Man i still argue with people abotu this xD
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It was cool to see him go back and watch himself as a kid with the viewers of what his perspective was with the conflict. He actually called himself a fanboy at the time and I gotta admit a lot of us were back then.
Man i still argue with people abotu this xD
Oh don't act all surprised. You knew it had to happen. You can't be that big in the retro-gaming community and not address the biggest rivalry in retro-gaming.
As for my opinion on it, I think Lucianu sums it up perfectly, so I'll just quote him:
Yeah, i liked the video, but it was to damn short. Can't wait to see part 2.
Same here. I loved the SNES, but the Genesis had better games and better commercials lol. While I really think James has gotten stale over the years, it's nice to see him bringing out new material even if the topic has been done to death. The Genesis and SNES is really the only 'console war' worth talking about since it's pretty much the only one where the two top dogs were dead even in all important aspects (sales, support, and fan bases).Nice vid! I loved both but, for some reason, used to have more fun with megadrive.
7:00 remembers be PS3 and 'The Cell' :lol:
The funny thing is that the Genesis couldn't handle Mario Kart (no Mode 7 support) so Sega flaming the game was all the more ironic.
I personally think the SNES had the better game library but I enjoyed some Genesis/MD games too.
Pretty good vid. At the time, I was a Sega guy and now veer more towards Nintendo consoles (though still have never owned a SNES). Your best bet is to own both, of course.
Part 2 was terrific!
I don't tend to watch AVGN too often, because I can only take so much random manufactured cursing. But these videos were great! He was being completely genuine and you could tell he was just speaking from the heart. Kinda makes me want to give some of his other stuff a chance.
In retrospective, the 32X looked pretty dumb.
They should have used addon chips like some SNES games did or focus on the Sega CD more.
It was also dumb not to bundle Genesis with the 6 button pad like Sony did with the PS and DualShock.
The vid also shows how crappy MK on the Genesis was.
It sold better just because of the blood code.
Nintendo censoring games was dumb too.
The vid also shows how crappy MK on the Genesis was.It sold better just because of the blood code.
No, and I dislike his using it as an example of sound effects also, had he put Earthworm Jim side by side it would've shown the SNES as having all the missing sound effect, not the Mega Drive.
MK1 on Mega Drive is missing sound effects, but SNES MK1 is missing literally over 70% of the combos, is filled with oversights and glitches (you can infinite combo someone in the corner simply by tapping punch FFS!), and is missing all the bio pictures, ending pictures, and the Goro picture in the intro, SNES MK1 is actually an unplayable mess... with better graphics and more sound samples.
Beat 'em ups better on SNES? Bah!
I agree w/ most of what else he said though, aside from maybe the controller design.
The video's were alright, they were pretty well made, and funny, and weren't as fanboy-ish as I though they were going to be, but there were still a ton of problems I have with them.
Firstly, he criticises Sega's marketing slogan "blast processing" but then proceeds to show a marketing BS specifications sheet concocted by Nintendo at the time to make the SNES look more powerful than it actually is.
SNES' native resolution is lower than Genesis, not higher, it can only do 512 pixels in Modes 5 & 6, those modes have crappy graphics so they're virtually never used for games (big woop, higher resolution, but at the cost of lower colour counts, Sprite flicker, slowdown, and fewer parallax layers). Essentially those modes are there for stills, and menu screens.
The SNES also has a much worse sprite engine than that list implies, in fact its most likely weaker than both the Genesis, and PC-Engine, The SNES' sprite numbers are bottlenecked to being around Genesis levels due to its total sprite pixels per scanline limit, on top of that the Genesis can make its sprites a whole load of different sizes (when you make a sprite, you choose what size, you get 16 choices on Genesis instead of 4 with SNES, worse still SNES only allows you to use 2 different sizes at once, whilst Genesis sprites are fully customisable), this makes the Genesis sprite system more efficient, and more versatile, on top of that you have to take into account that SNES struggles to do the collision detection of high numbers of sprites due to its weaker CPU anyway.
So in reality Genesis is better for CPU power, sprites, and resolution, its major downfall was always the colour counts, other advantages of SNES would be hardware translucency effects, and Mode 7 (Those SNES racers were leagues better than the Genesis stuff IMO), the soundchip was better as well, though Nintendo made it difficult to get good performance out of it (developers would have to send the music to Nintendo to convert, and it would come back months later, by which point if the developers weren't happy with how it turned out they'd have no choice to re-do it due to deadlines).
Other than that I dislike the fact that he showed Streets of Rage 1 instead of Streets of Rage 2, and I don't see why there wasn't a dedicated shmups section being that there was a dedicated RPG section, there also should've been mention of the 6-button controller IMO.
Always enjoy his videos. Often even more so when he's just being himself.Legolas_Katarn
Yeah, his AVGN persona is pretty much played out. He has a real good review of Contra in the same vein.
That being said, I still go through his old, screaming reviews when I get bored at work.
[QUOTE="nameless12345"]The vid also shows how crappy MK on the Genesis was.
It sold better just because of the blood code.
No, and I dislike his using it as an example of sound effects also, had he put Earthworm Jim side by side it would've shown the SNES as having all the missing sound effect, not the Mega Drive.
MK1 on Mega Drive is missing sound effects, but SNES MK1 is missing literally over 70% of the combos, is filled with oversights and glitches (you can infinite combo someone in the corner simply by tapping punch FFS!), and is missing all the bio pictures, ending pictures, and the Goro picture in the intro, SNES MK1 is actually an unplayable mess... with better graphics and more sound samples.
To be honest, both were pretty crappy ports.
The PC DOS version was where it was at it with it's arcade-perfect graphics, sound, controls (if you had an arcade stick) and fully non-censored violence.
Street Figher II Championship Edition/Hyper Fighting did a much better transition to 16-bit systems imo.
I think it was more then obvious that he was going to pick the SNES as the winner, I mean, it's common knowledge that he's a nintendo guyrilpas
I kinda knew he would pick SNES going into the video for the same reason you stated but that doesn't mean it came off as fanboyish, I think he compared the two systems pretty well. I don't agree on a number of points like beat em ups 'feeling' better on SNES but then again it's all personal preference and I respect the nerd for being truthful, I mean I would have never bought it if he picked SEGA over SNES. He was originally called 'Angry Nintendo Nerd' for a reason.
[QUOTE="rilpas"]I think it was more then obvious that he was going to pick the SNES as the winner, I mean, it's common knowledge that he's a nintendo guySwift_Boss_A
I kinda knew he would pick SNES going into the video for the same reason you stated but that doesn't mean it came off as fanboyish, I think he compared the two systems pretty well. I don't agree on a number of points like beat em ups 'feeling' better on SNES but then again it's all personal preference and I respect the nerd for being truthful, I mean I would have never bought it if he picked SEGA over SNES. He was originally called 'Angry Nintendo Nerd' for a reason.
I did have one big problem with his comparison:
On the Sega side, he didn't want to bring up the 6 button controller because the 3 button one was the more common, okay fair enough
but on the retrocompatibility comparison he uses a chinese knock off as a tie breaker? what kind of logic is that?
Beat 'em ups better on SNES? Bah!
I agree w/ most of what else he said though, aside from maybe the controller design.
If you break it down, I agree:
-Final Fight > Streets of Rage - SNES
-Golden Axe > Knights of the Round - Genesis
-TMNT: Turtles in Time > TMNT: Hyperstone Heist - SNES
-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers SNES > Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Genesis - SNES
-X-Men 2: The Clone Wars = X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse - Tie
-Marvel Super-Heroes: War of the Gems on SNES (what can I compare here on Genesis?)
-Altered Beast on Genesis (again, what can I compare it to on SNES?)
-Batman Returns is better on SNES
-Maximum Carnage is better on SNES
-Separation Anxiety is better on SNES
From that list, I see 2 games/series that are better on Genesis, while SNES gets 7, and 1 tie. So I give the fighting games edge to SNES, as well.
I know people are gonna have their opinion on preferences on some of these, like Final Fight vs. Streets of Rage, both games are excellent series. But then there's other comparisons like TMNT, Batman Returns, and Power Rangers where there's pretty much no doubt about it.
[QUOTE="rilpas"]I think it was more then obvious that he was going to pick the SNES as the winner, I mean, it's common knowledge that he's a nintendo guyrilpas
I kinda knew he would pick SNES going into the video for the same reason you stated but that doesn't mean it came off as fanboyish, I think he compared the two systems pretty well. I don't agree on a number of points like beat em ups 'feeling' better on SNES but then again it's all personal preference and I respect the nerd for being truthful, I mean I would have never bought it if he picked SEGA over SNES. He was originally called 'Angry Nintendo Nerd' for a reason.
I did have one big problem with his comparison:
On the Sega side, he didn't want to bring up the 6 button controller because the 3 button one was the more common, okay fair enough
but on the retrocompatibility comparison he uses a chinese knock off as a tie breaker? what kind of logic is that?
You can buy a North American version of the Super 8. It's rare, but it's was produced. I kind of agree, though. Because personally, I'd much rather play Master System games than Game Boy games. And like I said, the Super 8 is pretty rare (and pricey). You're better off just buying an NES.
I kinda knew he would pick SNES going into the video for the same reason you stated but that doesn't mean it came off as fanboyish, I think he compared the two systems pretty well. I don't agree on a number of points like beat em ups 'feeling' better on SNES but then again it's all personal preference and I respect the nerd for being truthful, I mean I would have never bought it if he picked SEGA over SNES. He was originally called 'Angry Nintendo Nerd' for a reason.
I did have one big problem with his comparison:
On the Sega side, he didn't want to bring up the 6 button controller because the 3 button one was the more common, okay fair enough
but on the retrocompatibility comparison he uses a chinese knock off as a tie breaker? what kind of logic is that?
You can buy a North American version of the Super 8. It's rare, but it's was produced. I kind of agree, though. Because personally, I'd much rather play Master System games than Game Boy games. And like I said, the Super 8 is pretty rare (and pricey). You're better off just buying an NES.
yeah but my point is: If the 6 button genesis controller wasn't counted because the 3 button controller is the more common one, how in the hell did the super 8 make the cut?[QUOTE="Emerald_Warrior"]
I did have one big problem with his comparison:
On the Sega side, he didn't want to bring up the 6 button controller because the 3 button one was the more common, okay fair enough
but on the retrocompatibility comparison he uses a chinese knock off as a tie breaker? what kind of logic is that?
You can buy a North American version of the Super 8. It's rare, but it's was produced. I kind of agree, though. Because personally, I'd much rather play Master System games than Game Boy games. And like I said, the Super 8 is pretty rare (and pricey). You're better off just buying an NES.
yeah but my point is: If the 6 button genesis controller wasn't counted because the 3 button controller is the more common one, how in the hell did the super 8 make the cut?I agree. Especially since he showed a third-party 6-button controller in the video, which isn't exactly an accurate representation, since Sega did make first-party 6-button controllers and the later models of Genesis had them packed-in.
I think everyone not blinded by nostalgia knows that the SNES version of Final Fight is pretty awful, it runs slow, it has half the number of enemies onscreen at all times, it has stages missing, it has terrible music, it has a character missing, and its missing 2-player mode.
Beat-em-up - 2 player co-op - enemy numbers = FAIL
Street of Rage > Final Fight (SNES version, not arcade)
Streets of Rage 2 > Final Fight 2
Final Fight 3 > Streets of Rage 3 (I don't like SoR 3)
Turtles in Time > Hyperstone Heist
You also forgot about Splatterhouse III, Comix Zone, Alien Storm, Punisher, and Second Samurai, but then you didn't mention Ghost Chaser Dansei, Iron Commando, or the Rushing Beat games on SNES either.
I think Beat-em-ups is one of the harder genre's to judge between the two to be honest, SNES has the numbers, and the polish, but Genesis ones (Like Comix Zone, Splatterhouse III, and Second Samurai) often try to do something different, also in my opinion Streets of Rage II is the best beat-em-up of that generation no question, anyone not familiar with SoR2 on HARD mode should try it out some time, there are like 6 enemies onscreen a lot of the time! I've never seen a SNES beat-em-up manage anywhere near that number.
Well I was an Rpg guy back then so it was no contest for me, Snes all the way.
I had access to Sega and a Snes as a kid, my mom ran a local youth center and in the winter holidays when it shut down we got to bring home all the systems and games. Sega had 2 really good side scrolling fighting games I liked Altered beast and this weird game where you collected rings and different combos did different thing, it was pretty cool!
Hands down though I had more fun my Snes and hundreds more hours of playing because of the RPG's. I also agree heavy on the Mario world > All the sonic games, Sonic 2 was pretty cool and Sonic 3 blew my mind, Mario world took me the whole gen to unlock everything and it was fun the whole way.
Y'know, there were actually more of them on the SNES but the great majority of them were crap. SOR2 and 3 beats SNES's entire beat 'em up library.Beat 'em ups better on SNES? Bah!
I agree w/ most of what else he said though, aside from maybe the controller design.
I think everyone not blinded by nostalgia knows that the SNES version of Final Fight is pretty awful, it runs slow, it has half the number of enemies onscreen at all times, it has stages missing, it has terrible music, it has a character missing, and its missing 2-player mode.
Beat-em-up - 2 player co-op - enemy numbers = FAIL
Street of Rage > Final Fight (SNES version, not arcade)
Streets of Rage 2 > Final Fight 2
Final Fight 3 > Streets of Rage 3 (I don't like SoR 3)
Turtles in Time > Hyperstone Heist
You also forgot about Splatterhouse III, Comix Zone, Alien Storm, Punisher, and Second Samurai, but then you didn't mention Ghost Chaser Dansei, Iron Commando, or the Rushing Beat games on SNES either.
I think Beat-em-ups is one of the harder genre's to judge between the two to be honest, SNES has the numbers, and the polish, but Genesis ones (Like Comix Zone, Splatterhouse III, and Second Samurai) often try to do something different, also in my opinion Streets of Rage II is the best beat-em-up of that generation no question, anyone not familiar with SoR2 on HARD mode should try it out some time, there are like 6 enemies onscreen a lot of the time! I've never seen a SNES beat-em-up manage anywhere near that number.
I own Final Fight on SNES and have played the heck out of it. My big complaint is no 2 players. I didn't even know about all that other stuff you mentioned. But regardless, if someone had Streets of Rage 1 on Genesis and Final Fight 1 on SNES, I'd rather play Final Fight. But Streets of Rage is still a fantastic game. I feel SoR 2 was much better than SoR 1, which I would play before FF 1. As for SoR 3, forget it. A fighting Kangaroo?! Come on Sega! On the other hand, I do love FF 2 and FF 3, but I haven't played either game since I was like 12.
I knew he would pick the SNES since he's a Nintendo guy, but he used some weird reasoning. Using a non Nintendo product and disallowing the second SEGA controller made no sense to me. Also SNES beat 'em ups are better? Huh, and calling them stiff no less? He pretty much used the whole stiff as hell Final Fight series against the Streets of Rage game that plays like Double Dragon. I'm sorry, but Streets of Rage 2 and 3 make every other beat 'em up, including the so called crown jewel of the SNES, Turtles in Time, look stiff. Even Final Fight CD, can't compare to the smoothness and perfection of those two games. As for music and library, I didn't like his Genesis choices, but granted that's more subjective.
I knew he would pick the SNES since he's a Nintendo guy, but he used some weird reasoning. Using a non Nintendo product and disallowing the second SEGA controller made no sense to me. Also SNES beat 'em ups are better? Huh, and calling them stiff no less? He pretty much used the whole stiff as hell Final Fight series against the Streets of Rage game that plays like Double Dragon. I'm sorry, but Streets of Rage 2 and 3 make every other beat 'em up, including the so called crown jewel of the SNES, Turtles in Time, look stiff. Even Final Fight CD, can't compare to the smoothness and perfection of those two games. As for music and library, I didn't like his Genesis choices, but granted that's more subjective.
I find the Final Fight games more fun than Streets of Rage games too.
For me, the punching in FF actually feels like punching while SoR is more fancy and fells less "rough".
I knew he would pick the SNES since he's a Nintendo guy, but he used some weird reasoning. Using a non Nintendo product and disallowing the second SEGA controller made no sense to me. Also SNES beat 'em ups are better? Huh, and calling them stiff no less? He pretty much used the whole stiff as hell Final Fight series against the Streets of Rage game that plays like Double Dragon. I'm sorry, but Streets of Rage 2 and 3 make every other beat 'em up, including the so called crown jewel of the SNES, Turtles in Time, look stiff. Even Final Fight CD, can't compare to the smoothness and perfection of those two games. As for music and library, I didn't like his Genesis choices, but granted that's more subjective.
I find the Final Fight games more fun than Streets of Rage games too.
For me, the punching in FF actually feels like punching while SoR is more fancy and fells less "rough".
K, but I have no idea how anyone can think that way, especially if you're talking about the crappy SNES ports. Punching and kicking in FF feels slow and like I'm doing no damage, while the "boom" sound effects and gameplay in SoR2 & 3 provide such a sense of satisfaction.
Even if you don't count music, picking between this and this versus this, this and this, is no contest to me.
I own Final Fight on SNES and have played the heck out of it. My big complaint is no 2 players. I didn't even know about all that other stuff you mentioned. But regardless, if someone had Streets of Rage 1 on Genesis and Final Fight 1 on SNES, I'd rather play Final Fight. But Streets of Rage is still a fantastic game.Emerald_Warrior
Streets of Rage 1 is an ok game with great music that was superceded by later beat-em-ups on Genesis, Final Fight 1 (snes) though its just a complete turd, you shuffle along empty streets on your own to poor quality music.
and its not as though I'm just hating on SNES either, SNES has loads of good beat-em-ups, Final Fight 1 is just weak.
[QUOTE="Emerald_Warrior"]I own Final Fight on SNES and have played the heck out of it. My big complaint is no 2 players. I didn't even know about all that other stuff you mentioned. But regardless, if someone had Streets of Rage 1 on Genesis and Final Fight 1 on SNES, I'd rather play Final Fight. But Streets of Rage is still a fantastic game.Domino_slayer
Streets of Rage 1 is an ok game with great music that was superceded by later beat-em-ups on Genesis, Final Fight 1 (snes) though its just a complete turd, you shuffle along empty streets on your own to poor quality music.
and its not as though I'm just hating on SNES either, SNES has loads of good beat-em-ups, Final Fight 1 is just weak.
I don't know. I think you guys are judging the game too harshly. It may have had those limitations, but it was due to space limitations. If you go into it understanding that, what the game gives you is still a very fun and good game regardless. It's not like we can all own a Final Fight arcade machine.
I think even if you just went of the basics
Controller Snes is better.
GFX Snes is better, DKC, Yoshis story, hell that super scope game made " blast processing " look like a joke.
Sound Snes by so much, aside from Sonic games dat Sega sound was terribad.
Games are all opinion an were all so blinded nostalgia you could never come to an agreement.
Imo Snes had platformers RPGS, Action-Adventure, Adventure RPG, an Jrpg under wraps.
I didnt play much else for games back then, the best beattem ups were arcade games, as were the best racing games. Sports games have an always will be a joke to me.
Yeah, you can't win this one either way. Yeah, blast processing sucked, but then again, not everyone likes RPGS. I mean, what about shoot em ups? They are a lot of fun on the SNES but on the Genesis they are incredible. More genesis games need to be represented. I appreciate his effort, and he is funny, but I knew he was going to pick the SNES. Which is fine, it is an incredible game system. But the Genesis is too, and I think he would do himself a favor and play some more genesis games before he does a comparison.
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