What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Path of Exile is coming to consoles
Divinity Enhanced edition is coming to consoles
Homeworld remaster is a remaster
Shadow Warrior is on consoles
There has been a lot of PC to consoles stuff going on lately. Interesting stuff really.
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Path of Exile is coming to consoles
Divinity Enhanced edition is coming to consoles
Homeworld remaster is a remaster
Shadow Warrior is on consoles
There has been a lot of PC to consoles stuff going on lately. Interesting stuff really.
You asked for exclusives. I gave you names of them. Path of Exile and Divinity are not on Consoles yet. So, both of them are still exclusives and came out after Wii U. Shadow Warrior was ported to Consoles, it was released as exclusive but still if you don't want to count it, fine.
Homeworld: Remastered is a remaster? So what? All I can see here is people bragging about Remasters on new Consoles and those aren't even real Remasters but 1080p ports. Even if we see stuff as you do then we are still left with:
I'm not listing a lot of other small indie games here.
This isn't really a competition at all. Wii U murders the other two in this regard. It has quality and quantity way over the other two consoles.
-Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
-Pikmin 3
-Bayonetta 2
-Super Mario 3D World
-Super Smash Bros. Wii U
All of these are of the utmost quality. The only other exclusive on the level of these games is Bloodborne.
It was an honest question btw
I count at least 6 games in there I never heard of.
I also admit to leaving out smaller DL titles from my previous console comparison because the nature of these exclusive showdowns is to usually focus on traditional, bigger/retail stuff. Games like Pushmo World, Entwined, etc were left out because generally speaking no one goes out of their way to buy these systems to play these impulse purchases. The same way gaming PC's are not exactly built for stuff like Papers Please or Gone. Home.
These games are great regardless of production values, but I argue that for the vast majority of gaming enthusiasts they are bonuses more than the reason why they stick to one platform.
I sincerely don't care, you don't want to put Affordable Space Adventures on your WiiU list, that's you, that game is personally cool and far more worthy of my time than the 8th time Nintendo decided to make Mario Kart. Neither their budget, nor their mind share has any impact on my joy with these systems. I want good games, great ones too, and the PC flat out gets so many of them.
And while I don't exactly PC game specifically for Braid, I do PC game for games like that, because it's a wildly superior platform for independent games like This War of Mine and the like. They are flat out more creative and inspired. In the case of games like Super Meat Boy, Spacechem, Cities Skylines, and something like Xenonauts, the gameplay is legit terrific and more nuanced than a lot of entries from would be "world class studios"
@jg4xchamp said:
Captain Toad once you get over that it has beautiful art and is endaring because Nintendo charm, you realize it's more or less a half baked set of ideas whose primary demographic has to be kids because it's basically like Kirby where they make no effort to challenge the player.
Cap Toad half baked? Nah, it knows fully well what it is. And kid friendly isnt a measure of quality.
Being kid friendly isn't inherently the problem, but I would argue there is a difference between Disney/Pixar and something like The Minions, in the same vein Mario has something to offer me while actually being pretty kid friendly. There is more than enough nuance to that game, in the case of Captain Toad? Those are pretty dull and vanilla puzzles compared to what games like Braid, Spacechem, Antichamber, The Swapper, World of Goo, Trine, Portal, The Talos Principle (**** you illmatic), and the like.
Presentation wise it's fine, charming even, but anything gameplay related? it doesn't actually do anything well. A lot of it comes down to "well I guess it works", but all of it is fairly standard and average compared to the puzzle games that have come out in the last 6 years.
Beyond that 3D world beating one more for a whopping 3 3D platformers isn't a bragging right, and modnation sucks, so again Mario Kart's only real competition in the past 2 gens: A sonic racing game (frankly I'd rather play that game, but I digress) and modnation racers, the very nature of it, it doesn't stack up. All time arcade racer? Nah, It's not even Nintendo's best arcade racer.
Hyrule Warriors is worse than Okay, it's shit, it's Dynasty Warriors.
Beyond that, trust me I don't disagree that the Xbox One and PS4 suck chode exclusives wise, but I'm not big on gassing up the WiiU exclusives either. And it isn't just some fabled "Nintendo standards", it's just in general, a lot of Nintendo's offering has been good, and I am actually pretty grateful that they finally did something new with Splatoon, but you take those 2 Platinum games and recently Affordable Space Adventures out of that library, and as good as Nintendo's games are, I'd say they are on a similar boat (as their competition) except I respect their games a little more.
It's a new gen, and as much as I'm gassing up MGS5, I want newer ideas being sold to me. Played enough of some of these franchises for one life time.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Maybe want play other games than Mario?
This isn't really a competition at all. Wii U murders the other two in this regard. It has quality and quantity way over the other two consoles.
-Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
-Pikmin 3
-Bayonetta 2
-Super Mario 3D World
-Super Smash Bros. Wii U
All of these are of the utmost quality. The only other exclusive on the level of these games is Bloodborne.
Gamespot may want to check the results for fake accounts or something. That, or, it may want to assess what it is doing to attract such a massive disproportionate XBox following.
Top 10 rated Wii U games as of now on Gamespot for 2015
8 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 .... 5 games with some of them being BAD , not even 10 games to be seen lol.
As much as successful 2014 was , exactly the opposite is the case for 2015. And since big guns are all around the corner for PS4/X1 and PC ...vote fast !
PC with the WiiU as a close second.
No contest, Xbox Won.
Ehh i dunno how you can even think that. I know you're an Xbox fan, but come on.
Opinions man.... well that and the X1 is a Saint of a systems with all the Halos. :P
Oh and Forzas as well.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Dota 2
Crusader Kings 2
Europa Universalis 4
Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm
Civilisation 5 Brave New World
Asseto Corsa
Company of Heroes 2
Wargame Airland Battles
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Sang Froid Tales of Werewolves
Expeditions Conquistador
Total War Rome 2
Divinity Dragon Commander
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Star Conflict
The Raven Legacy of a Master Thief
Eador Masters of the Broken World
Arma 3
Arklash Legacy
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Cities in Motion 2
Starpoint Gemini 2
Rise of the Triad
Rise of Venice
Divinity Original Sin
WOW Warlords of Draenor
The Thalos Principle
Legend of Grimrock 2
Ultimate General Gettysburg
The Blackwell Ephifany
This War of Mine
Endless Legend
Age of Wonders 3
Sunsless Sea
COH 2 Ardeness Assault
Civilisation Beyond Earth
Wasteland 2
Elite Dangerous
Wargame Red Dragon
The Incredible Adventures of van Helsing 2
Neo Scavenger
Gabriel Knight Anniversary
Shadows Heretic Kingdoms
IL2 Sturmovik Stalingrad
Kings Bounty Dark Side
Warlock 2
Dreamfall Chapters
Lords of Xulima
Might and Magic X
Dead State
The Sims 4
Lichdom Battlemage
Men of War Assault Squad 2
Tex Murphy Tesla Effect
Stronghold Crusader 2
Planetary Annihilation
Spellforce 2 Demons of the Past
Pillars of Eternity
Kerbal Space Program
Homeworld Remastered
Cities Skylines
Invisible Inc
Galactic Civilisations 3
The Book of Unwriten Tales
Age of Wonders 3 Eternal Lords
Total War Attila
Victor Vran
Hand of Fate
Grey Goo
Grow Home
Blackguards 2
Dungeons 2
Stardrive 2
Magicka 2
War for the Overlord
Dead Syncronicity
The Incredible Adventures of van Helsing 3
Star Hammer
Heroes of the Storm
Legend of Isenwald
The Red Solstice
The Sorcerer King
Left out two thirds of them
Everyone who posted X1 or PS4 is straight up in denial.
It's a proven fact that wii u has the most/best exclusives.
This isn't really a competition at all. Wii U murders the other two in this regard. It has quality and quantity way over the other two consoles.
-Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
-Pikmin 3
-Bayonetta 2
-Super Mario 3D World
-Super Smash Bros. Wii U
All of these are of the utmost quality. The only other exclusive on the level of these games is Bloodborne.
Gamespot may want to check the results for fake accounts or something. That, or, it may want to assess what it is doing to attract such a massive disproportionate XBox following.
I blame how things were last gen for the Xbox following. The fake accounts are probably the only way around the polls.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Maybe want play other games than Mario?
So you want to instead play more dark souls renamed and uncharted keeps charting? But it's MARIO they're sick of?
Hey look more infamous and more zonekills. No one is tired of those games or anything.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
All the X1 and PS4 votes are an absolute joke.
More so the PS4 votes. That system is on par with the suckiness of the Wii. All sales and no games.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Maybe want play other games than Mario?
Plenty of exclusives that are not Mario.
Pikmin 3
The Wonderful 101
Bayonetta 2
Donky Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
And even if it was all Mario, that'd probably still be better with the PS4's joke of an exclusive line up. The admittedly amazing Bloodborne simply cannot make up for the rest of the line up. But go ahead and vouch for the likes of Knack, Killzone: Shadowfall, The Order, and Driveclub if that's your thang.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
Now you stopped laugh about PS4 right ? When hard questions coming you cant answer you run like sonic.
You didnt answer my question nor had anything to say to my point. Well done once again. You and some others around keep running when things become nasty , run forest run in sort.
Hypocrisy continues!
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
Now you stopped laugh about PS4 right ? When hard questions coming you cant answer you run like sonic.
You didnt answer my question nor had anything to say to my point. Well done once again. You and some others around keep running when things become nasty , run forest run in sort.
Hypocrisy continues!
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
Now you stopped laugh about PS4 right ? When hard questions coming you cant answer you run like sonic.
You didnt answer my question nor had anything to say to my point. Well done once again. You and some others around keep running when things become nasty , run forest run in sort.
Hypocrisy continues!
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of .. There are only 5 games ( cant make it to 10 ) and 3/5 of them are craps !! And thats what makes you butthurt , facts are facts ! Do you have anything to say ?
Lol at all those that voted WiiU, this was about "best" not "most" exclusives...
What possible reason is there to vote for PS4 or Xbone?
Honestly, the PS4 list looks almost laughably dire.
Tell to people on what platform you currently gaming on , because definitly is not Wii U. Tell us so we know. Go see the top 10 rated games of Wii U for 2015 here on gamespot ...and laugh your ass off because i just checked and thats what i did.
Hardly see what 2015 has to do with anything. This thread is about exclusives period. As far as all exclusives are concerned, WIi U has a respectable list, PS4 and Xbone do not. Simple.
Now you stopped laugh about PS4 right ? When hard questions coming you cant answer you run like sonic.
You didnt answer my question nor had anything to say to my point. Well done once again. You and some others around keep running when things become nasty , run forest run in sort.
Hypocrisy continues!
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of
Good for you.
I just think that it would be better if you'd stop following around and getting butthurt about my opinions.
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of
Good for you.
I just think that it would be better if you'd stop following around and getting butthurt about my opinions.
8-8-7-6-5 !!! Wii U has the best games .... Even if you dont play wii u at the moment ... hypocrite. You dont have nothing to say , ok , i see. Dont get nervous , its all good. Im out !
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Path of Exile is coming to consoles
Divinity Enhanced edition is coming to consoles
Homeworld remaster is a remaster
Shadow Warrior is on consoles
There has been a lot of PC to consoles stuff going on lately. Interesting stuff really.
You asked for exclusives. I gave you names of them. Path of Exile and Divinity are not on Consoles yet. So, both of them are still exclusives and came out after Wii U. Shadow Warrior was ported to Consoles, it was released as exclusive but still if you don't want to count it, fine.
Homeworld: Remastered is a remaster? So what? All I can see here is people bragging about Remasters on new Consoles and those aren't even real Remasters but 1080p ports. Even if we see stuff as you do then we are still left with:
I'm not listing a lot of other small indie games here.
Consoles would not be able to handle the greatness of ArmA 3 and the absolute disaster that is Bohemia's engine.
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Path of Exile is coming to consoles
Divinity Enhanced edition is coming to consoles
Homeworld remaster is a remaster
Shadow Warrior is on consoles
There has been a lot of PC to consoles stuff going on lately. Interesting stuff really.
You asked for exclusives. I gave you names of them. Path of Exile and Divinity are not on Consoles yet. So, both of them are still exclusives and came out after Wii U. Shadow Warrior was ported to Consoles, it was released as exclusive but still if you don't want to count it, fine.
Homeworld: Remastered is a remaster? So what? All I can see here is people bragging about Remasters on new Consoles and those aren't even real Remasters but 1080p ports. Even if we see stuff as you do then we are still left with:
I'm not listing a lot of other small indie games here.
Consoles would not be able to handle the greatness of ArmA 3 and the absolute disaster that is Bohemia's engine.
Guys if this poll had PC as an option as well .... we would have a winner already. There isnt such option though so ...
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of
Good for you.
I just think that it would be better if you'd stop following around and getting butthurt about my opinions.
8-8-7-6-5 !!! Wii U has the best games .... Even if you dont play wii u at the moment ... hypocrite. You dont have nothing to say , ok , i see. Dont get nervous , its all good. Im out !
Haha. I just got done playing Mario Kart 8 a few hours ago. But go ahead and act like you know what I'm playing better than I do if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I get nervous about some internet poster who can barely string a coherent sentence together getting mad about my opinions?
There's no reason that my opinions should bother you so much. You got so mad in that other thread that you called me autistic lol.
@GameSpot - Let me try to understand your logic. You don't include the "system" that would clearly win by "97%" so it doesn't count? I think really it's because big gaming publications are afraid of what PC gaming is doing to the console markets. Big gaming publications (You included) have been trying to downplay the death of console gaming for the better part of a decade now. It's not working out so well anymore is it?
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of
Good for you.
I just think that it would be better if you'd stop following around and getting butthurt about my opinions.
8-8-7-6-5 !!! Wii U has the best games .... Even if you dont play wii u at the moment ... hypocrite. You dont have nothing to say , ok , i see. Dont get nervous , its all good. Im out !
Haha. I just got done playing Mario Kart 8 a few hours ago. But go ahead and act like you know what I'm playing better than I do if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I get nervous about some internet poster who can barely string a coherent sentence together getting mad about my opinions?
There's no reason that my opinions should bother you so much. You got so mad in that other thread that you called me autistic lol.
Nice , what else you playing ... or you gonna play the same games for 2 straight years ? Prove ex nintendos CEO claim that Wii U is a secondary console wrong then ... you cant , everyone admits it already , even nintendo themselfs.
Im mad again ? You using this again and again to annoy me and you think it really works ? Im having fun right now ! I swear a god i do ! I told you before i never getting mad or angry , im giving you once again 1/10 for your tries to get into me... You doing it wrong.
So since you dont have anything to say against my original claims and you run out of arguments , im going out ! If you want to continue this its up to you. Ill be around !
PS : And dont get mad , i play your own game
I'm sorry my posts make you so butthurt but that's not going to change my opinion. PS4's exclusive line up is not good, Wii U's is. Deal.
Butthurt ? How im butthurt , im answering to every single idiotic claim you do ... When the time comes to answer my questions ... you crying out loud. Top 10 most rated Wii U games on Gamespot , thats what im looking at and laughing my ass of
Good for you.
I just think that it would be better if you'd stop following around and getting butthurt about my opinions.
8-8-7-6-5 !!! Wii U has the best games .... Even if you dont play wii u at the moment ... hypocrite. You dont have nothing to say , ok , i see. Dont get nervous , its all good. Im out !
Haha. I just got done playing Mario Kart 8 a few hours ago. But go ahead and act like you know what I'm playing better than I do if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I get nervous about some internet poster who can barely string a coherent sentence together getting mad about my opinions?
There's no reason that my opinions should bother you so much. You got so mad in that other thread that you called me autistic lol.
Nice , what else you playing ... or you gonna play the same games for 2 straight years ? Prove ex nintendos CEO claim that Wii U is a secondary console wrong then ... you cant , everyone admits it already , even nintendo themselfs.
Im mad again ? You using this again and again to annoy me and you think it really works ? Im having fun right now ! I swear a god i do ! I told you before i never getting mad or angry , im giving you once again 1/10 for your tries to get into me... You doing it wrong.
So since you dont have anything to say against my original claims and you run out of arguments , im going out ! If you want to continue this its up to you. Ill be around !
PS : And dont get mad , i play your own game
Who cares if Wii U is a secondary console? Yes, it plays second fiddle to my PS3, but that doesn't change my opinion that Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the PS4 is absolute joke in that department. Now you can either deal with that or get mad again. Your choice.
Also, I thought you said "I'm out." Why are you still replying me? I mean, you can if you want. I don't mind. But I don't know why you'd keep engaging in a conversation that is clearly raising your blood pressure.
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Gone Home
Papers Please
Path of Exile
Kentucky Route Zero
Might and Magic Heroes VI
Company of Heroes 2
Dota 2
Divinity Dragon Commander
Electronic Super Joy
Shadowrun Returns
Arma 3
The Stanley Parable
Risk of Rain
I'll spare myself the effort and stop there with just 2013, because that's the nature of the platformer...
You listed games, now how many of those are AAAE?
What PC exclusives came out since this gen started with Wii U?
Gone Home
Papers Please
Path of Exile
Kentucky Route Zero
Might and Magic Heroes VI
Company of Heroes 2
Dota 2
Divinity Dragon Commander
Electronic Super Joy
Shadowrun Returns
Arma 3
The Stanley Parable
Risk of Rain
I'll spare myself the effort and stop there with just 2013, because that's the nature of the platformer...
You listed games, now how many of those are AAAE?
Not sure why that matters. It's not like the other systems are swimming in AAAEs.
@GameSpot - Let me try to understand your logic. You don't include the "system" that would clearly win by "97%" so it doesn't count? I think really it's because big gaming publications are afraid of what PC gaming is doing to the console markets. Big gaming publications (You included) have been trying to downplay the death of console gaming for the better part of a decade now. It's not working out so well anymore is it?
The death of console gaming would imply that this generation of consoles is not selling. Let's face it, that's not the current reality. Console gaming is as alive and well as PC gaming. More so now, that being a gamer is more mainstream than ever, and console marketing is a beast of it's own reaching to more than enough households.
For those wondering why Wii U was killing the other two consoles and then out of nowhere, it flip flops... It is because this poll is open to anyone and Gamespot linked this post to many of their Social Media accounts. So people on Facebook, Twitter, etc clicked and voted.
We already know Wii U has the best exclusives but this became a popularity contents for the masses to make themselves feel better for the console they own.
Haha. I just got done playing Mario Kart 8 a few hours ago. But go ahead and act like you know what I'm playing better than I do if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I get nervous about some internet poster who can barely string a coherent sentence together getting mad about my opinions?
There's no reason that my opinions should bother you so much. You got so mad in that other thread that you called me autistic lol.
Nice , what else you playing ... or you gonna play the same games for 2 straight years ? Prove ex nintendos CEO claim that Wii U is a secondary console wrong then ... you cant , everyone admits it already , even nintendo themselfs.
Im mad again ? You using this again and again to annoy me and you think it really works ? Im having fun right now ! I swear a god i do ! I told you before i never getting mad or angry , im giving you once again 1/10 for your tries to get into me... You doing it wrong.
So since you dont have anything to say against my original claims and you run out of arguments , im going out ! If you want to continue this its up to you. Ill be around !
PS : And dont get mad , i play your own game
Who cares if Wii U is a secondary console? Yes, it plays second fiddle to my PS3, but that doesn't change my opinion that Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the PS4 is absolute joke in that department. Now you can either deal with that or get mad again. Your choice.
Also, I thought you said "I'm out." Why are you still replying me? I mean, you can if you want. I don't mind. But I don't know why you'd keep engaging in a conversation that is clearly raising your blood pressure.
Ask Nintendo who cares if its a secondary console or not.
Wii U for now has an amazing exclusive line up but Dissing other platforms like this when Wii U is in a nasty position heading to its official death while providing the minimum amount of games anyone can think of ( i told sheep again a year ago more or less ) will backfire to you. And what i said back then became a reality the latest months. I would understand if PS4 had zero exclusives to call it absolute joke but it has its moments. So you exaggerating and we all get why you do that.
The funny thing is while you exaggerating about PS4/X1 exclusives im not exaggerating at all about Wii U being in a pathetic state and most sheep gaming on other platforms as we speak waiting for Zelda ( most of even ) ... They gaming even on consoles they dissing ! Thats where hypocriticism starts and thats what i want to prove... which i do and i did and will always do , thats why i came with 10 top rated games of 2015 and thats why i asked you on what platform you gaming on since you hard dissing everything else as a joke...
So dont tell me isnt a joke that Wii U had such an amazing 2014 to give you the middle finger in 2015 in that fashing. Top 10 rated games for Wii U in 2015 and there are only 5 games to rate ... while the highest rated out of those 5 are 3 games of 5/6/7 ? Isnt this a joke to you ?
its funny that most of you gaming with "jokes" then because of fanboyism and ego alone you wont admit the obvious... Its alright , we all know what is really happening. So stop dissing other systems in that fashion because there are many things Wii U can be dissed for as well.
Also you still think im mad , i dont get why you getting this impression but its ok if it makes you feel better since im making things nasty for you to think i am mad , so be it. Im replying because you do as well.
Haha. I just got done playing Mario Kart 8 a few hours ago. But go ahead and act like you know what I'm playing better than I do if that helps you sleep at night.
Why would I get nervous about some internet poster who can barely string a coherent sentence together getting mad about my opinions?
There's no reason that my opinions should bother you so much. You got so mad in that other thread that you called me autistic lol.
Nice , what else you playing ... or you gonna play the same games for 2 straight years ? Prove ex nintendos CEO claim that Wii U is a secondary console wrong then ... you cant , everyone admits it already , even nintendo themselfs.
Im mad again ? You using this again and again to annoy me and you think it really works ? Im having fun right now ! I swear a god i do ! I told you before i never getting mad or angry , im giving you once again 1/10 for your tries to get into me... You doing it wrong.
So since you dont have anything to say against my original claims and you run out of arguments , im going out ! If you want to continue this its up to you. Ill be around !
PS : And dont get mad , i play your own game
Who cares if Wii U is a secondary console? Yes, it plays second fiddle to my PS3, but that doesn't change my opinion that Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the PS4 is absolute joke in that department. Now you can either deal with that or get mad again. Your choice.
Also, I thought you said "I'm out." Why are you still replying me? I mean, you can if you want. I don't mind. But I don't know why you'd keep engaging in a conversation that is clearly raising your blood pressure.
Ask Nintendo who cares if its a secondary console or not.
Wii U for now has an amazing exclusive line up but Dissing other platforms like this when Wii U is in a nasty position heading to its official death while providing the minimum amount of games anyone can think of ( i told sheep again a year ago more or less ) will backfire to you. And what i said back then became a reality the latest months. I would understand if PS4 had zero exclusives to call it absolute joke but it has its moments. So you exaggerating and we all get why you do that.
The funny thing is while you exaggerating about PS4/X1 exclusives im not exaggerating at all about Wii U being in a pathetic state and most sheep gaming on other platforms as we speak waiting for Zelda ( most of even ) ... They gaming even on consoles they dissing ! Thats where hypocriticism starts and thats what i want to prove... which i do and i did and will always do , thats why i came with 10 top rated games of 2015 and thats why i asked you on what platform you gaming on since you hard dissing everything else as a joke...
So dont tell me isnt a joke that Wii U had such an amazing 2014 to give you the middle finger in 2015 in that fashing. Top 10 rated games for Wii U in 2015 and there are only 5 games to rate ... while the highest rated out of those 5 are 3 games of 5/6/7 ? Isnt this a joke to you ?
its funny that most of you gaming with "jokes" then because of fanboyism and ego alone you wont admit the obvious... Its alright , we all know what is really happening. So stop dissing other systems in that fashion because there are many things Wii U can be dissed for as well.
Also you still think im mad , i dont get why you getting this impression but its ok if it makes you feel better since im making things nasty for you to think i am mad , so be it. Im replying because you do as well.
Why are you wasting your breath with all this ranting?
This thread is about exclusives, not about the Wii U's state in general.
Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the other two do not.
This is not rocket science.
It's the WiiU, no contest.
Also lol at the nogamestation4 winning.
Proof that PS4 owners and system wars folk are straight up delusional.
Who cares if Wii U is a secondary console? Yes, it plays second fiddle to my PS3, but that doesn't change my opinion that Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the PS4 is absolute joke in that department. Now you can either deal with that or get mad again. Your choice.
Also, I thought you said "I'm out." Why are you still replying me? I mean, you can if you want. I don't mind. But I don't know why you'd keep engaging in a conversation that is clearly raising your blood pressure.
Ask Nintendo who cares if its a secondary console or not.
Wii U for now has an amazing exclusive line up but Dissing other platforms like this when Wii U is in a nasty position heading to its official death while providing the minimum amount of games anyone can think of ( i told sheep again a year ago more or less ) will backfire to you. And what i said back then became a reality the latest months. I would understand if PS4 had zero exclusives to call it absolute joke but it has its moments. So you exaggerating and we all get why you do that.
The funny thing is while you exaggerating about PS4/X1 exclusives im not exaggerating at all about Wii U being in a pathetic state and most sheep gaming on other platforms as we speak waiting for Zelda ( most of even ) ... They gaming even on consoles they dissing ! Thats where hypocriticism starts and thats what i want to prove... which i do and i did and will always do , thats why i came with 10 top rated games of 2015 and thats why i asked you on what platform you gaming on since you hard dissing everything else as a joke...
So dont tell me isnt a joke that Wii U had such an amazing 2014 to give you the middle finger in 2015 in that fashing. Top 10 rated games for Wii U in 2015 and there are only 5 games to rate ... while the highest rated out of those 5 are 3 games of 5/6/7 ? Isnt this a joke to you ?
its funny that most of you gaming with "jokes" then because of fanboyism and ego alone you wont admit the obvious... Its alright , we all know what is really happening. So stop dissing other systems in that fashion because there are many things Wii U can be dissed for as well.
Also you still think im mad , i dont get why you getting this impression but its ok if it makes you feel better since im making things nasty for you to think i am mad , so be it. Im replying because you do as well.
Why are you wasting your breath with all this ranting?
This thread is about exclusives, not about the Wii U's state in general.
Wii U has a good exclusive line up while the other two do not.
This is not rocket science.
Because you dissing when what you praising is in a joke state instead after all this praising ... Thats why ! Calling platforms a joke then youll end up gaming on them .. thats the only joke about it.
And noone told you Wii U dont have the stronger exclusive line up ... but calling other jokes ... i just proved you what real jokes are with that rant of mine which you cant deny them because are facts.
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