, so maybe not. Carlos actually dies if you jump out the window?? but actually surely not, as you play as him for a while to get the anti-virus in the hospital? :P. I was worried Jill would just crash and burn if she jumped out of the fast moving cable car. But I made a bad decision in that bit as well, as I like to explore and I got attacked by the kryll... I mean... yeah haha this is not Gears of War but I always forget when I play it and I keep thinking "oh no, the kryll again!" :lol:. Got some more for you now as well from my playthrough today, if you want to answer them of course :). On the balcony bit in the clock tower, Nemesis comes towards you, and you can turn the lights on and shove him off the side of the tower. But I remember before I did the other way, as he was chasing me in the rooms he didn't chase me in today. Is that the correct way to do it? because the thing I used short circuited if I remember correctly (not that it seemed to matter?) Also, so long as it doesn't spoil any of the rest of the game, why did Nemesis appear to go and kill himself by walking in to the fire during the helicopter crash/boss fight? I didn't understand that. But remember, only mention that if it doesn't spoil the rest of the game :P. Those spiders STILL creep me out... the way they just curl up... eww haha.
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#22 norm41x
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On the balcony bit in the clock tower, Nemesis comes towards you, and you can turn the lights on and shove him off the side of the tower. But I remember before I did the other way, as he was chasing me in the rooms he didn't chase me in today. Is that the correct way to do it? because the thing I used short circuited if I remember correctly (not that it seemed to matter?) Also, so long as it doesn't spoil any of the rest of the game, why did Nemesis appear to go and kill himself by walking in to the fire during the helicopter crash/boss fight? I didn't understand that. But remember, only mention that if it doesn't spoil the rest of the game :P. Those spiders STILL creep me out... the way they just curl up... eww haha.Ashley_wwe

Haha, nah Carlos doesn't die if you jump. I just like how Jill doesn't hesitate to jump without warning Carlos "leaving him for dead" :P. On the balcony, if you don't turn on the lights and push him off you can use a cord to electrocute him, then he will drop an item. If not then you will hear him get up and his war cry and he will stalk you around where you can kill him and get an item upgrade. If he drops it after being electrocuted then just run haha. THe light shorting out doesn't mean anything, you don't need it again. I think Nemesis goes into the fire because he needs to relax his muscles after that brutal fight with Jill, kind of like how some people like to toast in the sauna after a hard workout :P!

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#23 hakanakumono
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RE3 is a good game, but it should only be played on hard mode. I agree with whoever said in a sense it was a step down. In reality, it was never intended to be a numbered title, but rather more of a spinoff. Which is why it got the subtitle "LAST ESCAPE" in Japan and "NEMESIS" overseas. Overall a good game, but the Scenario wasn't as engaging as RE2 was. For those coming from RE2, it must have been disappointing.

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#24 Darkman2007
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RE3 is a good game, but it should only be played on hard mode. I agree with whoever said in a sense it was a step down. In reality, it was never intended to be a numbered title, but rather more of a spinoff. Which is why it got the subtitle "LAST ESCAPE" in Japan and "NEMESIS" overseas. Overall a good game, but the Scenario wasn't as engaging as RE2 was. For those coming from RE2, it must have been disappointing.

thats true, origianlly Code Veronica was meant to be the real RE3, but apparently Sony complained and wanted to have the next RE3 game on their system in some ways it does kind of feel like RE 2,5 , but I personally found it to be the better game for reasons explained above.
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#25 Ashley_wwe
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norm41x - Ahh, right haha. I also see I made the not-so-good decision AGAIN! LOL :P. What is the item Nemesis drops, by the way? if it's handgun ammo I will be sad, as I have hardly any ammo left at all and I definately need some more handgun :P. That makes sense about the fire bit too LOL. hakanakumono - I never knew that! and I am playing it on easy at the minute. I kind of prefer playing the old RE games on the easier setting because there's less of a chance of "well, that's it... game over! :(" happening. In that case I don't see why they didn't just let Nemesis be a spin-off title then, since it wouldn't have really mattered? or maybe being RE3 means it's canon? Darkman2007 - Ohh, right. But also makes me wonder how they got around to making Survivor then, since they weren't going to release any more for the PS1? then again, Code Veronica doesn't really feel like a main title for some reason... it always felt like a spin-off to me. But then again I haven't completed it for the same reasons as the original, but I am going to soon (I want it on the 360, but I'm waiting for a disc version... if that never happens, might just play the PS2 version again). I am a bit worried about my ammo right now... I am running a bit low, even on easy. I mean, I still have quite a fair bit of Assault Rifle ammo, but it's mainly lacking in the Handgun, Shotgun and Magnum (but I never had much of it, and I used a bit of it on the important Nemesis fight). Hopefully I pick up a big Handgun ammo box and SOON. If I don't... things might start to turn out a little bit, well, unbeatable. Don't get me wrong, I have tried and tried to save as much ammo as I can, but sometimes there are just way too many enemies that are blocking the way... and those spiders died instantly with my Assault Rifle, because I hate spiders, so yeah :P.
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#26 Darkman2007
Member since 2007 • 17926 Posts

I have to admit, RECV is probably the hardest main RE game, even more than the first one (where your biggest enemy was a lack of ammo and the stupid hunters)

and if I was going for any version of RECV , Id go for the original Dreamcast version , I like it better for whatever reason, but the PS2 version is very good too.

and when you think about it, it makes sense CV was meant to be the real sequel to RE2, I mean , its a continuation of Claire's story, it makes sense , RE3's storyline is more of a "same situation , different perspective" type thing, since its happening during the same time as RE2.

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#27 norm41x
Member since 2011 • 813 Posts

norm41x - Ahh, right haha. I also see I made the not-so-good decision AGAIN! LOL :P. What is the item Nemesis drops, by the way? if it's handgun ammo I will be sad, as I have hardly any ammo left at all and I definately need some more handgun :P. That makes sense about the fire bit too LOL.Ashley_wwe

Haha, don't sweat it. I am not sure what item he will drop for you because he holds on to the item he should have gave you after the first fight. Instead of giving the next item he will hold on to it until you beat him (Boss fights don't count). If you haven't fought him at all, he will drop the handgun upgrade. If you keep fighting him from the beginning, he drops a nice little Infinite Ammo case for 1 weapon. I went magnum crazy after that lmao.

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#28 Ashley_wwe
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Darkman2007 - I agree! CVX is really hard, I never got anywhere on that. I got inside a building not too far from the start that included laser beams and stuff. I never got out of that room :(. CVX actually looks a LOT better in the HD upgrade, from what I've seen. RE4 looks the same, but CVX looks like a new game. *waits for a hard copy version of it and RE4 :(*. That is also true about the RE2 thing. I believe that RE3 starts BEFORE RE2? and then half way through RE2 happens before a certain point in RE3? at least what I've read. Crazy stuff. I might actually play the original 3 in that way one day. I assume the document thing in RE3 about a huge crocodile/aligator that Leon faces in RE2? because I was kind of expecting another one, but obviously it didn't happen :P. norm41x - LOL too late now, I've already finished the game (I did so earlier :P). Aww, I wish I knew about that weapon upgrade though! I thought I read in the game that you get them after using the same mixed gun powders over and over again for the same guns? maybe not :P. So I would have got LOADS of stuff if I fought him the latest it was possible? (not counting the set boss fights as you said). After the beating the games, I have many questions. Not about the storytelling at all, just about the game in general. This is for anybody to answer, so anybody feel free to answer any and all of them if you wish :). It's just that I would love to know and it's kind of hard to find all of this information on the Internet. But if you do answer some/all, please put a number at the side of the question you are answering, so I know what's what :). Here we go: 1. How do you unlock the unusual weapons not in the main story? this includes the RPG and a machine gun I believe. What is the way to go for unlocking all of the unlimited ammos as well? (this is all under the same question) 2. I needed to pick up 1 more file for some reason, as I had managed to get the rest of them... which is a shame! :(. This means I didn't unlock all of Jill's costumes (apparantly, you unlock 2 as the standard, and 3 more if you get all files?). My question for this is there one file in the game which is like, REALLY hidden or something? 3. During the final boss fight against Nemesis (not the final-final boss fight of the game), there is an in-game video where Jill walks around and dodges Nemesis' attacks a few times. The last time she dodges, Nemesis accidently hits a switch, and some poison/gas shoots out at him. I kept trying to get him to do this for the rest of the switches, but it just wouldn't work, so I just ended up shooting him with an entire round of Assault Rifle (if I remember correctly), some Magnum and some Shotgun bullets too. What happens if you get Nemesis to just keep flicking the switches? does it save you a lot of ammo or do you get something? I never was very good at the dodging in this game for some reason. I'm guessing the place still blows up the same and kills Nemesis after the timer runs out? 4. The big boss at the very end of the game (before the elevator to the helicopter, and with the giant electric thing) that kills it, it gives you a choice to either go to the helicopter or kill the boss. I killed it, as I didn't want it to start chasing me and start attacking me down the line (I didn't know that the elevator would be the very last gameplay part of the game). What happens if you let the monster live? 5. On the bridge with Nemesis in the park, it gives you an option to either jump off the bridge or push him off it. I was like "lol, I think Jill will die if I push him... but why not try and get him out of the way again?!", and to my surprise, it worked. Besides the alternate ending (but not that different) with Barry Burton flying the chopper, what is down that bridge? every gameplay video I look at on YouTube they always push Nemesis off :(. Does it add a fairly big portion to the game or something? and where exactly do you land, and does Nemesis chase you if you jump down? is there any cutscenes? 6. After you have completed the game and have a save file after the entire game saved and you go to load it, what is the difference between pressing continue and new game as it seems the same? and where is that store key to access the shops outfits? as I swear it said I unlocked it for use? oh, and that store is the locked door outside the bar where that Umbrella guy gets attacked by a zombie near the beginning of the game, right? 7. I will try RE3's Mercenaries tomorrow, is it as good as RE4 and 5's? oh and also, online I saw that you can get secret characters? are these all for use in Mercenaries? I looked up and know about everything else as far as I know though, such as the unlockable guns, epilogues (complete the game 8 times to unlock them all? seriously? I'm not ruining the game for me for future play just for that! lol :P) and I also know about Jill's diary, which I read online. Oh, and the director's message. 8. (I just thought about this one too) Oh, and in Jill's diary it says Chris is going to Europe. But did they change that to Leon (RE4)? or did they just later change the location to Africa (RE5?) or does it not mean any of these? but then again, aren't RE4 and 5 set at LEAST 5 years after the events of Raccoon City? (1 2 and 3) Thanks to anybody that takes the time and answers my questions :)
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#29 everlong12
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I couldn't really wrap myself around it. I lived and breathed RE2, I can probably still play through it in less then 2 hours, but with RE3 I had a hard time finding something to hold onto. I didn't like the action decisions though the motion was better then 2. I haven't played in a long time but I recall running out of ammo alot. I do overall love RE2 and 3 because the Raccoon City landscape is by far my favorite in the series. Would love to see some remakes of those with the graphics and mechanics of modern games.

On a side note, the fact that Jill Valentine can fight off hordes of zombies in a black mini skirt and blue tube top is top notch lol

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#30 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

I have to admit, RECV is probably the hardest main RE game, even more than the first one (where your biggest enemy was a lack of ammo and the stupid hunters)

and if I was going for any version of RECV , Id go for the original Dreamcast version , I like it better for whatever reason, but the PS2 version is very good too.

and when you think about it, it makes sense CV was meant to be the real sequel to RE2, I mean , its a continuation of Claire's story, it makes sense , RE3's storyline is more of a "same situation , different perspective" type thing, since its happening during the same time as RE2.


They changed Chris' face in the HD ver. :o

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#31 CDuG
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I can only answer #5 as I jumped. If you jump, you start at the lower levels of the factory and Nemesis starts in the front door.

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#32 CDuG
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Btw if you want

This walkthrough details the difference between every Live Selection

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#33 Ashley_wwe
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[QUOTE="everlong12"]I couldn't really wrap myself around it. I lived and breathed RE2, I can probably still play through it in less then 2 hours, but with RE3 I had a hard time finding something to hold onto. I didn't like the action decisions though the motion was better then 2. I haven't played in a long time but I recall running out of ammo alot. I do overall love RE2 and 3 because the Raccoon City landscape is by far my favorite in the series. Would love to see some remakes of those with the graphics and mechanics of modern games. On a side note, the fact that Jill Valentine can fight off hordes of zombies in a black mini skirt and blue tube top is top notch lol

By action decisions, do you mean the live selection choices? if so, I loved them! the only thing that I didn't like about them however is you miss parts of the game. I just read a walkthrough to clear some things up just now, and turns out I missed a few sequences/rooms etc., but that's unavoidable. Yeah, but Jill knows what she's doing. She could have worn a straightjacket throughout RE3 and it wouldn't make any difference ;) haha :P. Speaking of ammo, I made a mistake... I actually did have a LOT of ammo lol because I had so many gun powders. I was soo happy when I made LOADS of handgun/shotgun ammo! :P
They changed Chris' face in the HD ver. :ohakanakumono
Really? how much :lol: [QUOTE="CDuG"]Btw if you want This walkthrough details the difference between every Live Selection

Thanks! just been sat reading through parts of that. It also turns out that the MASSIVE enemy at the very end of the game is in fact Nemesis himself re-appearing once again? I thought it was a new enemy?? After finishing the game last night (although I still have Mercenaries to try on RE3, but that not affect my thoughts on the game as it's like an extra), I want to say that I did enjoy RE3, but... yeah, it has a weird feeling to it. I still prefer 2 over 3. When I finally get around to getting the Director's Cut version of RE1, I wonder if I will still prefer 2? probably, since I grew up playing RE2 a lot. I will play RE3 just as much as the other Resi titles, but it really does have a strange feeling to it... kind of like a disappointing feeling, but at the same time it's great. Weird! :P I do like how RE3 wraps up the entire Raccoon City story though (regardless of the fact that there was loads of games after it in RC :lol: To me after finishing it as well, it feels as though the first Survivor game was intended for arcade machines originally, as it seems to feature the best parts of RE2 and 3, and a lot of the game feels kinda similar to RE3, mainly because of the locations seeming to be in the same order, kind of. It's like a first person take on the RE series and was like a project or something. Not just yet, but I am tempted to finally finish both Outbreak games. But I am also wanting to complete The Umbrella Chronicles, but the Wii needs setting up again... might have to just get around to that ASAP.
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#34 CDuG
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Yeah I was wondering what you meant by "final boss" lol...

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#35 arkephonic
Member since 2006 • 7221 Posts

Resident Evil 3 is a great game. I just recently went through and beat a few RE games, and Resident Evil 3 on Gamecube was one of them. I had beaten the game once before a long time ago, but it was really fun to go through and play again.

In terms of old school Resident Evil games, 1/2 and 3, I would say that 3 is my favorite.

I like the theme with you escaping from Raccoon City. The game is an improvement over RE2 IMO. With added game mechanics like the quick turn around, dodge, crafting ammunition, quick time events, all helped make the game unique and an overall improvement. I beat RE2 and 3 back to back in a 2 day span, and it was pretty obvious what 3 brought to the table. RE3 has many more zombie character models, and a ton of different sound effects. You have fat zombies, skinny zombies, squealing zombies, deep growling zombies, making for a much more diverse filled experience.

Jill is my favorite RE character. Resident Evil 3 stars Jill. That's another reason why RE3 is my favorite. Another reason is the added dimension of the serial killer theme. Before Resident Evil 3, all Resident Evil was purely based on the supernatural theme, facing overwhelming odds against an apocalyptic setting with supernatural zombies. With Resident Evil 3, you get that added dimension of the serial killer theme with Nemesis on top of the super natural theme. I'm a big horror movie buff, so this alone makes Resident Evil 3 one of my favorites.

I like all the Resident Evil games a lot, but I just like RE3 a little bit more. It's my favorite RE game, followed by REmake, then RE2, RE4, RE CV, REZero then RE 5.

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#36 hakanakumono
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I don't know how to explain it. He looks less like an "ikemen" and more like Chris from the REmake.

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#37 Ashley_wwe
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CDuG - my mistake lol :P. To be honest though, I didn't look at his face, I just assumed that he was some sort of enemy that was like "LOL not so fast. You may have killed Nemesis, but to finish the game you have to get by me!" :P. To think of it though, Nemesis being said huge monster at the end of the game makes it even more awesome! he started off pretty... well, dare I say normal looking? for Nemesis anyway :lol: and then he eventually loses his coat, gets even stronger and crazier, and then at the end of the game becomes this HUGE super monster!! arkephonic - That's awesome :). I want to do that one day (complete RE2 and 3 at the same time, and maybe RE1 beforehand). But I will play it a bit different, as I will play half of RE3, then RE2 and then 3 again, as that's how it happens right? I really, really, REALLY want to complete RE1, but out of 2 and 3 (and Survivor) 2 is my favourite. I agree with what you said. I feel as though they perfected the game with RE3 for a number of reasons - all the new stuff you mentioned, and also unlimited ink ribbon (although I would prefer if it was just "go to the typewriter and save" like Dead Aim rather than have an ink ribbon, but nevermind). But at the same time, the actual story and locations kind of lets it down (not including Nemesis himself). Maybe it is just the fact that I kind of feel that it was too predictable, especially after playing RE3. Some of the events in the game are also predictable, such as the guinea pigs coming alive and smashing out of their tanks just after you do a puzzle in the same room for instance. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy the game though, as I did. But still, I can't shake this "kind of" disappointment feeling I have for the game. I probably wouldn't feel that way if RE3 was released before 2, because 2 set such a huge bar to follow on from, since it was so fun and the locations were amazing (regardless of the fact it is in the exact same city within walking distance of RE3's locations). Hmm, to be honest, I have never thought of the complete order of the RE titles in which I prefer them... but I will try: RE2, RE4, Dead Aim (this one may surprise you), RE3, RE5, Survivor, RE Outbreak, Survivor 2 Code: Veronica. RE games I have but wouldn't be fair to judge since they always gave me a lot of trouble since they're so difficult (will complete them one day!): RE1 (getting Director's Cut soon), Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil Outbreak File #2. I want the 360 version of Code: Veronica and will probably finish it on that first, and Outbreak File #2 was always just really difficult to me as well. I also have Umbrella Chronicles, but haven't got around to it yet. I need 0 and REmake and some others such as the portable ones, but lack of said systems makes that impossible :(. So yeah, after I finally get around to completing the hard ones and then buying the ones I never was able to get, that order could very well change quite a lot. But yeah, overall I did enjoy RE3, but I feel that it's not quite as good as 2. Oh, just want to say that the length of a game doesn't necessarily help me decide how much I like a game more than others, which is why I put Dead Aim as one of the first ones. I just had so much fun with that one :). hakanakumono - What is ikemen? sorry, tiredness could be affecting my memory :P.
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#38 hakanakumono
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"Ikemen" is a Japanese word for a certain perception of what a good looking guy is. He looks less like that.

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#39 Ashley_wwe
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"Ikemen" is a Japanese word for a certain perception of what a good looking guy is. He looks less like that.hakanakumono
Ohh, right. I couldn't really care what Chris looks like, I just wish that he looked the same in every RE game, because it can feel like a different character if they look different :P. An example is the Driver series. Tanner looks completely diffenent in the latest release, San Francisco. It is my favourite look of him however, but he looks so much different from every single other game that has been released. I also seen an interesting time line picture bar of him from Driver 1 to San Fran, and none of them really looked the same.
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#40 gameofthering
Member since 2004 • 11286 Posts

I have to admit, RECV is probably the hardest main RE game, even more than the first one (where your biggest enemy was a lack of ammo and the stupid hunters)

and if I was going for any version of RECV , Id go for the original Dreamcast version , I like it better for whatever reason, but the PS2 version is very good too.

and when you think about it, it makes sense CV was meant to be the real sequel to RE2, I mean , its a continuation of Claire's story, it makes sense , RE3's storyline is more of a "same situation , different perspective" type thing, since its happening during the same time as RE2.


I don't know why people think that:question: At the end of the game I usually end up having mass amounts of ammo for everygun. In code veronica the zombies don't even have a chance to hurt you. All you need in the game is the almighty knife! :P

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#41 Ashley_wwe
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LOL I'm curious since I never bothered to use the knife in CVX, how good is it at defending yourself? I'm worried that I will just get attacked by the zombies, as I do in RE2 etc. :P
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#42 Darkman2007
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[QUOTE="Ashley_wwe"]LOL I'm curious since I never bothered to use the knife in CVX, how good is it at defending yourself? I'm worried that I will just get attacked by the zombies, as I do in RE2 etc. :P

I generally find the knife to be pretty useless and really should only be used as a last resort, in any RE game (although in RE4 its somewhat decent)
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#43 Ashley_wwe
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I generally find the knife to be pretty useless and really should only be used as a last resort, in any RE game (although in RE4 its somewhat decent)Darkman2007
That's what I always thought too :P. I agree with it being good in RE4 (and 5), because you can knock them down and then knife them before they stand back up, saving you a lot of ammo in the end.
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#44 hakanakumono
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[QUOTE="Ashley_wwe"]LOL I'm curious since I never bothered to use the knife in CVX, how good is it at defending yourself? I'm worried that I will just get attacked by the zombies, as I do in RE2 etc. :PDarkman2007
I generally find the knife to be pretty useless and really should only be used as a last resort, in any RE game (although in RE4 its somewhat decent)

That's true for almost every game but CVX. The knife is super useful in Code Veronica.

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#45 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="hakanakumono"]"Ikemen" is a Japanese word for a certain perception of what a good looking guy is. He looks less like that.Ashley_wwe
Ohh, right. I couldn't really care what Chris looks like, I just wish that he looked the same in every RE game, because it can feel like a different character if they look different :P. An example is the Driver series. Tanner looks completely diffenent in the latest release, San Francisco. It is my favourite look of him however, but he looks so much different from every single other game that has been released. I also seen an interesting time line picture bar of him from Driver 1 to San Fran, and none of them really looked the same.

I didn't care too much what Chris looked like until RE5 came out. :? Ugh ...

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#46 Darkman2007
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[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="Ashley_wwe"]LOL I'm curious since I never bothered to use the knife in CVX, how good is it at defending yourself? I'm worried that I will just get attacked by the zombies, as I do in RE2 etc. :Phakanakumono

I generally find the knife to be pretty useless and really should only be used as a last resort, in any RE game (although in RE4 its somewhat decent)

That's true for almost every game but CVX. The knife is super useful in Code Veronica.

really? in what way? and yes, I find it odd the Chris suddenly looks like he is on steroids, his arms look like they belong on a bodybuilder or a wrestler. Though Saturn RE Chris has a somewhat bulky look to him ,but not nearly as much , nor is it out of proportions like in RE5.
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#47 norm41x
Member since 2011 • 813 Posts

really? in what way? and yes, I find it odd the Chris suddenly looks like he is on steroids, his arms look like they belong on a bodybuilder or a wrestler. Though Saturn RE Chris has a somewhat bulky look to him ,but not nearly as much , nor is it out of proportions like in RE5.Darkman2007

Use the knife to blow out the zombies knees then stab them while they are down. For me it takes 2 tries. Make them fall twice and keep stabbing. They mostly die on the 2nd trip. I also prefer the knife over the sniper when fighting Nosferatu for the cooler cutscene haha. The knife saved me a ton of ammo but left me using a lot of herbs in return. Some people I've seen do it without getting hurt though. It takes time to get it right I guess. I kind of still suck at it.

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#48 gameofthering
Member since 2004 • 11286 Posts

LOL I'm curious since I never bothered to use the knife in CVX, how good is it at defending yourself? I'm worried that I will just get attacked by the zombies, as I do in RE2 etc. :PAshley_wwe
If a zombie grabs you, rotate the analog like mad and 10/10 times they will never get a bite out of you. Also the knife is the most powerful weapon in CV near enough :P

My tactic in CV is to allow the zombie to grab me and I then throw them off before they can bite me. I then slash them constantly with the knife. Never need to use guns against Zombies apart from stuff like Hunters.

The Zombies in CV are not a problem like other Resident Evil games since you can always throw them off you (Without being bitten) if they manage to grab a hold of you.

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#49 Darkman2007
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[QUOTE="Darkman2007"]really? in what way? and yes, I find it odd the Chris suddenly looks like he is on steroids, his arms look like they belong on a bodybuilder or a wrestler. Though Saturn RE Chris has a somewhat bulky look to him ,but not nearly as much , nor is it out of proportions like in RE5.norm41x

Use the knife to blow out the zombies knees then stab them while they are down. For me it takes 2 tries. Make them fall twice and keep stabbing. They mostly die on the 2nd trip. I also prefer the knife over the sniper when fighting Nosferatu for the cooler cutscene haha. The knife saved me a ton of ammo but left me using a lot of herbs in return. Some people I've seen do it without getting hurt though. It takes time to get it right I guess. I kind of still suck at it.

hmm , I suppose you could do that , I always thought of the knife as the weapon to use when youre very low on ammo, and only against zombies (though Ive heard of people beating Nemesis with only a knife which is crazy)
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#50 hakanakumono
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[QUOTE="Darkman2007"] I generally find the knife to be pretty useless and really should only be used as a last resort, in any RE game (although in RE4 its somewhat decent)Darkman2007

That's true for almost every game but CVX. The knife is super useful in Code Veronica.

really? in what way? and yes, I find it odd the Chris suddenly looks like he is on steroids, his arms look like they belong on a bodybuilder or a wrestler. Though Saturn RE Chris has a somewhat bulky look to him ,but not nearly as much , nor is it out of proportions like in RE5.

The knife just does more damage in Code Veronica and is better at keeping zombies away, unlike previous RE games where it does damage but doesn't phase them.