What game do you love to play that has either gotten a lot of negitive reviews/not many people like?
I loved minority report
Heres a vid on someone who feels the same way
For goodness sakes you can make people throw up :o
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Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2.
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
Those girls were hot! :oHmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2.
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
I can't say that I ever loved a game that got very bad reviews, but I will say that the daytime levels of Sonic Unleashed were amazing. Too bad the rest of the game (which accounted for much more of the game's playtime) was absolute garbage.
I still can't believe Sega crapped on their great daytime levels with the absymal Werehog and overworld sections.
Those girls were hot! :o[QUOTE="Greyfeld"]
Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2.
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
lol jail bait :P
Though technically I suppose my post doesn't really fit with this thread. FFX2 was rated well, it just gets a lot of hate on these boards from what I've seen.
I actually liked the dressphere system, it was a unique gameplay mechanic that I've never really seen duplicated.Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
Alpha Protocol didn't get terrible reviews but mediocre ones and I gave it an 8. If they could of looked past the poor graphics, AI, and poor optimization it was a great game.
I actually liked the dressphere system, it was a unique gameplay mechanic that I've never really seen duplicated.[QUOTE="Greyfeld"]
Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
For the record, I liked the dress sphere system as well (it kinda reminded me of the job system from FFT/3/5), but I felt the spheres were significantly unbalanced. White Mage was all but worthless once you pick up Alchemist. Black mage took too long to get powerful when you had no problem smashing heads with a melee sphere. Warrior became obsolete the moment you got Dark Knight. Gunner was outclassed by pretty much every other damaging sphere shortly after the game started. Gun mage was near worthless until you built up your blue bullet list, which remained sparse for half the game.
In the end, the system was sound, and had a lot of potential. But the ease of battles, and the utter worthlessness (or underpoweredness) of half the dress spheres made it a bit underwhelming.
Alpha Protocol didn't get terrible reviews but mediocre ones and I gave it an 8. If they could of looked past the poor graphics, AI, and poor optimization it was a great game.
lol not to knock your opinion, because everybody has their own preferences... but that's almost like saying "if the game didn't suck, it would have been good." xD
lol not to knock your opinion, because everybody has their own preferences... but that's almost like saying "if the game didn't suck, it would have been good." xD
LOL no offense taken. I see your point. I think a better way to word my opinion would have been that the positives out weighed the negatives. The bad parts of the game were there but it spent so much of my playthrough being awesome that the negatives were not in my face or as relevant.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park for the Playstation 1 had frustrating gameplay and wonky platforming. That said, it's soundtrack was freakinawesome. The sound design overall was excellent. And the game did have some fun moments, the highlights being the first level for the raptor and the levels as Sarah spent running from the T-Rex.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Gamespot gave Carbon a better review and Most Wanted was definitely a much better game. Another one is Mario Kart 64. The game got a legitimate review but the game was far more fun despite it's very apparent flaws.sirkibble2
Yeah I was shocked at Mario kart's 6.4 here. It was a lot of fun and I would easily give it an 8.
lol not to knock your opinion, because everybody has their own preferences... but that's almost like saying "if the game didn't suck, it would have been good." xD
LOL no offense taken. I see your point. I think a better way to word my opinion would have been that the positives out weighed the negatives. The bad parts of the game were there but it spent so much of my playthrough being awesome that the negatives were not in my face or as relevant.
Fair enough. I've heard the choice system is one of the best ever made. Considering how much I love a good choice-driven RPG, I've been tempted to pick that game up, but the negatives I've heard about it have kept me from buying it thusfar. I'll probably wait till I can get it for under $20. (Wouldn't be the first time I've found a $20 gem; Valkyria Chronicles)
Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2.
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
Same I liked it, I thought is was rather entertaining, the new characters were interesting, there was a sense of ambiguity with the whole plot and the combat was just really responsive. I just didnt like how much the game required a guide to get the most from its narrative, the delivery of choise was just too obtuse.
I want to say Radiata Stories, but Ive seen some praise for it around here. The only other game that took a beating that I liked was Lucidity a downloadable game which got a 5.5 here, If your in the right mood, it sits at an 8/10 for me.
I actually liked the dressphere system, it was a unique gameplay mechanic that I've never really seen duplicated.[QUOTE="Greyfeld"]
Hmmm... The only game that comes off the top of my head is FFX-2
I think most gamers see it as "too girly" because of the all-female lineup, and the Jpop vibe throughout the game. But even if you don't like those aspects of the game (and I do, because I think they're very well done), there's a great story underneath it that blends well with the source material from FFX. Sadly, the battle system annoyed me somewhat, because of certain overpowered (and certain underpowered) dress spheres.
I agree.
I don't know why the fanbase hates it so much. It's not a terrible game. It wasn't broken. Most critics agree that it was a well made game.
Square tried to do something a different. The whole Dressphere system where you could change classes anytime was brilliant and the real time combat made battles more fast-paced. And yeah, some Dresspheres were way too powerful and parts of the game were too easy.
I thought it was an intresting look at the present and past of Spira and how much a world can change in a short span of time after a major crisis ends.
Alpha Protocol didn't get terrible reviews but mediocre ones and I gave it an 8. If they could of looked past the poor graphics, AI, and poor optimization it was a great game.
lol not to knock your opinion, because everybody has their own preferences... but that's almost like saying "if the game didn't suck, it would have been good." xD
Why is his opinion a bad one..Beacuse both of us liked the game is a wrong one..It is a decent game..The graphics are not as bad as people say it is..Its the game-play that makes this game good..If a game doesnt bore me an im hooked enough to finish it..Ill give the game a 8..Its a rpg-shooter not a pure shooter..Its what i think people get upset with this game..Oh some thing is wrong with the mechanics they said..Nothing is wrong with it..You improve you guns as you put points into certain weapons..Id even go through the game again..Just to use different rpg elements an try different tacts..Lot of people liked alpha protocol..Its a shame it didnt take off...Its people who like yourself say the game sucks..Only because there are some people who dont realise its a rpg a decent one at that..
I enjoyed both Resident Evil Outbreak games. Everyone else seems to hate them but I think they're awsome.
I don't think it was hated, so much as I felt it was underrated. I really liked Black, but I don't think it was able to maintain with all the other great FPS out there.
It definitely had moments of "oh..wow, that's kinda lame." But, I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, and I still wait for a direct sequel, since it was left as a cliffhanger.
I was pissed when they didnt create a BLACK 2I don't think it was hated, so much as I felt it was underrated. I really liked Black, but I don't think it was able to maintain with all the other great FPS out there.
It definitely had moments of "oh..wow, that's kinda lame." But, I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, and I still wait for a direct sequel, since it was left as a cliffhanger.
Since FFX-2 is being discussed, I have to say that I thought that was horrible. :P The battle system was good (though it took too long to switch outfits or whatever), but the story, villains and mission-based gameplay all bored the hell out of me, and I actually liked the two returning characters less than I did in FFX (I was never a big fan). Then again, I like games that were given a far worse critical response, such as:
Star Ocean 4 - the Internet hates it, and reviewers considered it mediocre, but I haven't played an FF game that good since FFX (I skipped 12, but I know I'd hate it). I bought it as a game to play through before I got FFXIII and it turned out to be far more fun for me personally. I also enjoyed it more than SO3 (which SO fans seem to consider blasphemy).
.hack RPG series. I bought all four of the original games, and would have got the next lot had they been released in Europe. They didn't get negative reviews, but they were down in the sixes as far as scores from what I remember, but I thought they were great.
Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2 - among bad Star Wars games this is apparently among the worst. Personally I hate the SNES platformers (they're hard, don't have the Star Wars feel and have a stupid jump mechanic), hated the highly-rated Gamecube games and couldn't stand the PC RPG that everyone loved (KOTOR), but I loved this at the time, when I got it for the PS1. :-P
TNA Impact - while it has very obvious flaws, I've enjoyed that game far more than any WWE game since Smackdown 2.
Alpha Protocol didn't get terrible reviews but mediocre ones and I gave it an 8. If they could of looked past the poor graphics, AI, and poor optimization it was a great game.
lol not to knock your opinion, because everybody has their own preferences... but that's almost like saying "if the game didn't suck, it would have been good." xD
Why is his opinion a bad one..Beacuse both of us liked the game is a wrong one..It is a decent game..The graphics are not as bad as people say it is..Its the game-play that makes this game good..If a game doesnt bore me an im hooked enough to finish it..Ill give the game a 8..Its a rpg-shooter not a pure shooter..Its what i think people get upset with this game..Oh some thing is wrong with the mechanics they said..Nothing is wrong with it..You improve you guns as you put points into certain weapons..Id even go through the game again..Just to use different rpg elements an try different tacts..Lot of people liked alpha protocol..Its a shame it didnt take off...Its people who like yourself say the game sucks..Only because there are some people who dont realise its a rpg a decent one at that..
You completely missed the point of my post. I was only pointing out the underlying irony of his statement.
Since FFX-2 is being discussed, I have to say that I thought that was horrible. :P The battle system was good (though it took too long to switch outfits or whatever), but the story, villains and mission-based gameplay all bored the hell out of me, and I actually liked the two returning characters less than I did in FFX (I was never a big fan).
Lol no offense, but if you didn't even like the original game, it's easy to take your thoughts with a grain of salt ;)
Mount & Blade. The game was slammed for its numerous problems but it has the best combat system in an RPG.
I felt that Legend of Dragoon was judged to harshly by critics, just by looking at user reviews you can see that it is a good game. Tales of Destiny was a very good RPG as well, and got a 4.9 on this site.
you know, I played LoD for the first time when I was 16, and aside from the slow battles, I really enjoyed it. Just last week, I tried replaying it, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why I enjoyed it so much the first time. It just felt so incredibly blase.I felt that Legend of Dragoon was judged to harshly by critics, just by looking at user reviews you can see that it is a good game. Tales of Destiny was a very good RPG as well, and got a 4.9 on this site.
No one should be complaining about this game. It was nothing but an improvement after Sonic 06.
That should have been the tagline on the back of the box.
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