I'm around 10 chapters in, and my impressions on the game are somewhat mixed, although probably not for the reasons most in this thread think so.
First, I'd like to say that Naughty Dog earned HUGE points with me on this game for at least putting some effort into the puzzles, most of which are superior and more challenging than even the most difficult puzzles from previous games in the series. I've always believed this series could not survive as a shooter, and it pained me to see Naughty Dog pigeonhole such an awesome concept into the narrow confines of Gears of War shooter and Jerry Bruckheimer flick. The series could be so much more than that, and it's good to see Naughty Dog acknowledge it and make strides toward it. Drake is an adventure hero waiting to happen, not TPS typecast he's been shoved into from the first two games.
Unfortunately, the gunwork has become so substantially worse that it borders on borked, and as such, the gun sections simply aren't that much fun to play. All the guns feel largely the same, and the enemies are just as apt to soak bullets up as ever, if not more. That's the problem with these types of games that draw from other genres heavily -- usually the games they draw from do it better. The shooting sections are well planned and placed, but the controls and enemy design contribute to make it a mess to play. In fact, most of the controls are sloppy, period. Even the chase segments constantly feel like I'm playing stoned, because the neurotic camera is constantly veering around, making me readjust the controls on the stick. I think this was an intentional decision, designed to add dramatic flair to these sequences, but all it does is feel floaty and disjointed, and this is coming from someone who has played and enjoyed chase sequences in ND games since the original Crash Bandicoot.
It's also SLOW to get rolling. I don't mind a little exposition (and I actually like the backstory bits unlike many I've read posts from), but goddamn, the beginning of the game feels like a Michener novel. It could've pared away entire sequences of the game before getting to the first real area that feels like it belongs in an Uncharted game (the Chateau) and even then, there's a return to the city environments after another area. I know that I am only about halfway done with the game, but that's my point -- I'm HALFWAY THROUGH THE GAME, and it feels like I haven't seen s***. Very disappointing.
I was not as big on U2 as others were, largely because people who called it things like "Best game ever" and such were ignoring huge glaring flaws in the game, like the inconsistent, automatic controls, the fuzzy gunplay, and the (at times) boring settings like the Nepal city. This game feels like both a clarion call and a middle finger to critics of that game like myself. I think ND definitely took to heart the complaints that it was too shooter-centric and made it more focused on adventure elements, but they completely ignored the crappy platforming and the gunplay got worse. I'm playing the game on Hard, so I don't know how much of an impact that has (if any) on any of these elements. I'm still having a good time, but I better see some incredible s*** in the second half, and most accounts assure me I will.
I really like how thoughtfully designed the stealth bits are in the game. There have been two large areas that turn into total clusterf****s if you get all gun happy and act a fool. They play out somewhat methodically, almost like puzzle sequences, but this makes them oddly satisfying. It reminds me a bit of Tenchu in the stealth department. And while I may not be accurately recollecting here, the stealth sections in U3 are superior to those of U2.
And of course, the one area the series has always excelled in has been the characters, and U3 is the best in the series. The good guys are likeable and the bad guys are pretty awful. Unlike Gears of War 3 (whose characters ended up being cardboard cutouts compared to those in Uncharted), the characters in this game are believable and superbly acted, with great writing and scripting. The only thing I will say is that the character models feel like they have changed a lot, sometimes to the point of being jarring.
So those are my thoughts so far. It needs a lot of work in some areas, and it treads some new, exciting ground in others, which makes me want to like this game. I don't think anything can really save the gunplay, but I think it's still possible that this game ends up being something the previous games were not -- an excellent action/adventure game. I'm glad to be playing it, for what it's worth, and while it's not ever going to be able to top Gears 3 as a shooter, I still think has a chance at being a better game in a less crowded genre.
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