I know I have a Resident Evil thread going at the minute on Legacy Platforms, but that is about the lesser-liked games and this is specifically about RE3, because I would like to know what you think of it and talk about it a little. :)
I haven't played this game for a while, and I never finished it the other times. The last time I had trouble with it and got stuck quite far in the game. Actually, I did start it again around March time but I wasn't in the mood, so I didn't save the game and I decided to come back to it later. That later was today. After starting the game again (with an intent on finishing it this time around) I am having a blast! I always look forward to getting to the Raccoon City Police Department (RCPD) building from Resident Evil 2, so I had a great fun while I was in there.
I do remember the game and the locations, but not enough for some reason, as I have forgotten many parts of the story and what happens in locations, but that's a great thing! When I had got the lockpick from upstairs in the station, I was stood at the top of thebig stairs up there and I hear a CRASHHH. I knew Nemesis wasaround somewhere, as he was trying to get in the main doors back in the hall some 20 minutes or so earlier (I take my time and click everything and pickstuffup, etc.) andI felt like facepalming (in a NOO! way) andI actually thought to myself "oh, no!" but allwas fine. As soon as Igot down the stairs though, he crashed through the window.Ihad forgotten that heactually used the Rocket Launcher early in the game (I thoughtit was a later thing), and soI was on my way to the saferoom under the stairs near the room with the file cabinets), and as soon as I clicked the doorto go on,a rocket appeared on my screen... but I had a lucky escape. I was like :ofor a while though! and he was waiting for me when I got out of the room! but luckily I had dodged him.
Do you know what's funny as well?the only enemy thathassuccessfully attacked me yetare the zombie dogs...and time and time again, it frustrates me! :P I hate those things. I also forgotten about the fast runningzombies in this one!*shiver*.
TheS.T.A.R.S guy that was in the bar, who got bitten not too far from the start of the game, was shooting at thezombie and hejust wouldn't die...and I wanted to save my ammo.But he was RIGHT in front of him so I had no choice but to startshooting the zombie and he dies in one shot... does the S.T.A.R.S. guy actually die if you don't shoot the zombie in that scene?
One thing thatI always loved aboutRE3 was Nemesis (of course). Every time he appears is a thrill. I don't want him to appear because he freaks me out, but at the same time I look forward to it!
If possible, try not to mention any story specific things about the game after this point, as Ihave forgottenquite a fair bit of it, it seems :). But what do you think of RE3? from the last time I played itproperly Ijust remmeber that the backtracking used toannoy me and it made the area feel really small...I used to get stuck quite a bit as well and had to look at walkthroughs... butI haven't hadthat problem yet tonight.
I think of the original PS1 games,my favourite is RE2 (but then again I never completed RE1 asI always found ittoo hard, butgoing to get the Director'sCut sometime soon to make it easier),and I never completed RE3 butgot far,but yeah I think RE2 is my favourite of the 3 (or 4 if you include Survivor). But this thread is really about what you think of RE3, as I always hear mixed things about it. So Legacy Platformsboard, whatdo you think of RE3? :)
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