I'm finding it difficult to enjoy many of the modern games because they are rife with bad language. There is no profanity filter as in on-line games such as World of Warcraft - you have no choice.
This is a new trend by the American manufacturers to introduce a "rap" culture into today's games and perhaps even corrupt our youth into learning to speak that way in normal real-life. It certainly is a deliberate exercise to bring down the morality level in games, some perhaps thinking it gives more "street cred".
Now I am no prude when it comes to swearing or bad language but when I play a game I don't want it thrown in my face or suddenly taken by surprise by it.
Take two examples: I played Dead Space 1 and enjoyed the utter horror and bloodfest of it all to the end. I bought Dead Space 2 a few months later to hear pockets of swearing from various NPCs which distracted my concentration on the horror and spoiled the game somewhat for me.
Another game Red Dead Redemption was being played by a friend and I watched. This is set in the old wild west days so you would think there would be no profanity there or very slight (as they didn't use the modern swear we have today) - wrong! After hours of good gameplay the game went into a cut scene where some villains started using all manner of offensive words totally out of character of the game that far. Was that necessary?
These games would shock many parents and I think many would not all allow their youngsters to play games like this if they knew about the swearing in them. Unfortunately, as with the movie trend, most of today's films made by Hollywood have bad language dotted throughout, even in the mildest of films. It is this that is driving the game industry to mimic the movies and bring society down a notch. Even music now includes swearing!
I'm in my early 30s and I'm concerned this new direction taken by the gaming producers is detrimental and more harmful than the "fake" blood or perceived violence in today's games. The fact that they give you no choice with a profanity censor in any of the myriad of options shows their ill-intent which is spoiling the gameplay of many of my generation.
There is a great deal fundamentally wrong with your arguments as you've chosen to present them here.
Firstly, there is no conspiracy to corrupt youth by way of implementing profanity into gaming. Profanity is a part of any culture and an ancillary addition to the lexicon of any language. Furthermore it is unlikely that any child had learned a new cuss word from playing a game. I would go as far as to call such an assertion naïve.
You also erroneously align profanity with rap and hip hop culture, which is historically incorrect. Profanity transcends culture and is rather formulated and utilized by the populace as a whole, with each subset tweaking and modifying these words for their own distinct uses. The etymology of a word is a complex thing and to attempt to tether profanity to one specific culture or group is intellectually dishonest.
Also, your talk of morality is far too abstract to be taken seriously on any type of philosophical or intellectual level. The notion that profanity is linked to morality isn't something that is universally agreed upon, either from a secular position or when viewed through the lens of organized religion. You clearly have your own set of values that may or may not be predicated upon some sort of religious ideology but without a clarification of what that ideology is there is no way to even discuss the matter because you have opted to present your argument as some sort of universally accepted notion of moral behavior, which clearly isn't the case. Many people don't see profanity as a moral issue but rather an issue of manners and etiquette linked intrinsically to the established norms of a society.
I would also be remiss not to cite the clear hypocrisy in your own moral ethos, vague as it may be. You allude to games like Dead Space and the sequel and seem offended by the prolific use of profanity yet are clearly unmoved by the gruesome depictions of violence in those games, which are among the most graphic and gory in the medium. I would question the moral ideology of anyone who finds profanity offensive but makes no moral objection with a person (or Necromorph) being torn asunder in grisly detail. (To be clear I find neither objectionable)
What's fascinating about this hypocrisy is that it belies logic entirely when considering that profanity is limited in scope by both language and social conditioning; we respond to certain words because we have been trained to do so where by contrast violence is universally understood and, theoretically speaking, should be quicker to offend. If you utilize a bit of profanity to a non-English speaker, they probably won't take offense at all. Show them a person being dismembered and they'll have a clear reaction because such images transcend culture and language barriers.
As to Red Dead Redemption, your belief that the profanity in that game was thematically inaccurate is simply wrong. Profanity was widely used in that era; especially considering how uncivilized and uneducated many people were at that time. You should also bear in mind that this game clearly drew inspiration from various contemporary westerns, including the film Unforgiven and the HBO series Deadwood, both of which contain profuse amounts of profanity and are continuously praised for their authenticity.
Another issue I have with your postulation is that you never bother to explain how the proliferation of profanity in popular culture is detrimental to our collective society as a whole. It strikes me as an incredibly tenuous argument and given the socio-economic turmoil in our nation - compounded by the erosion of the educational system and the widespread degradation of parental skills - that laying the blame on something as benign as profanity is to oversimplify if not outright ignore the much larger problems facing our country. If you believe that profanity is a significant threat, the onus is upon you to clearly demonstrate why that is.
Lastly, the lack of a profanity filter in games does not prove some conspiracy to warp the minds of America's youth. What it suggests is that game developers, like any other artist, make creative decisions as to what type of experience they want the player to have and in making those choices they opt to preserve the integrity of their vision by not adding filters. There's a reason why directors often take their names off films when they are edited for television and that is because most creative people want their vision to be delivered fully and without impediment.
There is a well-defined rating system in place and that serves to warn consumers (and their children) of the potential content of any game. If that system isn't enough then perhaps people should find something else to do, though watching film or reading literature may also expose them to those bits of profanity that you allege harm society.
Personally, I think profanity is the least of our worries.
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