less respect for original games as oddworld, day of the tentickle and god of war
more respect for fifa. same !@$ every year
It is a very strange thing indeed to call God of War original... just saying
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less respect for original games as oddworld, day of the tentickle and god of war
more respect for fifa. same !@$ every year
It is a very strange thing indeed to call God of War original... just saying
The likes of [...] Syphon Filter [...] are dead and buried and the yearly CoD, FIFA, Madden, Need For Speeds getting more popular with each largely unchanged iteration.Floppy_JimSeconded. Syphon Filter was my favourite series on the PS. Omega Strain was a disappointment and I haven't had the chance to try the PSP ones yet (I hear they are good). It could definitely do with a reboot and start the series from scratch... and NOT have it be a Gears of War ripoff.
Framerate issues.
How critics think their reviews are final.
Day 1 DLC
DLC in general.
I love shooting games but I honestly agree that the company should focus more on other types of games.Shooters becoming so damn popular.
I don't have anything against those who play them, it's just that their popularity is causing the game developers to only make shooter after shooter after shooter.
Strategy games and RPGs anyone?
The pravelance of DotA in my country. All they play is Dota. i can't understand its popularity. it has lesser complexity than Starcraft 2. there's lots of other games and yet they continue to play just one game which isn't really that great in the first place.
That a lot of 'gamers' seem to be arrogant pricks online who whine and complain over silly, kiddie s*** like 'spoilers', game ratings or get mad because you don't like their 'favorite' game and have bad opinions about it. Silly terms like 'noob' and 'newbie'. Just because you may be a pc gamer doesn't mean you're necessarily 'smarter' than someone who isn't. It just means you spend mad free time on a computer.
I have my preferences but have NEVER been that attached to games, or celebrities enough to feel personally offended or enraged when someone says whatever I like is wack. That's some corny s*** and makes you look pathetic like you have no life to feel the need to slang insults at someone who has negative views about something you idolize.
As arrogant and elitist as these 'know it alls' come off in gaming forums with sarcastic remarks, most of them are soft and would never come off like that in real life face to face with anyone. I never realized gamers took s*** to heart like that until I started reading gaming forums.
- Fanboy Wars I see no need for them
- Games that are so buggy playing them is a hassle I'm looking at you Bethesheda.
- People who can't take it when a game they love has flaws I'm looking at you Call Of Duty Fanbase.
- Being told to stop playing a game when it is just the same as watching tv or browsing the internet people do those things all day but for gaming it is forbidden to relax on a day off and have a gaming day.
paying for Xbox Live... and the holiday season when devs decide to drop all their high profile games in the span of one month...
It is a very strange thing indeed to call God of War original... just saying
less respect for original games as oddworld, day of the tentickle and god of war
more respect for fifa. same !@$ every year
It is a very strange thing indeed to call God of War original... just saying
He might be talking about the original God of War? Which then caused a wave of time button press games and sequels to be made.u dont have to pay for psn. unless you want to. and you dont have to pay for Wii. and xbox 360 is a better console. u probably could have bought a ps3 with all the money you wasted paying for xbox live. just sad that millions of people do this.paying for Xbox Live... and the holiday season when devs decide to drop all their high profile games in the span of one month...
People who don't get that playing a game involves a little imagination and induces an experience.
People who complain about nostalgia in "gamers".
Fanboys/"gamers" who think they know everything and complain about the state of video games. (I used to be one a couple years ago)
Voice chat. Who thought it was a good idea :evil: ?? It is the most pointless and frustrating invention. Guess what? I honestly do not care for hearing some random stranger cussing when I play online.
I dislikescreen tearing..
Also dislike it when the screen goes blured 'in any shape of form' when I'm gaming, it screws with my eyes especially when using a large screen.. Developers need to stop this ridicilous trend..
Far far too many similar games, not enough risk takers concerning devellopers also.
I hate that things that are supposed to be on the game disc already are getting sold as DLC
I hate the fact that Single Player is becoming second fiddle to multiplayer or that now every game needs some type of multiplayer
Yeah these two are very high on my list, especially SP playing second fiddle to MP nowadays, which really pisses me off.
Sonic the Hedgehog bothers me immensely, as does that ridiculous Noah's Ark of comedy sidekicks that seems to accompany him on every trip to the latrine.
-The bro gamers who claim to be huge gamers but play nothing but Call of Duty, Halo, Madden and MAYBE one other big mainstream title. (Such as EA's Skate or Killzone.) They won't glance at any game that isn't mainstream unless it's got guns and gore.
-God damn sequels that shouldn't be called sequels. They feel more like expansion packs. CoD4 was a HUGE improvement over CoD3, but after what a huge success CoD4 was, every game after that is the same damn game with different levels. Most developers are doing this now. Uncharted 2 and 3 are the same game, Resistance 2 and 3 are the same game, Killzone 2 and 3 are the same game. I've lost track of all these sequels. When Killzone 3 came out I was like "Wait, there's a Killzone 3?" I stoped caring after Uncharted 2. I'm very disappointed in Skyrim, to me it feels exactly like Oblivion, except it has dragons.
-Downloadable Content. Pay $60 to buy the game, and then pay an extra $10 if you want the FULL game! Before Sonic Generations was released, they already announced that Casino Night Zone, one of my favorite zones from Sonic, is going to be a DLC level that you'd have to pay extra for. What a load of crap! It doesn't take a genius to figure out that DLC is a rip off and that developers just use it to milk more money out of us.
-The console JRPG is becoming less relevant today because shooters are hogging the spotlight. I blame Halo and Call of Duty for this. :evil:
People who badmouth WoW players as having no life. For example, I have a friend that will never play WoW because he claims he will have no life if he does.This same person has spent over 100 hours playing the newest Final Fantasy. Other friends say the same thing when they spent the same amount of time playing DoTa. I just don't understand how someone can have such flawed logic. Ghost_702
This too.
A friend of mine says something similar. He says he hates WoW, but never gives a clear reason. The impression I get is that he thinks everyone who plays ends up as a lifeless loser with no social skills. But then I see him playing games like Team Fortress 2 and Skyrim for hours on end.
He spends so much more time playing TF2 than I do playing WoW.
I hate how World of Warcraft get's such a bad rap because of the few idiots out there who let themselves get addicted. Parents will say "I've seen that news story about the boy who died because of WoW, it's a bad game." But they know next to nothing when it comes to video games, they generalize us WoW players because the mistakes of a few idiots.
There are so many things that bother me about the gaming community and gaming industry that I could ramble on and on for a while. What I wrote on this thread is probably not even the half of it.
Most of these have already been said but here are mine...
-The overabundance of profanity and trash talk in online games. I know it can be fun to joke around and give people a hard time some times when playing games, it's all in good fun sometimes but for the most part in my experience most of the trash talking etc. that goes on now is just pure mean, hateful, sometimes racist, derogitory, and by no means meant for fun. These are just games people please don't make the online community unenjoyable for other people just because you have rage issues.
-DLC. I'm sorry because I know some people love it, and I think it's good for companies to continue support for games, but pretty much EVERY game has some form of DLC now. I just don't know why game companies can't just build a super awesome game with lots of maps or characters in the first place so we don't have to end up paying $90+ for a full game experience. Note: I rarely buy DLC, especially after the "First Strike" map pack for Black Ops which was terrible.
-Online passes. The fact of the matter is this: Every game that gets sold either new or used still has already been bought buy a store or consumer. Just because someone prefers buying a second hand game is no reason to punish them because EA has already been paid for that game once when Wal-Mart bought it (or other chain store or whatever). This makes it so people can't even let friends borrow games to check out online or anything because they would have to pay $10 to play the multiplayer. THIS is the biggest injustice that has been introduced into gaming as long as I can remember.
-Games focusing on Multiplayer more than Singleplayer/Forcing in Multiplayer when unnecessary (I'm looking at you Bioshock 2) - Don't get me wrong, I love multiplayer gaming; I play lots of Halo, BF3, etc. BUT I don't think companies should sacrifice the single player aspect to build a pretty much multiplayer only game. I think the CoD franchise has suffered from this for a while. I remember that the first MW had an awesome campaign, but by Black Ops everything just seemed like regergetated garbage that has been seen ten times over by now. I just miss FPS's with solid campaigns, MoH: Frontline anyone? And I don't think I need to dive in to the whole forcing in multiplayer thing, I think everyone has noticed this by now.
-FPS's being the only thing people play now a days - I am guilty of this and feel the shame. It has become so easy to just get drug into playing them almost exclusively because such a vast majority only play these. Most of my friends at work play them almost exculsively so I play them a lot too. I like them and think they are fun but really miss enjoying the other avenues of games like platformers, rpgs, fighters, etc. I really need to play more games before I become like those sad CoD players that rage over their KDR :( I need help.
-Some Gamestop employees really do get on my nerves. I hate dealing with the pushy ones that always want you to pre-order things or want to help you find things when you just came in to browse, and have made them aware of that but they just keep nagging. Ugh. I have litterally just walked out of the store when they start doing that stuff.
-The lack of video stores - Am I the only one that misses getting to go into the video store and looking at the back of the boxes of games and renting random stuff? The randomness was due to the lack of the internet, which let me be surprised when new games came out.
Anyways, I'm sure there are more, but this reply is long enough, it's someone else's turn to gripe now. :)
One thing that annoys me is this seeming trend of shorter campaigns in favor of big multiplayer. As one person said, it seems like perhaps the campaign is a bonus these days.
The way things are going, I can see a day possibly coming when games are entirely multiplayer and great story-driven campaigns disappear.
-Jack Thompson- he's like that one silly crazy old fart yelling at kids all the time
-critics and girl gamers pissing and moaning about games being sexist towards the female characters or whatever. Really? Then stop playing the old Tomb Raider games and play something like Metroid Prime, the Resident Evil games. Hell I think the maincharacter in Silent Hill 3 is a girl and not having big breasts or whatever.
What exactly does caring about whether which console finishes first in sales accomplish? Just play the darn games and be happy.
- Multiplayer in single player games that don't need it.
- People who play the multiplayer first and ignore the campaign.
- Cowardly crap gamers that resort to cheating to win.
1)Motion controls. They add nothing to the game at all except for a chance to stand up and shake around like a spastic chimp.
2)Shoehorning multiplayer into everything, and the people who actually want this. I mean, there are people who go on the Skyrim boards and suggest multiplayer for gods sake. Why not just go and play something that has it, instead of forcing it on to a game that doesn't need it in any way, shape or form?
one last thing that bothers me as a gamer
-Nintendo Wii forcing people to flail their bodies around from the damn wii remote. Just a freakin normal controller for cripe's sake LOL
-game companies keep putting out DLC for new games. Eough already. Not everyone has the money to afford that crap
-Quit making more Halo games. How many are there anyway? 100?
Inappropriate sexy outfits. I'm not talking about games like Bayonetta or Mortal Kombat, where everything is so over the top anyway.
I'm more annoyed with games that do this sort of thing when there is no place for it or when a game wants to be taken seriously.
Did Civilization V really need Catherine the Great to have a giant set of breasts? Why does a game about building nations need that?
Then there is the new Hitman trailer featuring a character taking a shower who up until this point has never even been seen in the series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2_uFewVo-0
I'm starting to get a little annoyed at not being able to just pop a game into a console and JUST PLAY. I don't want to download anything. I don't want to update anything.
And (Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, etc) I don't want to have to spend X amount of time making a friggin character (down to the eye color). I just want to play that gosh darn game.
Pet Peeves:
The words "gamer" and "gaming."
Obnoxious GameStop employees.
People who say their a very big "gamer" and all they play is Halo, Call of Duty, and something made by Bethesda.
People who cannot appreciate games that do not have blood and gore in them, e.g. Mario is for the kiddies!
I have some more, but cannot think of them at the moment.
At least people at GameStop know what they're talking about, though (usually, haha), as opposed to other stores where they would rather you buy the 59.99$ game than the 49.99$ game.
One of my pet peeves is definitely the use of "casual" and "hardcore", which is kind of similar to your comment about people saying Mario is casual. In the mind of a lot of little kids, Call of Duty is "hardcore" and Mario is "casual" - pretty opposite if you ask me. :P
one last thing that bothers me as a gamer
-Nintendo Wii forcing people to flail their bodies around from the damn wii remote. Just a freakin normal controller for cripe's sake LOL
-game companies keep putting out DLC for new games. Eough already. Not everyone has the money to afford that crap
-Quit making more Halo games. How many are there anyway? 100?
The Wii was meant to get people more active while playing games.
Most DLC isn't worth buying anyways, so you're not missing out if you can't afford most of them.
Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, Halo: CE Remake, Halo Wars. There aren't 100 Halo games, only 7 - the Call of Duty franchise has more games.
Did Civilization V really need Catherine the Great to have a giant set of breasts?
Lol, that's nothing, Gwynevere's 'giant set of breasts' from Dark Souls holds the title.
Did Civilization V really need Catherine the Great to have a giant set of breasts?
Lol, that's nothing, Gwynevere's 'giant set of breasts' from Dark Souls holds the title.
She's a giant :PToo many sequels. I must be the only one, but I don't enjoy playing the same game over and over, with slight variations each time. Most of these franchises are past their prime in terms of quality anyway.
Stuffing multiplayer into games where nobody even wants it.
Console wars - egads :roll:
You basically said the 3 things that bother me the most.
The sequels one especially. Some of the biggest games this year I just don't understand the popularity of because they just seem like more of the same to me. MW3, AC: Revelations, Gears of War 3 especially. I personally find it really hard to get the same enjoyment out of a sequel as I did the first time round (unless its changed and improved massively), and would much rather play something that's new to me.
Also, I'd like to add pointless DLC... or DLC that should have been included in the retail copy of the game.
Lag and DLC being on the disc when you buy it, while I'm at it, Activision and EA really bug me too.
developers putting multiplayer ahead of single player would be my main complaint
other then that, gaming's getting better all the time :)
One thing that really, really REALLY annoys me in games is if they lack music. I can't even name the number of games I've played sitting in complete silence with only sound fx going on. Games feel half-finished without a good soundtrack, and the best games ever released have had incredible scores.
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