To the self-professed cleric: Perhaps I should have used the word "one" when I typed - In the end it shows your (ones) ignorance lacking communication levels to better express yourself rather than just saying oh "F### it". - unquote. It certainly is easier to swear rather than use reason or making cognisant rational argument. But for one condemning my perceived insult (which it wasn't) you sure throw a bunch back! I did not know you cared so much about keeping this new medium of vulgar communication that you would not even contemplate the allowance of a profanity filter, such as in online games like World of Warcraft. Oh, did you forget that WoW has the BIGGEST volume of users than any other video game today? Maybe WoW is not realistic enough for you; you must have your swearing "fix". As for my view, which I've stated many times that is all it is, it is not greater than anyone else's, especially a Grand Poobah such as yourself. The fact I believe there is a deliberate reason why the game makers refuse to allow that which is included in World of Warcraft, a profanity filter or 'bleeper', shows to me ill intent or evil. Swearing as I said in my first preface is easy to copy and carry from games than mutilation or violent imagery. To copy the latter acts one who have to commit a major crime, a threshold most normal folk choose not to cross. But they can resort to using more foul language because of the casual influence of games, something I REPEAT was barely around a couple of years ago. Something that is easier to imitate is more of a threat particularly when a vast majority deems the source offensive. And as much as you like to pontificate, words do harm - that is one of the basic ways which we communicate: you even managed to be offended by my use of the word ignorance in a global term, and ignorance is not the same as stupidity. The youth has always rebelled in one form or another, but in the 60 and 70s they formed the Hippie movement and opposed the Vietnam War. Today that lot are referred to demeaningly as "Tree Huggers". And how do you know today's intolerance and bad behaviour is not partly or greatly to blame on excessive bad language? You claim they are merely reflective on society, yet similar views to mine were expressed by many black community leaders regarding the influence of 'gangsta rap' which people like you claimed was simply reflecting "the streets". You don't have to agree with my opinion, and I equally yours. The point is where were you about two years ago when there was hardly any swearing in video games? When did you first come to this view that swearing in games is 'cool' and those who don't like it must have no choice, no profanity filter but just suffer ignominious and unconditional acceptance?sorello
Firstly, I haven't levied any personal assaults against you. I've attacked your arguments because they are weak and mostly unsubstantiated.
But let's entertain the notion that profanity actually is an evil and damaging component harmful to impressionable youth. (Despite the lack of a single shred of empirical evidence to back that claim up)
Even if I agree that the monkey-see-monkey-do argument is viable (which it is not), why would game manufacturers be culpable in the warping of young minds?
Videogames are rated and their content clearly denoted by a more than adequate rating system. So if a parent is irresponsible enough to let their young, impressionable child play said game, isn't that the failure of the parent to perform their duty? Why do you foist the blame onto the shoulders of developers for making a product not intended for young children?
By your flawed logic, when a kid acquires alcohol illegally it is the fault of the beer company instead of the storekeeper who failed or the parent who didn't bother to notice their child was inebriated. Your entire position is that the inclusion of profanity by default makes these game developers culpable in the degradation of society's morality even though they legally made and distributed a game intended for adults.
By the way, even if a game had a profanity filter, do you really think most kids would turn it off?
Answer: They wouldn't.
As to your history lesson, the hippy phenomenon was a counterculture movement in response to the perceived ideals and norms of the 1950's, which many of the youths in this nation saw as glaringly hypocritical and inequitable. The Vietnam War was merely one facet of their revolution.
As to Gangsta Rap, it was a direct reflection of what was going on in the inner cities and streets of America and it was delivered in a vernacular that reflected the raw and uncensored mentalities of an ethnic group that had been marginalized by society and the government. While I've never been a fan of rap personally, I've edified myself on the art form enough to understand that it was born of a downtrodden group of people criminally neglected and rightfully angry at a corrupt system.
What black leaders have cited in relation to this music had nothing to do with the use of profanity but rather the use of harsh racial slurs and the marginalization and derision of minority women.
Before you presume to teach me or anyone else history, you need to first learn and understand it yourself.
Finally, the issue isn't merely that I don't agree with your opinion; I'm flatly deconstructing your opinion and revealing it to be predicated on weak logic and unsubstantiated claims. Your arguments are rife with logic holes and you've purposely avoided many of the counterpoints aimed directly at these shoddy postulations. You actually asked me "And how do you know today's intolerance and bad behavior is not partly or greatly to blame on excessive bad language?"
How do you know that all of our technology isn't based on aliens? Just because you can't prove something (or disprove it) doesn't make it real. What you fail to grasp is that I don't have to prove anything; this is your argument and you have yet to offer any real evidence to support the bulk of your claims.
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