[QUOTE="JordanElek"][QUOTE="ActicEdge"]On rails isn't out of the ordinary, Zack and wiki is out of the ordinary. On rails is just something not done on consoles but since consoles aren't the only form of gaming, you have no point.ActicEdge
You could say the same for point and click adventures. The fact is that neither genre is established in the console market whatsoever, and it isn't crazy for EA to want to tap into the point-and-shoot genre on the Wii if they think they can take the top spot. It's actually a pretty smart move.
It's hard for me to argue about the what-ifs in Dead Space as a third-person shooter since I haven't played the original. There could be many reasons for them to think that it wouldn't translate well enough to be a big seller on the Wii. It could be that they're just waiting to bring the next multiplat third-person shooter installment of the franchise to all three consoles, rather than porting the first one to the Wii or making an entirely new one as a Wii-exclusive.
I've said it again and again over the past few days.... It's fine to be disappointed, but we have to look at the game that's actually being made. So far, for what it's trying to be, it looks like it has some potential. Just because this game is on rails doesn't mean that the Wii won't see a third-person installment in the future, if EA decides that the market is ready for it. People seem to be taking this game's direction as EA saying "Screw you Wii owners!" That doesn't make any sense. They're making a business decision. We'll have to wait and see if it was actually a good one or not.
I'm not arguing that, this isn't a "hate EA because they made a rail shooter". I never once stated that. This is EA not being clear on there intentions? The game will probably be good, I don't care, that's not my point. EA made this game seem like it would be big, the game wii owners had been finally waiting for, and they lied. That is why people are disappointed. It doesn't matter what EA does after this, the damage has already been done. Or am I wrong?
The damage has not been done. I'm not happy about Dead Space being a rail shooter, but EA makes pleanty of other titles that I have fun with (Need for Speed, Skate It, Medal of Honor, and the best game ever -- BATTLEFIELD!!!). I think I own more EA games than any other publisher. Point is, judge each game individually. If it's done well, I can see how a game like this would be fun in 2 player mode but I don't think this is a game that would keep my interested very long by myslef. To me, rail shooters are a gimmick and if they are going this way they should go all out and turn it in to a sterostropic 3D experience. Seeing one of those creatures jump out of the screen at me would be cool.
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