Many of you gotta be kidding me, right?
Fortunately, there was at least this one topic admitting The Conduit doesn't look good at all, after the first boom of insane topics. It's nice to see not everyone can be driven crazy so easily, because you scared me at first. A lot. So, I have a few things to share, and please, don't bring the engine as an excuse here, there is more to be taken with a grain of salt than those promised all mighty graphics. Let's get started.
We know nothing besides promises. The whole article was more like advertising than actual information. They praised the game a lot, but... for what exactly? No info on gameplay, horrid pics. That's it, start the hype.
2. "Horrid pics?! This looks fantastic!"
Maybe you need a pair of glasses or an extra eye. That's all there is to be said here.
3. "But this game is inspired in the greatest FPSs of all time!"
I don't remember this being the failproof quality formula. Those greatest FPSs of all time weren't a mix of previous achievements, so The Conduit is pretty much going against what made those FPSs the great games they are. Right now, The Conduit looks like a mess, each picture seems a totally different (and bland) game. Talk about lack of identity...
4. "It's still early in development!"
Not my problem. High Voltage claims to be achieving something never-before-seen on Wii, and all they bring to prove it is a bunch of terrible pics? They're relying too much on mere "potential" here (and apparently on our optimism too), as they wait for a publisher, one more reason to take it with a grain of salt.
5. "You know it's going to get better, you saw the engine."
It's definetely going to get better, I'm looking forward to it, but now it's you who is starting to relie on mere "potential". Until they actually achieve those "360 quality graphics", there's no reason to drool about it. Then again, don't get fooled by an engine. Sounds like they're going too much on the technical side, so even if they achieve gazillions of effects, it will still look awful without solid art direction - which is lacking right now. Take the engine video for example: it showcases a bunch of effects, but looks totally bland (after all, it's just a technical demo). If a whole game looks like this, then it's a just a waste.
6. "OK, but do you really expect the Wii to be maxed out so early in its lifespan?"
We are not early in its lifespan anymore. Of course, I don't expect The Conduit (or any other game this year for that matter) to max out the Wii, it looks way far from it right now, but I guess we all agree the excuses for bad graphics ended with SMG. So unless a game actually showcases something better than SMG, there's no reason to claim it's going to be da bomb.
7. "I don't care, The Conduit is going to rule!"
Red Steel was going to rule.
There you go. Why I am telling you all that? Because I fear a new trend is going to start: it seems all a dev has to do to get our love is to say what we want to hear. Don't fool yourself, all we can get from the IGN article is that, so far, High Voltage has put more effort dissing its competitors than making a memorable game. You may say it's too early to hate the game, but it's even earlier to love it.
Thankfully, we have Factor 5 who seems to be willing to show us what they have been doing once it's perfectly presentable.
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