[QUOTE="ActicEdge"]No, I'm done making excuses for developers pulling this **** on wii owners where they would never pull it on the other consoles. I don't consider a rail shooter as EA taking the wii seriously, how can I?JordanElek
The Wii is the only viable console option for a rail shooter, so of course this wouldn't happen on another console. Maybe EA wanted to make a rail shooter to out-do all the other games in its genre, and they chose the Dead Space franchise because it suits the genre very well.
EA is taking the Wii seriously by playing to its strengths. The Wii has become known as the platform for the out-of-the-ordinary. If you want the ordinary, you need to buy another console. You can hate that idea all you want and curse developers for sticking to it, but that's the way it is.
And yes, onrails shooters are out of the ordinary. How many of them existed on a home console before the Wii, and how many of them exist on other current consoles?
Dude, I bought a wii for out of the ordinary ideas, I bought Z-dub for Goodness sakes, a rail shooter is not out of the ordinary, this is EA being lazy. Without turning this into a SW comment, crap like a spin off in another genre would not be pulled on the other consoles but is always pulled out on the wii and people always defend it. I won't question why but don't expect me to conform to your way of thinking.
On rails isn't out of the ordinary, Zack and wiki is out of the ordinary. On rails is just something not done on consoles but since consoles aren't the only form of gaming, you have no point. Unless you know, I haven't played tons of arcade games on rails.
You can believe EA is taking the wii seriously if you want, I however know better than to consider an on rails version of an open world 3rd person shooter serious suppot. You'll need a better argument then out of the ordinary and Dead Space (a 3rd person horror game for god sakes) to make a point about this issue.
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