I'm going to copy and paste your post so as to reduce the amounts of "quotes" in this thread and I will try to reduce it only to the parts I'm responding to. If I miss anything, I just got off a 12 hour night shift and should probably be asleep...
I'm also replying to your subsequent quote but this one I felt needed reminding here.
We live in a capitalist world and rightly or wrongly many things will be market-driven. There is nothing bad in making money, God knows I'm trying but this is one of the points you mentioned which counter another person's argument on this thread.
Grammaton Cleric, replied often to this thread with well constructed and articulated counter-argument, as have you, but he claimed it was their "art", not as I put forward, commercially-orientated, and I contended deliberately morally corrupting. So I'm glad we both agree this has nothing to do with art, as if the producer/director of a shoot-em-up says, "My art will suffer if I don't have those swear words..." Somehow I don't think so.
I believe it lies somewhere in the middle. I think when someone is creating art, in this case we're assuming game dialogue, there is an amount of work that goes into it that is purely what the writer believes to make for a good story. If the story or character constitutes an expletive and it's not out of place, I don't see the issue. I don't believe in this case it would equal selling out or conforming. The way it's typically going to work, at least in my experience, is you see the rating of the game. You flip it over and see why it's rated so. If it's rated T in North America and on the back it says "Language" I'm not going to wonder what the word is, who said it, or how many times. It's not going to affect whether I buy the game or not. I don't think many people buy games based on that, as games are kind of expensive. There have been attempts at making games strictly for controversy. BMXXX was one of them. The game did horribly. People tend to see through that. If a game has excesses it still needs to stand on its' own merit as a good game or no one will play it. The "buzz" on things like this don't tend to come from that avenue anyways. They tend to come from the controversy, and in this case, at least so far as I can tell, that's coming from right here. Without this thread I would have no idea the game in question used a certain expletive in a certain way by a certain character. It never would have weighed on my decision to purchase or not purchase the game. It still doesn't, but for the market you speak of, the youth that WANT controversy, this has done more to bring it to their attention than anything else.
Where I disagree with you on one point is the reason/s why they have introduced swearing into games, very recently in almost every 3D action game (apart from Fantasy mostly), where this was not the case in as much prevalencepre 2008. Yes, you can point to the odd, rare game many moons before that but they were few and far between. Now it is the NORM, for a modern action game to be littered with expletives.
I haven't seen it be the norm, but I haven't played a huge amount of current gen games. I bounce all over the place and currently I'm doing a lot of retro gaming. I have however played GTA IV as it was one of the first games I got with my PS3. I expected swearing in it so I can't say anything in it stood out to me as vulgar or excessive. But the fact remains, if it weren't simply a fantastic game on its' own, I wouldn't play it. I don't play it because it has foul language and controversy. I play it because I had a great time and I loved the story.
I think partly its lazy writing. Far easier to create a violent atmospherewith swear words than write an intensively gripping script which builds the mood better. There are other reasons, such as believeing their game has more "street cred" because of the swearing and the game makers will go down market to sell games as you have pointed out.
I do agree on this to an extent. For some games I believe it is contextually valid, but I don't think a game has ever been lacking due to not swearing. I can't think of ever having played a game and said to myself after "it was okay but it would have been better with a few F-bombs" so I will give you that.
I also really think that swearing does NOTHING to improve a game, and does NOT increase its sales. Sales are because of the quality of the 3D models, textures, animation, backgroundsand gameplay. I doubt if one game would be harmed in its execution of impending doom, dread or suggestion of extreme mayhem that is about to unfurl. As stated, there was none in Dead Space produced on XBox in 2008 and it was so epic it launched the sequel (the sequel was out Jan 2011 with intermittent swearing - made not one iota of difference to the horror, merely offended people like me).
They include swearing because it is a growing culture certainly in America and less so in England to "talk dirty". The variety of media creators are pushing this as a 'fashion statement' to the degredation of its captive audience. If they decided we've gone too far, they would change just like that! Games of this genre would still sell in massive and ever increasing volumes until any collapse of the world economy.
I don't agree here, the 'culture' hasn't changed. There's no more swearing in music, movies or everyday life than there was ten to fifteen years ago. And there are British words that are considered swears that aren't here. Again, it's context. If you called someone a slag or a wanker here, most people wouldn't understand nor get very offended. You could probably load a video game full of British profanities and still only get a T rating here. I have seen many British movies and television shows and not only are those words used excessively but so are the ones you consider 'American'.
How could they implement a profanity filter. I would go for the 'blanking' option.
If you consider many NPCs are perfectly lip-synced with the swear words in that manikins script, yes it would detract from the visual aspect seeing some bad guy close up saying, "Why don't you get the [blank] outta here!!" But I and likewise minded people would prefer this than hear the utterance of the offending malediction. This could easily be done at apress of a button in the pre-game options. It wouldn't spoil anyones game as others can leave the swearing unchanged.
Ideadlly the scene should be shot twice, one with swearing one without, but that would cost a lot more making extra scenes. Another solution is, instead of a 'blank' a substitute word like "Frig" or "Freaking" could be used for the "F" word, "Crap" used for the "S" one, just have varying levels of the substitute word inserted. I think any reasoanble sound editor could implement those sounds correctly and it wouldn't take long.
I think the blanking option could work as long as it was an OPTION. If it was forced into the game it would hurt sales and not because people aren't getting the swear, but nobody likes the sound of audio cutting out. It pulls you away from whatever it is you're doing. I don't think the shooting of separate scenes or dialogue should or would ever be implemented. If this happened I guarantee you it would be used an excuse to at least temporarily jack prices up. I would prefer no swearing to a substitute word as I find them to be insulting. If I know what they are implying and I can't picture a single person in the real word saying it that way I feel like my intelligence is being patronized. Just say the word or don't.
As for the example of the mother buying an 11 year-old Call Of Duty. Yes she is a stupid parent and should be condemned considering the clerk went to the trouble of explaining this all to her. At the same time, these games are pushed at young people, whether older people buy more, and its obvious kids younger than the prescribed M rating are going to want to obtain. Most I'd say, 'pirate' the games; kids are real 'cheap-skates' using the vernacular expression, always looking to get things as cheap as possible - free is as cheap as it gets. I blame the industry for targetting young people with these games they are not supposed to play.
And if Call Of Duty was just a hard-hitting, action-packed, war simulation that kid, let down by a foolish parent, would not be morally harmed, in my opinion. Its that Call Of Duty andEVERY military game today is saturated with modern swear words the worst being the "MF" one. That 11 year-old could easily imitate those words, not become a machine-gun-toting commando, which is why I believe swearing in games is far worse.
The sales clerk should have also refused to sell the mother that game, but I can understand the pressure on him to allow it.
The sales clerk can't deny her purchase on the assumption that it's for her child and not her, even if it glaringly obvious. I think the clerk went above her duty by pointing out from personal experience what the mature content in the game was. Beyond that, there was nothing more she could but sell her the game or quit her job. I don't think kids should play games like that, I agree to that, I just don't believe we adults should be denied them because of the few bad parents out there.
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