There has to be one game or game series that led you into the life of gaming. For me, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter definetly made a huge impact on me. What games made you the gamer you are today?
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There has to be one game or game series that led you into the life of gaming. For me, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter definetly made a huge impact on me. What games made you the gamer you are today?
Without Street Fighter II, I would've undoubtedly lost interest in gaming by the time I hit my teens.DarkCatalystI wasnt born when SF2 first came out but it did get me into arcade 2-D fighting games, i remember playing it in the arcades when i was younger
I would have to say Super Mario 64 or 007:Goldeneye. I remember playing those games non stop when I was younger. I never really got into Mario though. But Goldeneye definitely got me interested in first person shooters.
- I was 6 years old and I really enjoyed spending hours of my life watching the t.v show and playing the game ( it was such a great rpg )
- My first game ever. I was very lucky to play this as my first game instead of some other crap game like fifa 1988
Socom (the very first one)- got me into online shooters
Goldeneye was awesome, but I never had a N64 :(
MVP BAseball 2004- got me into baseball/sports games
Pokemon RBY- got me into RPGs
Final Fantasy X definetily had the most impact on the gamer I am today. Call of Duty 2 really helped me become an avid multiplayer gamer though.
Final Fantasy 7 was the video game that really pushed me into the threshold of the video game community. The title really showed me the kind of experience you can get in a video game which that I've never experienced before.
Super Mario Bros.
Ninja Gaiden
The Revenge of Shinobi
TMNT The Arcade Game
Double Dragon II The Revenge
Ms. Pac Man
There's been a few. It's mostly the games that inspired me to buy certain consoles...
However there's a couple that deserve a special mention...
- The Last Ninja (Commodore 64) This was the first game I remember wanting so badly, that I had to get the console.
- Double Dragon (Arcade) This game had me travelling to the arcade with my mates every day as a kid, and stole more money from me than any arcade game before it.
- Street Fighter 2 (Arcade) When this first hit the arcades, my friends and I wagged about a week of school to play it. Never before had fighting games been anywhere near this cool!
- Mortal Kombat (Arcade/ Mega Drive) I'll never forget the first time I saw MK. My younger brother dragged me into his bedroom to show me this new game he had (and promptly thereafter enjoy kicking my a** at it). So he gives me a hiding, and I'm ready to get back to whatever I was doing, then he rips my still beating heart out of my chest! WHAT ? ? ? Never before had I seen such a bold display of violence in a video game! I was blown away, and let him kick my a** with every pleyer to see all the fatalities. I bought a Mega Drive the next day, and became a bit of a legend at our local arcade... Undefeated for over a year at MK1. Then undefeated throughout the run of MK2. ;)
The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros. Classic. But the one game that got me into gaming and into the community- Burnout 3 Takedown. Brilliant racing game. And this generation, The Orange Box got me hooked onto first person shooters. Thanks Half-Life 2!
Mine Would be hands down Rachet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and Jak and DaxterThere has to be one game or game series that led you into the life of gaming. For me, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter definetly made a huge impact on me. What games made you the gamer you are today?
The old Game Boy and Game Boy Color pokemon games. They are what got me into RPG's as well as pokemon games.
Primal Rage for the PC got me into fighting games, which i play a lot of now.
I think that was it for me.
Some arcade game (maybe Contra) was my first step. First game of my own was Super Mario Bros. You could probably say that they made me become a gamer (I was really young at the time, though). However, I have to credit Turok, Halo, and Morrowind for opening the doors to FPSs and PC gaming for me, as I'm mostly a PC gamer these days, focusing on FPSs, WRPGs, and action/adventures.
Though I'd been gaming long before the game I'm about to mention, I feel my hobby just changed into something much better after I played it. The game I mention is my favorite game, Kingdom Hearts. Something...struck me by the game. It not only changed my outlook on gaming, it made me appreciate the little things in life a little bit more. Thanks KH, you will never be forgotten.
Though in retrospect, the games that formed my childhood were the Pokémon games, Crash Bandicoot series (Naughty Dog, of course), Spyro series (Insomniac), Banjo Kazooie (and Tooie), Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong 64, Star Ocean 2, Final Fantasy X and Monster Rancher 2, most in different points in time. Magical games, all of them.
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