@Lulu_Lulu: You do realize if there were no exclusives, every game out there would be the same. We need exclusives because we need competition. You can't have a game company declare a monopoly on the industry because you think exclusives are bad. Competition exists because otherwise we'd have extremely expensive games and systems to make up for the fact that this is a multi-billion dollar industry that thrives on a wide variety of customers. To lump everyone together and say "hey, everyone, we have all the games everyone loves on one gaming system" is to alienate those who would rather buy from one than the other. You have no idea how much brand loyalty is important. That's like telling everyone that Coke and Pepsi should become one soda company. It makes no sense because then there'd be no competition. We as human beings are both competitive and cooperative creatures by nature. Don't just say exclusives are bad without 1) giving actual proof that they are harmful, and 2) stating what is clearly YOUR OPINION as a fact amongst the consensus in an industry dominated by opinion rather than fact.
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