1. I've never experienced that...ever.
2. Also...never experienced that either.
3. I think their prices on used stuff is pretty decent most of the time. I got ODST for 50 bucks and all I had to do was wait a week after it's release.
4. I don't understand everyone's problem with the trade in rates...yea ok they aren't the best but do you people really expect to get 60 bucks trade in? Everyone complains about them "selling used games as new" but everyone thinks they should be able to do the same? Simply put, they don't make that much money off of new games so they gotta make money somehow. Once you play a game it isn't new anymore as you all like to say so you shouldn't expect to get more than $30-$40 for anything.
Oh and when they take your PS2 games that takes up inventory spacein their store, space that can be used for current gen games that are more likely to sell. Remember, they get many different kinds of customers, not just uber nerds who only play super obscure games (Which in actuality everyone should give them credit for because Gamestop's selection is MUCH more varied then the gaming sections of Walmart or Best Buy.)
5. Who cares about the DLC? 99.9% of the time it is just a special skin or some lame item that is just for fun or something. Example: Brutal Legend...DLC bonus is a Tenacious D guitar skin that isn't even the most powerful in the game. If that is the kind of thing that keeps you awake at night you have bigger problems.
Is Gamestop perfect. NO. Is a thread on Gamespot 5 times a day by random people going to change anything? NO. I know Gamestop isnt going to be liked by everyone and it shouldn't be, but it gets tiring every day seeing people whine about it and call them an evil company or something. I know most of the people on here are young and have absolutely no idea how to run a business but you have to be aware of profit margins (Which in GS case is not high on new games) and Inventory management. Do you know why Best Buy can sell some games for $40 first week? Because they make all their money selling computers, TVs, cameras, and all that other stuff so they can afford to take a hit on a game in order to get people into the store, because they are counting on people to buy other stuff while they are there.
1. Lucky you, but clearly many people have shared my experiences.
2. Lucky you, but clearly many people have shared my experiences.
3. It is? I think the very fact that you're boasting about a $10 savings on a used product as being a landmark achievement says a lot, frankly. $5 is more often than not the norm. The deal you got on ODST should be the standard, if not the minimum. Their discounts on used games generally suck. Period. There are exceptions, sure, but those are exceptions.
4. Not 60, but does $20 sound right to you for a game that was a week old? I don't think $30-$35 is the ridiculous demand you make it out to be in that situation. And their "deals" are still a joke. Also, those weren't old ass PS2 games that took up space. They had shelves for those very same games, brand new. He wasn't trading in Timesplitters or something.
5. I don't care if it's lame. DLC is DLC, and it's often an extra map or character or two these days. I'm only saying that if people think console exclusive DLC is bad, there's no reason that this is ok by comparison.
6. Don't act as though I know nothing about profit margins and such. I've worked at two different Future Shops and have a Master's. Funnily enough, unless 1986 is just a random number in your SN, we're the same age. I don't care that Gamestop has to make their money somehow. That doesn't make them a better store. The fact remains that I can get a game for $40 one place and am forced to pay $70 at another place, and even then only with a pre-order. I don't care if Gamestop isn't able to do this due to their not having other departments; the fact remains that they can't do it and they're still demanding pre-orders. I'm not saying that Gamestop is an evil company, I'm just saying that they're a crappy store. Also, maybe it's just your location, but unless you're looking for last gen games, as far as this gen games go, I've found store stock to be about the same between Gamestop and the big box stores. If anything, Gamestop sells out easier.
7. I agree with you on the uselessness of having so many damned Gamestop hate threads. If you don't like the store, shop elsewhere. I do, as I see pretty much zero benefit to frequenting their stores. That said, here I am yelling on the internet nonetheless. Because it's the internet.
I wasn't boasting about a $10 savings...im saying saving 10 bucks for a new release just by waiting a couple extra days is pretty cool. Their trade in values really go by the odds of them being able to resell it quickly rather than how new the game is. Yea I've seen things like only getting 20 dollars after a week, but I can also trade in Madden halfway through the season for 35 because they know they can sell it fast.
Finally, I'm not saying you should care why Best Buy can sell a game for 40 and Gamestop has to sell it for normal price. Just saying that there is a reason and they don't do it just to be jack***es. And I didn't mean you specifically said Gamestop was evil, but a lot of people do.
It's cool that you have your Master's, i'm working on my MBA right now, what was your undergrad major?
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