what game difficulty do you play your games at?
I play mostly on easy these days. Having a bunch of games that I havent finished yet. Playing them all on easy seems to be the best bet for me to finish them all. Plus im lazy.
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what game difficulty do you play your games at?
I play mostly on easy these days. Having a bunch of games that I havent finished yet. Playing them all on easy seems to be the best bet for me to finish them all. Plus im lazy.
At least on normal. Some games I like to crank it up to hardest or whatever, but I never feel any enjoyment playing on easy.
Used to play on easy alot, now I choose normal. Always bad to choose easy and just find out that you are breezing through the game.
I juggle between easy and normal. But I usually pick the easiest difficulty. I don't have the vast amounts of free time I had when I was a kid so I usually choose easy. So yeah...easy cheesy for me, and I'll go back and play on a harder difficulty if I really like the game.
generally i start at normal.
but if i'm pressed for time i'll do it on easy. by 'pressed for time' i mean that like perhaps in 2 or 3 days in the future of starting to play i have to go away or be doing something important. In that case i just wanna enjoy the story.
Normal, the way games were intended to be playedcampzorThat simply isn't true. For example, Halo plays best on heroic, IMO. On normal, the ai is dumbed down. Same deal with most fighting games. Uncharted, as well, plays much better on hard.
I always play on Easy because I don't want any frustrations to ruin how the fun the game is. Plus some games on easy aren't actually easy anyway.
I like to play on hard. Guess I think you get more satisfaction and sense of achievement from getting through a particularly difficult section or boss when playing on hard.
Sometimes you need to try different tactics or use certain weapons that you may have deemed useless on a easier setting, so for me it gets the most out a game if played on hard.
I first play games at Easy, then once I get used to the game-play, I will increase the difficulty to Normal, then Hard. I do so in games like Mario Kart DS and Kid Icarus: Uprising (games which I have played for long sessions).
Normal. It makes me feel as if that was the way the developers intended it to be played. If I like it enough, I might try the harder difficulties later on.
Usually hard. However, if the "hard" aspect is just making the game ridiculously cheap, I tone it down.Heirrenthis goes with a lot of today's mainstream games and it annoys the hell out of me. anyways, i play medium or hard, depending on what the game is. stalker, for example, i could never play on the hardest difficulty lol
Usuallly I start on the Hardest unless.
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