@acanofcoke said:
@Wallyh08 said:
Sounds great
Playing dedicated servers with people you chat to on a regular basis elsewhere is the best way of making 'internet buddies' :D
This is my thinking
I began gaming around the age of 10, playing UT on the PC with my brother. I joined his clan and chatted to the same people as he, who were in another clan. Amongst those people was a fellow girly gamer, who to this day I still talk to (10 years on) and regard as one of my closest friends.
Basically, as true as my first point was (imo), the idea works the opposite way too. Playing with/against the same people over a period time can lead onto more conversation back onto a forum that you may not have known was a common interest, and who knows where that would lead!
We know of many occasions where gamers have started converse through a game and have later ended up a happily married couple.
Could this be an opportunity for a 'Gamespots' Cupid Spot' show? Who knows!
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